Chapter 1327 Departure

A few days later, Rui stood at the edge of Ajanta Island, facing the island. His belt was heavily equipped with everything that he would need for a long journey. Before him were the four most important people to him in the Floating Sect.

Kane and the three Martial Seniors of the sect. 

"Don't worry about me." Kane smiled as he shook the man's hand. "I'll catch up to you in no time. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

Rui chuckled. "Take your time. You've chosen a difficult path forward with many tribulations. It is best to be as prepared as possible. When the time comes, just give it your very best."

He nodded seriously. The two exchanged a knowing look with each other.

Kane had chosen a particularly risky and dangerous path to the Senior Realm. His determination to succeed in it had only grown ever since he decided on it. All Rui could do was give him some tips and hope for the best.

Senior Xanarn smiled as they exchanged an intimate hug and a brief soft kiss.

"You're going to have to tread carefully when Kane is ready to return to the Kandrian Empire," Rui warned her. "Don't forget everything I've told you about the Empire and the Martial Union as well as Chairman Deacon."

"Oh you, stop worrying so much," She giggled. "It will be fine. I'm actually a little excited to travel to the Kandrian Empire and meet your family. I'm going to learn everything about you, including all the embarrassing stories about you from your childhood!"

"Right..." A wry resigned smile appeared on his face. "I'm glad you have your priorities in order."

"Why thank you, kind sir." A hint of fake pride welled up on her face.

Rui had ultimately decided to have her travel to the Kandrian Empire along with Kane. The probability of something going wrong was much lower with Kane guiding her to where she was to go.

In the first place, the Martial Union would not dare to allow an unknown Martial Senior to go anywhere near his family. It would be an incompetent organization if it did. The second she approached even a few hundred meters of the Quarrier Orphanage, the Senior-level security detail would intervene and not only barricade her from reaching it but also strongly 'encourage' her to come in for questioning.

The Martial Union took its job far too seriously for anything less than that. That was the reason that it had cultivated an image of absolute reliability and credibility across East Panama.

That was why Rui had decided it was best for her to go with Kane, along with an unsigned letter that he had prepared for Commissioner Reze. The letter was not only unsigned but also contained his fingerprint in his blood at the bottom. The Martial Union which undoubtedly had his samples would be able to verify that it was his blood. As long as Commissioner Reze was extremely discreet, no one would be able to come away with more than the truth.

He had also thoroughly prepared clandestine means of entering the Kandrian Empire while concealing Kane's identity. He would back up the letter that Rui had prepared for Commissioner Reze, adding more credibility to Senior Xanarn, which would eventually allow her to join the Quarrier Orphanage. He had painstakingly come up with a sophisticated and complex multi-layered plan to ensure that Chairman Deacon would not be able to use Senior Xanarn to locate him.

From taking an extremely obscure route devoid of human settlement such that there would be no records of their travel, to covert entries into the Kandrian Empire with the cooperation of the Martial Union, to having her reside in the Kandrian Empire for a while before abruptly joining the Orphanage one day to give the impression that she had been by Rui commissioned after entering the Kandrian Empire.

All of this to not only avoid giving Chairman Deacon the impression that Rui was outside the Kandrian Empire, but to reinforce that he was in the Kandrian Empire. After drilling the convoluted plan into both their heads, he was finally satisfied to leave it in their hands.

"Thank you for this. Really. You have no idea what it means to me." He whispered to her as a mixture of guilt and gratitude appeared on his face. 

She leaned forward, bumping her forehead against his. "Thank you for saving my life."

He smiled before his voice reduced to the softest of whispers. "I... love you."

A cycle of abashed embarrassment was visible on her face. They felt like teenagers despite being far older and more mature.

"I love you too." She managed to squeeze out as her cheeks reddened. 

The two of them separated as Rui turned to the other two Martial Seniors of the Floating Sect who were at a distance out of respect and consideration.

"I am grateful for everything that the Floating Sect has done for me. Should the Floating Sect ever need me, you need only contact me and I will return immediately and do my best to defend it. This sect has already become akin to a second home for me."

Senior Leonil nodded. "We appreciate that."

Senior Sarak smiled. "The Floating Sect will aid you in your endeavors as much as it can. Do not hesitate to rely on us."

Rui nodded. "Alright then, farewell to all of you."

He bid them goodbye before taking off into the air, escalating in height until he reached a level where he wouldn't be spotted by the Kaddar nations. Senior Sarak had requested him to obscure his departure so that the Kaddar nations would be under the impression that the two extra Martial Seniors of the Floating Sect were still a part of the sect.

That would serve as a powerful deterrence for a long time.

It wasn't until he reached quite the height that he actually began striding forward. He had to admit, the temptation to use his Martial Heart was high, but it was probably because of that that Senior Sarak sternly warned him against doing so right after he became a Martial Senior in order to prevent him from developing any bad habits and set him straight from the get-go.


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