To Live Again, For the First Time!

Chapter 168 - Mobba Pt III: (???- The Unread Reports)

Yanyan pondered on this matter for a bit, but she was in a hurry since her Boss Wie was still on the other side of the line.

With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the head of the IT department before going back to the phone to report her findings.


"Boss Wie..."

The head of the IT department who had yet to shut the door nearly staggered when he heard the name of who CEO Yan was currently in a call with.


In his mind, he was wondering if he had said anything wrong, sighing when he found nothing.

I should be fine right?

After all, this was the elusive chairwoman they were talking about. His superior's superior.

He felt like he had just dodged a bullet when he left, running off to tell the others from his department to work harder!

Thank god he hadn't done anything wrong this time, but if they didn't work harder, would they be able to escape the CEO's wrath the next time?

These people weren't actually scared of Emilin, after all, though she was mysterious, she had never done anything to elicit fear.

How could she when she had no interactions with these people?

The real reason why there was some innate fear when these people were dealing with the chairwoman's matters was that if anything went wrong, their CEO Yan would be in a bad mood for weeks to come!

When CEO Yan was in a bad mood, it was akin to letting the leash off of a big beast!

There was no sound way to placate her.

They would just have to weather the storm and hope that the gods were on their side.

That's why, in the department head's heart, he had dodged not only the CEO's wrath but also the wrath of all his colleagues.


"Boss Wie, our IT department has just informed me that we have received no such reports from our players and there are also no such bugs that will affect the algorithm," Yanyan reported back.

Though her voice was steady, she had some nervousness in her as she was unable to find the problem that Emilin had asked her about.

Not to mention there was no way that Boss Wie would contact her with a nonexistent problem.

That means that the problem had to lie within her!

"I'm sorry Boss, this must be due to my incompetence, is this issue occurring with your accounts?"

It shouldn't be unless the algorithm kept pairing the boss with weak players...

If it was like that, then Yanyan could only light a candle for those massacred in the process.

After all, she knew the boss's skill level well.

"No, that's not it. I'll send you an account number, see if you can tell what is wrong with it."

Emilin said without elaborating.

She swiftly sent Noah's ID name and account number, something she remembered to check earlier when he was adding Grace as a friend.

When Yanyan inserted the code into their program for some preliminary data, her jaw immediately dropped to the floor.

Yanyan: Huh???

Yanyan: (◯Δ◯∥)

When she heard the words from the chairwoman, she had thought that no matter how hard the task was to find out what was wrong, she had to do it!

There was the notion in her mind that it would probably be very hard to tell that something was wrong if the boss had to come to her to ask for assistance.

Now, she had realized that she may have been mistaken about something along the way.

The moment her eyes landed on the data, she could immediately tell that something was wrong, very very wrong!

How could there not be something wrong when someone had lost 588 games in counting with 0 wins?

Honestly, the real thoughts going through Yanyan's mind were, how can someone be so skilled?

Losing that many times and still playing was quite the feat in her mind.

*Thumbs up*

  Not only that, but the question of why the boss had only contacted her now also surged in her mind.

Only addressing the issue after 550+ games?

After the initial shock faded away, as the efficient boss and subordinate that she was, she quickly scanned through the data without missing anything.

Then she noticed something.

"Boss, I think I may know what is wrong..."

"What is it?"

The mature woman's voice from the voice modulator sounded.

But that technology was so advanced that even now, after so many years, Yanyan still couldn't tell that this wasn't Boss Wie's real voice.

"Boss, this account was given a platinum privilege..."

Just from the fact that this problem popped up, Yanyan was already sure that the Boss didn't know what this meant.

If she did, then chances were, the boss would have never contacted her.


I knew it!

"Boss, the new update from the last season gives platinum privilege members special a new privilege. Well, the privilege for the players who play properly and a restriction for those who like to troll. Normally, people can only earn these privileges, after all, this can't be bought with money, and so the people with the platinum level privilege are all of very high levels and calibers."

Without having the Boss to ask, Yanyan elaborated.

"Once they receive the platinum level privilege, they are only allowed to play in the higher-ranked games. We implemented this so that the pros wouldn't intentionally increase their loss rate to play and thrash newbies. Not only that, but even if one of the platinum level players has a really bad day and their ranking drops, they won't have to play with players of much lower caliber unless they already have a preset team."

"Of course, if they already have a team, then there are a different set of rules."

Yanyan explained all this because she could tell that the Boss had not read the report sent to her a few weeks back.

What she really wanted to say was that this was all in the reports, but clearly, she didn't have the guts to point it out even if she knew that her boss hadn't read the documents given to her.

The other side was silent.

What Yanyan said: "Boss, this account, who has not won a single game, has platinum privileges that force the player to play in the high ranked games."

What Yanyan didn't say: "It's no fucking wonder that he hasn't won a single fucking round!! He's playing with fucking pros as a newbie!"

Emilin: "Oh."

Yanyan was a little exasperated and a little helpless.

Emilin had thought that the platinum privileges would only give the players a little boost after a while. 

This was supposed to make the higher-ranked games a little more interesting.

She indeed hadn't expected that such an update would fall upon this privilege when she gave it to her two friends.

She had only done so to give them a boost... but it didn't end up as expected.

Truth be told, the sequence went something like this.

Noah had been playing for a while, and he indeed couldn't win. That was solely due to his own problems with his skills.

Then, Emilin thought about the platinum privilege and gave it to Noah with the intention of helping him.

By then, the update had already long been implemented.

Then, when Grace started playing, Emilin didn't want her to be at a disadvantage since she had already given Noah a helping hand.

So thinking that it would be unfair if she didn't, Emilin gave the platinum privileges to her too.

But in the end, due to her negligence, all this had happened.

In the end, those 500+ losses were all partially her fault.

Well, that sucks.

"Yanyan, will you do me a favor and remove the privilege from that account?"

Emilin said after thinking about it for a while.

She couldn't give them the boost anymore since they would be reported if they were seen to have the boost while playing in the unranked realms.

As for Grace's matter, she would do it herself.

But since Noah's account was already opened on Yanyan's side, Emilin thought that she might as well let her do it and save her some effort.

"Of course, Boss. Anything else?"

Yanyan already saw this coming and so she had already been working on it.

"Nothing else. I'll be going now. Rest more and don't overexert yourself."

Emilin said before dropping the call.

Yanyan released a great big breath when the call finally ended.

And she almost laughed at how quickly that call was dropped.

Even so, a call with Boss Wie was really too nerve-racking.

In this aspect, Yanyan was actually rather glad that her Boss didn't call every other day or else, she wouldn't be getting any sleep anymore.

When it came to Boss Wie, her role model, things often went wrong, especially at first when Yanyan was particularly nervous.

She would end up spending her nights thinking and rethinking and overthinking.

Mostly about what she could have said wrong, or what she should have said instead.

Should of, could of, would of, but she didn't.

Super stressful.

But now, Yanyan actually felt rather relaxed.

With how speechless Boss Wie was just a few moments ago, Yanyan actually felt more refreshed.

It was like finding out that your idol was actually human, with human emotions, and someone who could make human mistakes.

This time, Yanyan actually felt like her boss became more approachable and down to earth for a second there.

How strangely warm.

Especially right there at the end when she seemed to be in a hurry to end the call so that they wouldn't get to talking about how she hadn't been reading any of the progress reports.


Why did Yanyan have a feeling that if that topic were to be brought up, then the Boss really just say something perfunctory like...


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