Leena whisked away, her face blushed like a moonlight when her feelings got ignited again. Thinking to find a little peace, she walked away from the spot, away from the crowd to find some peace but it didn't transpire when she encountered a familiar face.

"Kurt Weller!!" Leena gaped. "What is he doing here? Did he get to know about me? It can't happen."

"There is only one way I can find about it" She strolled in his direction to investigate if he can identify her but before Leena could arrive at his place, she saw her nemesis approaching him and Leena halted her footsteps.

"Wendy!! She would end his life today." Quietly, Leena stood in her place to listen to her absurd talks.

Wendy stopped fretting over Devin after she suffered a brutal incident. A few days before, she approached Devin, and like how she berates Leena in front of everyone, she criticized Leena in front of Devin. Wendy was in cloud none when Devin listened to her for the entire time and even bought her a juice. Pleased with his hospitality, she gulped the entire content happily, thinking that he quit preferring Leena. Little did she knew, her doom started then afterward. Within minutes, she felt bowel movement urgency and for the whole day, she was hitting the bathroom doors, and with no choice, she was admitted to the hospital by Salsa when her energy was completely depleted. She then realized, he has mixed something in her juice to get diarrhea. All though Wendy got discharged by the next day, she was terrified to see him from that day. She was back from her reverie when the story ended in her senses.

Wiping her notions, with a broad smile, Wendy approached Kurt to try her luck at least on him.

"Hi, handsome! My name is Wendy, Wendy Hamburger, single." Wendy introduced herself with a shy smile when she got attracted to him instantly.

"Umm... I am sorry Miss, but I am not ready to mingle." Kurt replied stepping back nervously. He could handle criminals like a duck soap but when it comes to girls, he would run away just by seeing them.

"It's ok if you are not ready to mingle. I am romantically challenged." She replied, in-between slurping on to her sugar candy. The candies were specially ordered by Leah for Wendy and until she got them, she continuously pestered Austin and Leah.

"I_I have an urgent business to attend." Even before Wendy could catch him, Kurt scampered away from the place.


"Damn it! Where are they hiding?" Kurt cursed scanning for his friends from the crowd but except Austin and Leah, he couldn't find them. He did not intend to spoil their big day, so he was alone looking for them standing in a precise location.

Busy with his thoughts, he was too muddle-headed to discern a girl was walking in front of him. Only when she started moving a little close to him, he realized.

"I_I am not interested in you. Please try on someone else." Kurt replied thinking that she was after him just like Wendy.

"What a joke of the year! Have you ever seen your face in the mirror? Do you think you can match my impeccable beauty?" With a scoff, she walked off. Since the dumbo didn't recognize her, Leena walked away with a happy grin on her face.

Kurt " "

"Why am I encountering all maddies here? One is a lollipop dupe and the other is a narcissist. But she looks way familiar. Where did I see her?" Kurt scoured his brain but neither her face nor her name hit the surface for the moment.

Brushing his thoughts, he called Drew, Devin, and Jasper but it went into voice mail again. Feeling suffocated with the heavy stares, he was about to leave the place, when he saw her again.

"This girl again!!"

While she couldn't find Drew in the crowd, Leena was looking here and there scanning the people when a bouquet came in her direction suddenly, and Leena caught the flower hoop before it could touch the ground.

"Leena! you are in the next line to walk down the Aisle" Leah screamed laughing at her friend's unconcerned expression.

Leena never believed in such kind of bouquet tossing stuff. Not intended to carry the heavy bouquet, she looked around for someone and there she found her scapegoat. With a triumphant smile, she walked towards him and pushed the bouquet into his hands. Caught off guard, Kurt looked at her in confusion.

"What should I do with it?" Kurt asked innocently.

"Put it on your head. Maybe you will look little cute in it." Having said that, Leena walked away with a winning smile. She wanted to satisfy her ego on him for berating in the past. Even though it was negligible, but Leena was hostile towards him.

Kurt " "

"Woah! This girl is a hell lot of self-centered." Gripping the bouquet tightly, he was about to depart to get away from all the maddies when he found the person he was anticipating to catch a glimpse of. He swiftly walked towards him and dragged his friend to a secluded place.

"Do you know what sort of state he was when you delivered him in the morning? His parents are sitting on my neck demanding me to find the person behind this." Kurt yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I have delivered him alive just like you begged," Devin admitted and glanced at his sides to see if he was being followed. He was only concerned about one person and he did not want her to listen to their talk. The least he wanted to show her was, the beast within him.

"Just alive!! He is better dead than alive. I couldn't believe you would go to such an extent. His genitals were cut, broken bones, scraped skin. For heaven's sake, you even used rat torture to rip his abdomen. He has been put in ICU and there is no guarantee that he would survive and even if he is, there is no future for him. You have become a ruthless monster, bastard." Kurt yelled. "Did you know the consequences if the media comes to know that it's you?"

"He deserves the worst punishment and if you can, get the evidence that I am the one behind his demise, Mr. Weller." He scoffed and turned away to leave.


With a shaky hand, Leena opened her mobile to check the latest news on Trent. When Kurt was dragging him to a secluded place, Leena followed them out of apprehension. But she had never thought, it would be one of the shocking news.

[The nation's heartthrob was brutally tortured to death. He was delivered to the FBI by an anonymous person in the morning. His genitals were cut off, his abdomen was ripped apart and with broken bones, Doctors are still unsure if he would survive]

[He deserves death for using women for his sheer pleasure. We are glad that someone did that on our behalf]

Even after reading all the statements, Leena couldn't discern what she heard before.

"I can't believe he is the one behind Trent's torture. The kind of person I have seen was a cloak to hide his monstrous side?" Leena never knew monsters are real but right now she wanted to believe seeing him. The sound of Trent's wails gave her skin goosebumps even though she did not witness the gore scenes. Wasn't he scared when he tortured him? Not that Leena minded, she was on par with Devin, but the sudden one-eighty degrees shift of his personality had an impact on her.

"Monster, Devil!! What's your identity?" Leena whispered walking out of the place to have some refreshments after learning a massive truth about him.

"Ethan, Jasper, Wilbur, and now Kurt! The people I know are somehow connected to him. But why haven't I encountered him for once at least?"

A whiff of sweet watering delicacies entered into her nose and she put her thoughts aside and left to gobble up the food.

"Did Andrew vanish into a thin air? Why can't I see him?" In a low murmur, Leena was looking at the tasty starters thinking of which one to be devoured first when her name was recited suddenly.

"Leena! Leena is that you?" His voice had an excitement when her name was called.

When Leena turned around, her nerves cringed seeing a familiar person from the past.

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