Entering into the room, Drew examined the space for one last time. Austin had already informed him that it is going to be a linked room and he was very curious about his roommate. Even though there is no one, for the time being, he was still excited.

After getting fresh, he began scanning the rooms to figure out for any familiar species who are in for the wedding. On his voyage, he met Salsa, Kyle, and his other mutual friends of Austin and Leah.

After conversing with them for a while, Drew straight away went to the kitchen feeling starved.

"Aunt Daisy, I am starving here. Gimme something to eat."

"Everything is ready Drew. Not to mention your favorite banana smoothie." Daisy signaled the maids to serve his breakfast.

"There is one more person who equally loves banana smoothies just like you," Daisy said forgot to inform about Leena.

"Is it? Who is that?" As Drew's excitement grew, he spoke hastily.

"She must be resting. I will introduce you to her later. She is amazing and I bet you both will get together very well." Daisy gushed, surmising their funny conversations when they both have many common hobbies.

Drew totally looked bashful hearing Aunt Daisy's words. Seems like I will be getting one more friend here.

After having a hearty breakfast, he grabbed two glasses of banana smoothies. Well, one for sipping right now, the other he needed to save it for later before someone lays hand on it.

Savoring the divine elixir slowly, he went into Devin's room directly.

"Why didn't you tell me that you are here for Austin's wedding?" Pushing open the door, Drew screamed when he noticed his friend didn't even bother to glance at him.

"I was left alone by everyone. No one care about me. If not for Austin, I would be missing all the fun and the thrills of the wedding." Drew started bugging like a child for getting abandoned. He had no intention of coming to the wedding before a week but when Austin informed about the adventurous games and also about Devin being already here, he rushed the urgent case in a single day to appear here.

"It's still third day, Drew. You can enjoy the satisfaction of the wedding for seven long days." Devin exhaled a loud sigh tired to the eternity of his never-ending naggings.

"But still, you have betrayed me and cam_"

Before he could put up with his next words, a girl entered into their room rubbing her tired eyes, going straight into the washroom which puzzled him. While Devin got already habituated to his sweetheart's presence, it was obviously a shock to Drew.

"Who is she?" In an urgent tone, Drew asked him. Despite he could not see her face, he sensed a familiarity when she passed by him.

"You already know her," Saying that, Devin went back to his work leaving the confused Drew.

"I already know her? But I haven't seen anyone with Vincy except for that Lava ghost girl." Drew was talking to himself ransacking his brain searching for that face, at the same time, his eyes were loitering over the bathroom door in anticipation to see her.

And it opened after a while. A girl in a white dress emerged out of the bathroom slowly.

Horrified to see her again, with a shaky hand, Drew took out the ward off evil eye protection crystal which he received from uncle John when he visited the priesten church along with Devin's brother and his uncle. Closing his eyes, he began chanting the prayer that Uncle John has preached.

[May all evils be cast out of this place, at this moment, in the name of Jesus]

[In the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the holy spirit. Amen!] Leena added to him.

"I did not tell that. Did she?" His body became paralyzed as if an unseen weight was put on him. It felt like a dead body had crawled on top of him suddenly. Gulping down his saliva, Drew slowly opened his eyes and shuddered when Leena hastily appeared on his face which was only a few inches apart.

"La_lava Gho_st!" Drew stammered with his words when he saw her face clearly.

"Banana Smoothie!" Leena said.

"Is Lava ghost still with you?" With fear, he asked still holding the protection crystal in front of her.

"No! She went for an urgent staff meeting." In a deadpanned voice she stated as if she sounded serious earning a cry from Drew. She is making as if she works with spirits on a 24/7 basis.

"Drew, I already told there are no such ghosts. Don' t believe her words." Devin butted into their conversation. His darling has started a cook-up story again scaring the poor souls trapping Drew with his only weakness. Devin wondered how his brother would react when they both meet. His brother is a scared cat than Drew when it comes to ghosts.

"Ghosts exist in reality." Both said in unison. As stubborn they are, both didn't take Devin's words into their ears.

"I am innocent. Please save me from Lava. Can we also become friends?" He said, decided to befriend her. Drew remembered she liked banana smoothie a lot which he saw it in Azure hotel, so he gladly offered the spare banana smoothie which he had kept it for his later drinking.

"Ok. But you need to maintain a little distance. I am allergic to men." Leena said, grabbing the juice and gulped down the entire content in one go. Shoving the glass to his chest, she went back to her room.

"I promise. I will maintain a half meter distance." Screaming, Drew also followed her.

When he saw her jotting down something seriously, Drew peeked into the notes.

"Things to buy: Toolset, cutters, jackets, gloves, blackcaps_"

"Are you going for robbery?" Drew asked exuberantly.

"H_ow did you know?" Leena closed her notes abruptly when she sensed his gaze was on the notepad.

"Blackcaps are used to cover the faces, cutters are to grate the cables in case the house is surrounded by fencing, a toolbox is used to open the lockers. So, I assumed it must be a robbery."

" "

Was my expression obvious or did he really read me? After learning his profession, Leena would definitely feel he could read the thoughts.

"Are you_"

"Andrew. Andrew Dawson. I am a Criminal lawyer."

Leena wide opened her mouth hearing the name because she had heard his name umpteen times. Andrew Dawson is the most famous criminal lawyer, has set the record of a high percentage of winning murder cases, and he represented many celebrities and business companies. But seeing his childish nature, Leena felt it absolutely contradicted his profession.

"Are you really going for thievery? " He asked with excitement. Being in a law profession, he loved running after adventures.

Nodding her head, Leena explained everything that has happened yesterday when she sensed he was a no threat to her and they even discussed and planned on how to perfectly carry out a robbery.

"Can you also take me to his house? I will be helpful to you." He pleaded.

"Ask that shameless man. I have also begged him multiple times."

"Leave that to me." I can easily convince Vincy. If not, I will just sit in the car trunk until we reach the destination.

"By the way, what's your name?" He was curious about her name, after all, she would be his future sister-in-law.

"For now, call me Jurassic. My name is a secret." Leena wanted to keep her name a secret from that shameless man even though she knew he would have already known by now, but still acting like a virgin mary.

"Wow. What a unique name. I like it."

"Thank you." She squinted her eyes playfully.

"You know what? We need weapons to carry out this robbery successfully. Trust me, I have solved many murder cases and I know how a robbery is carried out."

"Shall we go shopping for the tools?" Leena asked ready for tonight's show.

Drew gave a double thumbs-up.

With that, both started and even dragged Devin along with them to shop for the necessary things.. Leena was happily enjoying with them without knowing she has raged someone on the other end to the core.

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