The Devil's Harem

Chapter 32 - They Know About His Past?

Chapter - 32

Dressed in formals, Alex walked down the stairs, ready to go to work. He knew that Martha wasn't going to agree readily, but he had already messaged George for help. Though it was a risky move, with a greater possibility of George defecting to Martha's side, he had to take the risk.

"Where do you think you are going?" When Martha saw Alex climbing down the stairs, dressed for work, her face twitched in annoyance, and she asked.

"Mom, I am feeling alright. I feel stuffy confined to my room," Alex said, "And moreover, didn't you check it yourself earlier. They were nothing but superficial scratches."

"I get it, but is it so necessary for you to go? It's not like you are the only employee in the company, nor are you a big shot". Martha said, hitting where it hurts. Both she and George very well know the errand boy tag Alex was carrying in the company. It was Alex only who told them that. Though she always sympathised with him when he brought up the topic, it was not like she can't use everything she had in her arsenal.

This was like hitting the final nail in the coffin, Alex wanted to say something, but he was made quiet by his mother's piercing gaze. Defeated, Alex could only look towards his father for support.

Sensing the pleading gaze from Alex, George finally mustered up some courage and thought of taking up the charge, "Darling, I think we should let him..." George said.

"Do you want to sleep outside tonight?" George couldn't even put forward his defence, and Martha glared at George, leaving the latter flabbergasted. George was appalled by the thought of sleeping outside, and knowing Martha, he knew she won't shy away from doing so. Still, looking at his son's pleading eyes, he could try and give it another shot.

"Honey," George walked behind her and put her palms over her shoulder and said in the most flattering tone he could, "Don't be angry, listen to me first. You know how girls tend to feel grateful towards their saviour, which over time turns into attraction. I mean, you should know this better than anyone else, don't you?" George said as he winked at her.

"So what of it? And don't you dig up the past," Martha said, but George felt a sense of pride. But what is said next shattered his pride to bits, "Everyone makes mistakes, so did I, Big deal."

Taken back by her reply, George had no words to retort, "No... No... No... I don't want to bring up the past. You see, what I want to say is that... I mean, listen, it's not about the past... and I won't go so far as to call it a mistake," George was visibly shocked by her counter, "But let's focus on Alex. This is a god-sent opportunity for Alex," George tried to explain.

"If Alex goes to the office covered in bandages, the one, what was her name?" George turned towards Alex to ask.

"Susan," Alex replied.
"Yeah, Susan. I am sure when she sees him like this with band-aids on his face, she will definitely be moved because she is the reason Alex ended up like this," George tried to explain, "And I am sure you, as much as me, want Alex to find himself a girl and enjoy his life," George said the last part whispering in Martha's ear.
Martha, wanted to say something, but when she looked at her husband, words got stuck in her mouth. Not wanting to say something which might be misunderstood, she gave in, "Fine, you can go," she said.

"Yeah!! Thanks, mom. You are the best," Alex jumped in joy and grabbed Martha by her waist, lifted her and gave her a swirl. George, seeing this was all smiles.

"But... but...but... promise me if you don't feel well, you will straight away come home," Martha said, looking down.

"Deal. I love you, mom," Alex said and put her down, "You too, Dad," Alex hugged the two of them and kissed Martha on her cheeks.

"Silly boy, now, get going before I change my mind," Martha said. She felt good seeing her son smile. 'Well, I guess this is for the best,' Martha thought to herself.

Grabbing his bag, Alex ran out of the house, fearing that Martha might really change her mind.

"He sure is energetic". George said.

"I just hope he remains the same". Martha said with a solemn face.

"What do you mean?" George asked.

"I asked my friend, he told me if the nightmares become more frequent, there is a chance that he might get his memory back". Martha told George. She has been closely monitoring Alex's progress along with a few of his colleagues.

"This is only a possibility, nothing is certain, right?" George asked.

"But, if he does not get his memory back, these nightmares will eventually affect his brain, which in return might create personality disorder. He would oscillate between extreme emotions frequently. It's not good either," Martha said with a worried look.

"Let's just hope for the best, but for me, I don't want his memory to come back," George said with a rarely seen seriousness on his face.

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