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"So that's the true boss monster right, how truly disgusting, it's as ugly as the personality of that goblin bitch, sigh well whatever, I will just have to destroy it."

『My liege would you like me to destroy it』

"Well, it doesn't matter, honestly speaking I care not who destroys it, all I desire is the livestock to feast and play with, the quicker I get the hell out of this dungeon, the better, I still have a lot of things I needed to do as well if anything I want to start the construction of my house preferably somewhere far from humans, they truly do disgust me, maybe I should build it on a mountain surrounded by beautiful mother nature."

『Hmmm... if I may, can I suggest something my liege』

"And what might that be Lilith?"

『This would be a good time, to test out your ability to interact with nature, look around you there is snow for as far as the eyes can see, clouds, air, earth, and even some living organisms as well』

"Ha... yes your right, I wonder what I should do?"

『Pesonally speaking try using the environment to your advantage, previously you were in their domain, now that you are outside, these lots are in your house, that means your rules』

"Ohhhh... I see that would suffice for some much-needed practice, very well then, let me be in control Lilith."


『Autopilot mode has been turned off, your actions are now your own』

And right after, I regain consciousness of myself, as I descend to the ground, and look at the final boss monster that is Nargal the oppressor.

But just by looking at him, I can say this thing before me was not even self-aware, it's just a super overpowered puppet this annoying bitch controls.

"Tsk.... very well then, let me give this my all."

I said with a confident tone, now all that was left was to see just how much control and authority I now had over mother nature.

So with that said my bare feet touch the cold surface of the snow, and automatically I began to feel a connection with the world around me, it was as if I was one with everything.

I could feel it all, I could see it all, I could hear it all, and better yet I know it all.

Anything that touches the snow, cannot beat me, anything that flies in the air cannot escape me, it was as if nature was beckoning me, it was as if it was waiting for me to say the word so it can unleash its wrath to whoever dares attack or defies me.

And at the same time, I began to hear the voice of the crazy bitch as she said with a painful tone.

"yOu BAsTaRd... I WiLl kIlL YOu... I...aM gOiNG tO MAke yOU CrY In PaIn, CruSh HIm naRGaL."

And at the same time, Nargal the deceased goblin king began to raise his hand as he punch me, instantly I began to raise my hands which made a huge chunk of the earth arise from the ground and turn into several giant pairs of muscular snowy hands.

Which I used to stop the attack, but I underestimated the power of the goblin king's strength because although each hand was at least half the size of his, all of them break instantly under the sheer force of the attack.

As it destroyed each of them as if breaking a block that was already on the verge of shattering, huge chunks of rocks and waves of snow flew right back at me, and a loud explosion could be heard.


Automatically I know what I needed to do, so with my all, I began to dodge the strike as I manipulate the earth beneath me to create a giant snow pillar that push me out of the way.

I was pushed back at least sixty meters in the air, but as I did that another hand suddenly came out of nowhere as it was about to crush me.


Yes with the additional hands that Nargal possesses it was not easy to avoid his attacks much less counter them, so my only options were to stand up in the air and dash forward with all my might, using my super speed, however, the size of his arms were so huge and so fast, I barely manage to dodge, as the tip of his knuckle graze me.

And within that last second, I manage to block the attack but with a monster with a level of 231 along with a strength that exceeds 9000+, it was still fatal because right after, I fell and crashed to the ground as a giant crater was formed below me.


And upon taking that attack it excites the goblin bitch as she said.

"WhO iS LaUghInG nOw!?"

But as I touch the ground, what came next was the other pair of hands, this time it was the ones that were on fire, as it strikes through, the neat coming off of it was so hot that, burn marks began to appear on my body and the snow beneath me began to melt, and at a rapid rate that.

At that moment, there was no dodging it, so I sank myself deep into the earth as a barrage of super fast, and super powerful smashes began to come pouring onto me.





Each hit was the equivalent of a tiny meteorite falling from the sky creating a great impact that damaged the environment greatly.

And seeing our size difference and his insane defense status as well you could say, I was trapped in a deadlocked.

The punches did not falter as the mountain began to crack and shake with each hit Nargal threw at me, however, I can't keep hiding under the arms of mother nature forever.

"I need to retaliate now, but if I resurface I'm going to get squash like a bug thousand times over."

"Damnit think you fool, how can I overcome this fucking colossal gorilla?"

At that moment in that barrage of powerful hits, I felt lost in this monster's physical strength, it was clear he was in another dimension than me, but that's when I began to think of something, to escape this deadlock.

That's when I began to think and finally thought of something I forgot.

The title, Apostle of Akashina, gives me the power to manipulate and interact with nature at any level disregarding limitations, without a doubt it is my most powerful attack skill, and most likely my second trump card, this entire fight I just wanted to see how much authority I had over nature.

If what Lilith said is true, then does that means I'm something like mother nature, yes originally I think I can make it rain, maybe even call fort storms at best, but Lilith did not put a limit to how much power I had over nature itself.

However, when I witness my sister, the Demon King of Sorrow demonstrating her power in front of the Live-broadcast, I thought to myself that she was strong even more so than me.

At that time, I had no confidence in myself that I can beat her, even though I have time stopped, as it seems she can make herself intangible by some mysterious means.

But at that time Lilith herself confirms, that with the power of the title "Apostle of Akashina" alone I could kill her a thousand times over.

Nature, what is nature, if anything I would define it as the most beautiful thing mother earth has to offer, but at the same time, it is the cruelest and most destructive force to exist.

"I see, if I cannot beat you with my strength alone, I will have to use something far more natural, and far more destructive, to make up for lack of stats and level."

--Necroma Pov--

--Inside Necroma's thoughts--

As I sat there on the control panel of my deceased husband's head, I wallow in pain and misery as my body feel like it was been destroyed and rebuilt in never cycle of endless torture.

But if I can usurp the divine eyes of desire from this demon, I can find a way to cure and free myself from this miserable hell.

"Damn him... I swear im going to destroy him for this, how dear he turn my beautiful body, into this ugly monstrosity."

"I don't deserve this, why, why, why, why, WHY!?"

But anyway, I will make him pay dearly for this sin, I shall make him feel just as much pain that I am feeling, no one can defeat my husband, he was known for his strength, that and the fact I also run some experiment on this body for years as well, so even if he is an archduke he won't beat me.

"Hmmm... I hope you turn into a puddle of blood under those barrage of never-ending fists."

But as I began to think this, I also began to notice something.

"Is it me, or is it started to get colder?"


I ask, but I was soon knocked out of my thoughts when I felt something hit me from above and when I look I saw something I wasn't expecting.

"Ha... is this hail?"

Yes when I look beside me, there was a giant piece of hail the size of a soccer ball that suddenly drop and shattered beside me, and then.






"What the hell, what happened to the weather!?"

Yes, it didn't take long, for something to change, because as I look up, the weather miraculously started to change, and when I mean change I mean it did a 180°.

Giant hail started to fall from the sky at a fast speed, along with snow, rain, and surprisingly even hot ashes, the sky itself began to turn dark, really quick, and the advent of sunshine soon disappear from this world, and the only light that graces the surface below was the sudden flash of lightning all of which were different colors traveling in every direction, honestly, the phenomenon just seems impossible.

Even the winds suddenly started to pick up, and as snow, hail, rain, and ashes began to blow in our direction, I had no choice but to cast a barrier, to protect us from the wind.



But it didn't end there no because when I look up at the clouds that cover the entire sky, I notice tornadoes started to form, not one, not two but hundreds and all of them were massive too.

The Earth began to shake ferociously, as a powerful earthquake was suddenly born, as the earth began to crack and crumble, and if this wasn't bad enough moment later, what followed were a consecutive series of massive volcanic eruptions.





I look at this in shock, because all the volcanoes on this land were frozen volcanoes, so how were they suddenly reactivated?

No, the bigger question is, what caused this sudden apocalyptic disaster to happen?

But as I began to think about this, one thought came to my mind.

"No! impossible! it couldn't be, right?"

I said as I watch the crater.

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