The Devil's Harem

Chapter 30 - The Indescribable Rush

Chapter - 30

When Alex reached home, he was relieved to see the lights off. Though it was already past midnight, he was worried that maybe his mother might still be waiting for him. Alex sneaked into the house like a thief and tip topped his way in. He was about to reach the stairs when a voice ran shivers down his spine.

"What have you done to move around sneakily in the house?" Alex heard Martha, who was waiting for Alex in the living room in the dark.

Alex was surprised to hear Martha, he turned around but could not see her in the dark, "Mom! you are not asleep yet?" Alex asked, looking around.

"How am I going to get a wink of sleep when my son is going to stay out so late on a dinner date?" Martha said as she switched on the lights, "What happened to you? How did you got injured?" Martha freaked out when she saw bandages around his head and band-aids on his face. She hurriedly walked up to him and caressed his face to check upon his injuries.

"Mom, it's nothing". Alex said, trying to avoid her hand.

"Stand still," Martha rebuked, "How is it nothing? Let me call your father," Martha said and yelled out for George, "GEORGE!! George!! Come out this instant,"

"Mom, why are you getting dad involved?" Alex was getting anxious. This might blow up big.

"What do you mean getting your father involved? He must know this. Look at you, all beat up, and what is this smell?" Martha said as she gave Alex's shirt a couple of sniffs. But before she could give it a thought, George walked out of the room, yawning.

"What happened?" George asked Martha as he walked out of the room with half-open eyes

"Look for yourself," Martha said, pointing at Alex.

When George saw Alex wrapped up in bandages, his drowsiness vanished in seconds, "What happened to you?" He asked.

Now Alex was like a trapped prey between two predators. Both his parents were looking at him with their piercing gazes, ready to pounce on him. Alex could no longer hide the truth from them. He began to narrate everything that transpired from the moment he left the house for dinner. He obviously skipped the events which happened after he woke up.

Martha could feel the way Alex was stealing his eyes from them that he was hiding something, but since she had got the gist of the situation, she did not pursue the matter any longer. Martha looked at George, and the latter just nodded, assuring her.

"Do you have the reports with you?" Martha asked.

This was when Alex remembered that he was supposed to get the reports from Susan, but they were in a hurry to leave that he forgot.

"I don't. I think Susan have them, and I forgot to ask her," Alex told Martha.

"How about we get you examined again? For my satisfaction?" Not convinced by Alex's response Martha said and looked at George for his view on it.

"I am fine mom, even the doctor said there was nothing to worry about. The doctor went through all the reports before discharging me. You are worrying too much". Alex said as he tried to ease their worry.

"But..." Martha wanted to refute, but George intervened.

"Fine, go to your room and rest, no need to go to work tomorrow". George said.

Alex took the hint, and nodding towards George, turned around to leave for his room.

"Want me to help you to your room?" George asked from behind.

"Nah... I am fine. You two should also rest now," without looking back, Alex climbed up the stairs to his room, leaving George and Martha behind.

After Alex left, Martha and George were left in the living room.

"You know what to do, right?" Martha said without even looking at her husband. Her gaze was fixed on the door of Alex's room.

No one would believe that this sweet and easygoing lady would turn out to be so overbearing, and the reason was simple, her son.

"There is no need to worry," George said, rubbing her shoulder trying to coax his wife, "I will make sure they regret ever messing with our son."

"Make sure you do" Martha nodded and left for their room. On the other hand, George took out his phone and called someone.

"There is something I want you to look into," as soon as the person on the other side picked up, George said. George didn't look like the happy to go guy anymore, "Someone hurt Alex today, find them all, and take care of them," George instructed.

"Do you want me to permanently take care of them?" The man on the other side asked.
"Don't just finish them off. Make sure they spend the rest of their life agonizing over the fact that they messed with the wrong person," George said. He didn't want to end their misery in one fell swoop but to make sure that they spent the rest of their life in fear and despair.
"Hmmm..." The person on the other side acknowledged, and the two of them hung up.

After ending the call, George made a couple of more calls. When he was done, it was time for George to report to his wife, the Home Minister. As soon as he entered the room, he found Martha going through her phone.

"It's done," George said, sitting in front of her like a scared cat, "They will be taken care of by morning."

Martha only nodded without lifting her eyes from her phone.

"Now, don't be angry anymore. I got hold of Alex's reports, and they said that there were only superficial wounds, nothing to worry about," George further told her.

Martha again just nodded in response.

"Honey..." Martha's silence was killing George.

"Sleep," Martha didn't let George complete and said in an overbearing tone. George wanted to say something, but he knew that it was not the time. He stood up, went to his side of the bed and lay down, shutting his eyes.

Not at all bothered about him, Martha continued to stare at her phone. She was looking at some kind of medical report.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Here, Alex was back in his room, lying on his bed and going through the flashback of events that happened today.


Alex laid on top of Susan, devoid of any will to move. Susan was also the same. After three back to back orgasms, she had no energy left to even move a muscle, but both of them were aware that anytime someone might walk in through the door. Alex got up, taking support of the bed, and pulled out his semi-erect penis out of Susan's pussy. Alex grabbed Susan by her waist and turned her around, making her face him. He bent forward, put his lips on her and pulled her into a soft and affectionate kiss. The kiss lasted for about half a minute before the two of them were out of breath. Alex then helped her sit on the bed while he pulled up his pants. Susan was already wearing her dress. She just slid back the straps of her dress over her shoulder, and in the meantime, Alex found her panty and gave it to her. In no time, the two of them were fully dressed, trying to act as if nothing happened.

Grabbing their stuff, they walked out of the ward only to run into a nurse. They hurriedly greeted her, and without wasting any time on her, walked away.

'Wasn't the room empty?' The nurse was the one who came to inspect the room earlier.

The two of them hurriedly walked out of the hospital, avoiding any conversation with anyone. It was only after they had left the hospital did they sighed in relief. Standing there, waiting for the cab, Alex extended his hand and tried to entangle his fingers with Susan, but she withdrew her hand as soon as he touched her.

Alex was confused by her behaviour, but ignoring it, he offered, "Let me drop you home."

"It's alright," averting her eyes, Susan said, "I will hitch a cab. You should also go home and rest for a couple of days."

"I will, but..." Alex wanted to say something.

But before he could complete, Susan waved her hand, and a cab stopped in front of them.

"Alex, whatever happened today, was something spontaneous, and neither of us imagined it happening. I don't mean that I hated it, but I hope if we keep it under wraps. I don't want anyone in the company knowing about it," Susan said, looking at Alex, and without waiting for Alex to say something, she entered the cab, and soon the cab drove away.

Alex stood there appaled by her sudden change of behaviour, staring as the cab soon vanished out of his sight.

** Flashback ends**

Alex could not make head and tail of what happened in the short span after they left the hospital. It was obvious that Susan was an active party in whatever happened between them, but why did he feel like he was the one who forced her.

But this was not the only thing troubling him. He had plenty of time to think in the cab on his way home. He remembered the rush he felt fighting that baldy right before he fainted. He could feel no pain despite all the beating he took earlier.

That feeling, that rush, the blood pumping, Alex felt that all this was not that foreign to him. At that very moment, he felt like himself. There was even an urge in his heart to experience that very same feeling once more.

'What am I even thinking?' Alex soon shook these thoughts away. Why was he thinking about it? This is so not like him.

'Maybe I just felt like beating that hooligan, that's all...I better get some sleep, or I will go crazy,' Alex thought and shut his eyes close.

But today was going to be the start of his new and dangerous journey. His life right now will be going through turmoil. Whether he tries to find about his past and try to relive it or live the life he currently has, it's all up to the choices he will make in the future.

* * * * *

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