Chapter 42: Perverted Lowlife

Zhang ZhengXiong raised his shield and directly crashed into the middle one. He deflected the harpoon and, using the rage he just accumulated, raised his machete to performed two rapid strikes on the fishman’s face.

SpyingBlade’s dagger stabbed towards the fishman’s throat, his dagger was like a brutal shadow, repeatedly stabbing out. Dodging past the fishman that ThornyRose had injured, FrozenBlood reverse her grip on her daggers and pounced on the one being assaulted by Zhang ZhengXiong and SpyingBlade. The three of them worked together to quickly slay the first one.

Ye Cang’s arrows, one after the other, accurately stabbed into their weak points. ThornyRose felt like it was ElegantFragrance behind her, providing her support and accurately shooting just the right places. She leaned over to allow GreenDew’s Magic Missiles to pass and took this chance to look towards Ye Cang. She saw him raise his bow, changing targets to the one attacked by Lin Le and FrozenCloud. He calmly drew his bow and rapidly shot more arrows. Hah~ how good it would be if he was a ranged specialized class like the hunter. Examining Zhang ZhengXiong she felt even more regret, he was this good even as a priest. She then looked back to Ye Cang who was shooting while simultaneously chanting a spell to heal her, and smiled bitterly.

For example, even now, FrozenCloud thought that Zhang ZhengXiong was a fighter. SpyingBlade thought he was a paladin because of the shield he had sold them was restricted to priests and paladins. No matter how he thought about it, there was no way he was a priest, so he must be a paladin.

After finishing off all three fishmen warriors, Ye Cang shouted: “I want to loot one!!”

ThornyRose rolled her eyes, couldn’t he give it up just once!? She hesitated on whether to let him loot one or not. This ‘party leader’, although he didn’t seem like one, was after all the party leader. But what if the one he looted would have dropped something good? But there was 3 of them after all, she could still accept losing one. She sighed and said: “Just one!”

FrozenCloud and SpyingBlade were puzzled. Before, when they killed the fishman elder shaman, they were already curious. Why were they so desperate to stop him from looting the corpses and chests?

Ye Cang rubbed his hands and looked towards the three fishmen warriors. “Which one should I pick? Hmmm, let’s loot the left one...”

Ye Cang reached out to loot the corpse, searching it carefully. He raised his eyebrows: “Is the position wrong?”

He took the body to another place, putting it on a pile of rocks, and searched it again. “Could it be he was in such a rush to come over that he didn’t bring anything with him? Mm! It must be so, can I loot another one? I can feel a good item coming.”

ThornyRose, FrozenBlood, and GreenDew simultaneously glared at him. “Get lost...”

Lin Le went and looted the other two. He took out a leather breastplate and leather glove. “Two fine quality armors dropped.”

“I knew I picked wrong. The left one was definitely in too much of a hurry.” Ye Cang whispered.

ThornyRose covered her forehead and sighed. She took the items from Lin Le. “The breastplate gives +1 Dexterity, The gloves give +1 Strength.”

“Let’s roll” Ye Cang stroked his chin and nodded.

Lin Le took out his dice, ready to go.

“Roll your sister!” ThornyRose glared at him. “10 silver each, don’t maliciously raise the price. Let’s bid.”

In the end, Ye Cang paid 15 silver for the chestplate and put it on. Lin Le paid 10 silver for the gloves, with no one bidding against it, and handed it to FrozenCloud.

The three of them continued further into the cave, running into many groups of fishmen warriors and fishmen shaman obtaining about a dozen pieces of fine equipment. Besides the Chestplate, Ye Cang also got new pants. Zhang ZhengXiong got gloves and a helmet, which gave a point of strength and constitution respectively. Lin Le got 3 new +1 Strength equipment. Everyone had managed to replace one or two pieces of common equipment with fine quality ones. ThornyRose was happy to learn that hidden story quest monsters had high drop-rates. At the same time, Ye Cang got many fishmen materials, making ThornyRose horrified.

Walking further into the cave, the stones become mor and more wet, and there were less and less fishmen. After passing some stalactites, the passage started to open up again. The first thing they saw were stalactites all over the place except for a circle in the middle. Their vision wasn’t bad, they could rely on the orange light shining down from the holes in the ceiling to see. The streams of water were dyed orange letting everyone know that night was approaching.

In the empty circular patch, Ye Cang squinted and could see 6 fishmen! 1 elite shaman, 1 elite sage, 3 elite warriors, and behind them all was an alert, giant fishman. Ye Cang guess that it was at least 4 meters tall. In it’s hand was a hooked, long blade. It’s body was exceptionally buff.

That should be the fishman chief Gil Rage that mayor Mar was talking about. Ye Cang raised his eyebrows, they still hadn’t been discovered yet. Far away, their discussion told him that they were suspicious of something. He signalled everyone to squat down. “This should be the boss. There are 6 fishmen altogether; 3 warriors, 1 shaman, 1 sage, and the boss – Fishman Chief Gil Rage. They seem to be alert. The boss said: ‘There’s an intruder! Minions! Be ready!'”

Everyone glanced at Ye Cang who was imitating the boss’s voice and eventually nodded. SpyingBlade didn’t understand. It was so far. Although it wasn’t pitch-black, how could he see so far? He looked at Ye Cang and saw that his silver eyes had a similar glow to that of a nocturnal animal. He wasn’t a pure human? This also explained why he knew the fishman language.

ThornyRose frowned and thought it over. Before fighting the boss, they should take care of his minions, especially the shaman and the sage.

“Ok, here’s what we’ll do. Frozen, Cough~ Cough~... Lil’Dino, you and FrozenBlood take care of the shaman. Me and SpyingBlade will hold off the fishman chief for as long as we can. Shaking Bear, you have the hard part, you have to hold back the three fishman warriors. Lele, you focus on killing the sage, you’re the only one that can kill him quickly. Don’t be stingy with your skills, kill him as soon as possible then go help Shaking Bear. GreenDew, use your magic missiles and wind blade to attack the shaman to help Lil’Dino and FrozenBlood finish him off. Perverted Lowlife, Cough~ Cough~... PaleSnow, you’re in charge of ranged support and healing. Cast your healing stream on me or Shaking Bear depending on the situation. By all means, don’t mess up, your support is essential.” ThornyRose explained the plan. SpyingBlade listened, impressed. She had come up with a reliable plan in just a few seconds, moreover with this random party.

Ye Cang had nothing to say about the plan, it was pretty much perfect. “I think I heard you call me Perverted Lowlife?”

“Oh, everyone get your flame flasks ready. Shaking Bear, take the lead and pull them, get as much of their attention as possible. You, Lele and FrozenBlood throws yours at the fishmen warriors. Me and SpyingBlade will throw our’s at the boss when the time is right. FrozenCloud and GreenDew, you two throw yours at the shaman. PaleSnow, take the sage.” ThornyRose ignored Ye Cang and continued explaining.

“Umm... You definitely called me perverted lowlife earlier.” Ye Cang said walking right up to her face.

“You’re imagining things. It was just some random words. Ok, let’s fight the boss. Everyone focus!” Thornyrose chose to brush it aside. She wanted to tell him he was a perverted lowlife, but they were just about to fight a boss. She sighed and squeezed out a smile.

“So it was a joke, I knew it. You definitely didn’t mean it. Our relationship is still pretty good, Madam~.” Ye Cang poked her with his elbow and teased with a smile.

ThornyRose gnashed her teeth and held back her urge to beat him. The veins on her forhead visibly throbbed, her smile was stiff, and she forced a hollow laugh: “Hehe, Hehe...”

FrozenBlood and GreenDew rolled their eyes. In their hearts they though: “You’re deluding yourself! She hates you so much she’s on the verge of snapping and piercing your ass.”

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