To Live Again, For the First Time!

Chapter 177 - Out For Drinks Pt VI: (It Seems There Is No Fairness In This World After All...)

Whatever, whatever.

Jenna thought to herself.


Either way, she couldn't let herself stay like this.

She calmed herself down with two deep breaths.

"So do you need these in your daily life?" Jenna asked.

She was really just getting more and more confused.

To her, it felt like Theodore was saying that he needed these for bowel movement, processing sugar, sleeping, etc.

As if he couldn't do without them.

But that was clearly not what he was trying to say, so why the hell was he carrying all these with him at all times?

Was he worried that he would start having sleeping troubles in the middle of dinner?

Did he fear lacking Vitamin E whilst chowing down his noodles?

The real reason Jenna couldn't seem to understand all of this was in fact due to another reason altogether, and that was that she didn't understand how much Theo cherished the things given by his sister, fearing that his family may get worried at some point if he got sick.

He had promised that he would stay safe when he went to the university in Basilian rather than the one in Polo, which ended up taking him further away from their home.

As for the reason he brought everything with him.

It wasn't solely because he didn't want to lose or misplace things, but also because he really never knew if someone around him, a friend or a passer-by may need it.

It didn't hurt him to carry these around.

It was kind of like a pseudo med kit, just with different purposes.

Not to mention a lot of this had become a habit.

But Jenna didn't know all of this, though she probably would reach the conclusion that it became a habit at some point seeing as Theodore had brought these with him when they were just going out for dinner.

She also noticed that Theodore carried this bag with him a lot, though she never really thought about what could be in this front compartment that seemingly could only fit a few pieces of paper, but in fact, could carry dozens of bottles of pills.

What was hard to process was how she had never seen such an effective medicine to sober up.

Surely, they would have made a big hit somewhere, right?

That was unless it was some kind of homemade remedy???

Well, the pills were clearly factory-made, so that was crossed off the moment it even crossed her mind.

But Jenna really couldn't think of anything else.

She had never even heard of a medicine that could sober you up in seconds.

And since it was clearly a thing… the next question was, why was Theodore in possession of it?

Though Jenna wouldn't dare say that her family was at the top of any pyramid, Theodore's didn't seem that out there either.

At least not compared to Kayden and Gen.

She had also never seen the two of them carrying such things, and if they were in the market, their wealthy parents would have surely cared about their health more than anything else.

Things just didn't really add up as Jenna felt like she was trying to solve a puzzle with half of the pieces missing.

There were a lot of questions going around in her mind, but in the end, she decided to ask about her friend's health.

Surely that was first priority.

So she really had to ask, were these really for daily intake, or was there some other reason other than terminal illness and despondent organs?

"Ah, no, no."

Inwardly, Theo was complaining about how hard it was to explain this.

"Look, it's like this. I don't NEED these. They just make my life a whole lot easier, do you understand?"

Jenna nodded, and then she shook her head.

Obviously, the first response was instinctive, while the second was her real answer.

"I could survive without any of these, but I live better with them. You don't have to see this as medicine… half of them are more like supplements, some are for daily life, while others are if I get sick, which rarely happens to begin with…"

Theodore started to explain seriously.

He lifted a small container with some brown pills.

"For example, this one."

"This one is for the bowel movement."

"I don't have problems with my bowel movement, but if I were to have such problems, rather than wasting my time going to the doctors, I could just take one of these first before doing a check-up. Of course, if it wasn't a bowel movement problem, in the end, the pill won't come to use, and it'll just be discarded in the same way as food."

Then he put that one down and lifted the largest container with wholly white pills.

"And this one, for the excessive sugar and fat intake. It will quickly process and burn the fats that are in your system to a healthy degree. But I can't take too many of these since I work out and I still need healthy amounts of fat in my body for energy. Otherwise, it would just be a waste of them."

It was true, if a ripped person took them too much, they would just be a waste of good medicine, and Theo didn't let such pills stop him from going to the gym and swimming regularly as those were also his form of release and relaxation.

The exercise was still necessary for healthy mental health.

"And this one, which you and I both took. This one could even render the strongest aphrodisiacs null, not to mention just some drunkenness. Of course, these two symptoms are different, but the idea is that it can dispel these things from one's system."

Theodore explained some of these examples to make Jenna understand, but to her, it was really hard to process that a perfectly healthy person could be taking so many meds.

After all, she grew up learning that too many medicines were bad for the body, not to mention, shouldn't the body start to gain immunity at some point?

Like with other medicine and poisons, if you take so many of them, shouldn't your body be getting immune at some point?

It was simply too hard to go against an idea that had been instilled in one's mind from a young.

Seeing that there were still questions floating around, Theodore sighed again.

"Look, I don't know too much myself, it's not as if I made these, but I can tell you there are no adverse effects, they just help some of your cells do their job, easy right?"

Though Jenna was not a student studying medicine, even she could tell it wasn't as simple as that.

One would have to be a real dumbo to believe such words.

And even a bigger dumbo to believe that a sane person would believe such lame excuses.

But then she let it go.

It was clear that Theo wasn't going to be saying much more, and she didn't want to push him.

"Yeah, sure, easy."

No matter how she tried, Jenna didn't sound quite convinced, but Theodore just took what he could get.

It seemed like Theodore wasn't the only one who was tired.

While Theodore was tired of trying to come up with a reasonable explanation, even though what he had said was all true, Jenna was tired of trying to comprehend with normal logic, and thus, they came to a strange agreement to just accept things as they were.

They both sighed in unison.

It seemed like it wasn't easy for anyone.

As for that thought that Jenna had previously when she first saw these pills, she realized that she was entirely wrong.

It seems there is no fairness in this world after all...

This world was still as fake as it was made out to be.

Jenna thought.

Fairness was clearly all a farce.

What fairness?

How can one even speak of fairness when in front of a human being, just like yourself, who is like Theodore Wei?

Jenna didn't have to go listing the things that were wrong with that concept, just Theodore's name was enough.

She didn't want to think of anything else, after all, she was already determined not to compare with him.


It was at this time that Theodore, who was packing his bottles up in a rather messy fashion, spoke again.

"Do you want a bottle of these?"

Theodore asked, lifting up the big bottle of pills and swaying it in front of Jenna.

They were the container of white pills, but Jenna couldn't quite recall what they were for.

"Which are these again?"

"Oh, I thought you would recall since they are quite distinguishable. These are the… to put it simply, healthy weight loss pills."

Theodore said rather crudely.

Some ingenious medicine that had never before seen effects with absolutely no real side effects sounded like a scam coming out from his mouth.

It was a good thing he wasn't a salesperson or people would start crying, mainly the boss that would have to pay him for demarketing their products.

Jenna's eyebrow twitched along with her eye.

No matter how she heard or processed it, none of it sounded reliable.

But as a girl, the notion of losing some extra fat without doing much work and without going into an insufferable diet was too magical.

Even though she hesitated, she also didn't hesitate for that long, after all, this was somewhat of a dream come true if it was for real.

"Can you take one for me to see?"

Jenna said in slight suspicion.

This time, it was Theodore's turn to be baffled.

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