The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 50 - You Reap What You Sow [War Arc (1)]

"I heard, it was a beast attack?" Todd Black, The head of the branched family asked.

"Nathan and Arnold went to take care of the problem. They might be able to provide us some more information." Nathaniel replied. ​​

They were currently seated in the meeting room, which was used to hold secretive meetings for the Family. The black walls were sound proof and were made using beast crystals, thus the walls were super strong, even Johnny might break a sweat before destroying it. Furthermore various jammers were placed inside the room. This was done as a precaution, so that no one inside is able to leak any information about the ongoing meetings to the outside. Apart from the heads of the families, Steve, (the head of the security) Seville, (the leader of the Black Knights) and Johnny were also present inside the meeting room.

"Arnold... doesn't ring a bell." Todd replied.

"A young lad I'm planning to adopt." Nathaniel replied.

"He must be someth-"

Before Todd could say anything else, the door leading to the meeting room was opened, as Nathan and Arnold appeared. Arnold was dragging a bag behind him.

"Sorry we're late." Nathan spoke as both of them took their seats.

"So was it really a beast attack?" Nathaniel asked Nathan, who nodded towards Arnold.

Arnold then opened the bag and threw it on the circular table. A foul smell immediately covered the room. Everyone placed a handkerchief on their nose. Nathaniel looked inside the bag. A dead body of man was inside it. It looked like he had died in a painful way because his face was twisted in agony.

"Who is this?" Todd asked in a muffled voice.

"One of the assassins." Arnold's calmly replied, "A shape-shifter. I think he was around A rank."

Everyone was impressed with Nathan, as he was the only A ranked warrior who could've done something like this. The respect they had for Nathan immediately shot up.

Nathan knew what everyone was thinking and without any delay, cleared the confusion. "It wasn't me who did this. It was him."

Everyone was shocked. How the hell did a nobody managed to kill an A ranked shape-shifter... no kill would be the wrong term, butcher would've been the more suitable term for this situation.

"Are you sure that this dead guy was an A ranked shape-shifter?" Seville asked Arnold.

"Nathan can confirm it as he was the one fighting with him," Arnold pointed his thumb towards the body bag, "before I stepped in."

Before I stepped in, just who does he thinks he is? Seville thought. He looked at Nathaniel and Johnny, who didn't looked half as surprised as the others.

Before the others could digress from the main objective of the meeting, Nathaniel stepped in. "How many assassins were there?"

"Three." Nathan replied, "All had the same ability and rank."

"Hm..." Nathaniel nodded his head, "Find out who they were and why did they attacked us."

"We know already." Nathan said, "They were mercenaries, hired to kill anyone who entered the dungeon. They had already killed all of the monsters inside and placed jammers all around the dungeon so that the ones inside the dungeon won't be able to contact anyone outside the dungeon.

"After that they patiently waited for the team to show up and attack them. There were two casualties on our side, a mage named Rick, and a porter, Coco. Nina and Joshua were heavily injured, the others were also in danger but they'll recover soon."

"What about the others who were supposed to guard the dungeon?" Todd asked Seville, as it was one of his duties to appoint the security personnel who had to protect the dungeon and stop anyone else from entering the dungeon while the warriors were inside, trying to clear it.

"If you don't mind me asking, How many guards were there?" Arnold asked back.

"Look kid I appreciate what you did but that doesn't give you any authority to ask-" Seville spoke up, but Johnny stopped him.

"Just answer the question."

Seville was immediately taken aback by Johnny's behaviour. He knew if he told the others, he'd have been done for but he didn't have a choice, if he lied Nathaniel would immediately knew about it because of his mind reading powers. He could try to block him from his mind but then he'll be tagged as a conspirator, which he was.

"Three people in total, 2 girls and a guy."

"Take a good look at the corpse, was this the guy?" Arnold asked.

Damn this kid! Maybe he knows more than he's letting us believe... I'm already done for. Seville thought. Everyone was staring at him.

"My GOD!... IT IS HIM." Seville gasped, trying his best not to blow his cover, "It's the one who was-"

But before he could say anything else, Johnny grabbed him by his neck and lifted him off the ground. Seville was frantically trying to free himself from Johnny's grasp but it was in vain.

"How dare you betray the FAMILY!?" Johnny barked tightening his grip around Seville's neck.

"Johnny, let go of him." Nathaniel spoke in a calm demeanour and Johnny immediately let go off him.

"Now Seville, I don't know whether you're involved in this or not. But till we figure it out you'll be placed in custody." Nathaniel said.

"But... BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Seville shouted as he fell hard on his butt.

"Trying to block me from reading your feeble mind, and saying you don't know anything? You couldn't have done anything to prove that you're guilty. Well if my mind can't find the answers, then we'll have to use other means right?" Nathaniel pressed a button under the table, and 20 guards entered the room and immediately surrounded Seville.

Nathaniel's mind reading capabilities, reminded Arnold of a bald white man, who used a wheelchair to move around, had a mansion full of superhumans, and insisted that everyone called him 'Professor X-something'.

"Take care of the gentleman." Steve said and the guards immediately handcuffed Seville and escorted him out.

"Who would've thought Seville would betray us..." Nathaniel sighed. "It might take some time to interrogate him. We'll have to wait for the time being, before he reveals who he was working for. Good job Arnold, Nathan. The family is indebted to you."

"Why wait when I already know who's behind all this?" Arnold spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Nathan was intrigued about what was Arnold going to say next.

"It's the same person or organisation that attacked me before."


"The President or The Vice President of Flying Swords guild."

"And what makes you say that? Do you have any proof?"

"Honestly, it's a hunch. But it's a hunch, I'm willing to act on."

"Look Arnold, I know what you're trying to say. But we can't just attack a governmental guild based on a hunch. We need proof before we act. The best thing we can do is to wait till Seville reveals some information."

"Wait and let them kill anyone they LIKE!?" Arnold lost his cool. "You always keep talking about family this, family that. But you're hesitating to attack the ones who threaten your family's safety?

"Do you think they'll stop now? Once they find out, their plan failed, they'll most probably try to attack us again! How many people are you willing to sacrifice just so you can get a proof? I'm not asking you to kill them all, no. But I'll definitely kill anyone who threatens my family and that's for sure.

"You can throw me out of The Family if you like, but they crossed a line, and they'll pay the price. I don't care if I die fighting them alone. It would still be better than standing here and waiting for them to do as they please. I won't let them kill anyone else. I'm going. You guys feel free to wait for the 'evidence'."

After ranting for a while, Arnold got up from his seat and turned to leave.

"No you won't." Johnny's voice echoed behind Arnold.

"Johnny I owe you a lot but please don't stop me now." Arnold said without turning to face him.

"Who said anything about stopping you? I just wanted to say that you don't have to fight alone. I'm coming with you." Johnny replied getting up from his seat.

"So am I." Nathan spoke up.

Nathaniel saw this all happening in front is his eyes. It was the first time any of his 'children' disobeyed his orders and worse thing was, he couldn't do anything about it.

Nathaniel gave up and smiled. "If you're going to do this, then you'll need help. Steve, Assemble everyone having B rank or above. If there's going to be a war, then it's going to be a proper one."

Arnold, Nathan and Johnny looked at each other and smiled.

"As the saying goes... you reap what you sow. Time for some long awaited payback." Arnold mumbled as he clenched his fists.

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