“You are here?”

Abset spotted Jamie and bowed politely. And Jamie gestured roughly, as if the greeting were a bit too much.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I can’t since you are my Lord.”

Strangely enough, he was polite to his superior, considering he was a high-ranking demon from the Devildom.

This was probably why he was brought in as an aide, but on a day like today, it was a burden.

Even if he told him not to, Abset would still do it.

“And the others?”

“The wounded are being moved to the Black Tower for treatment, and the rest are helping the humans clean the battlefield.”

“Everyone is going through a lot. And Trika?”

“Helping the humans clean the field. Should I call him?”

“No, you also head back to your task.”

Jamie left Abset and moved to a place where he felt Trika’s energy, and he was there cleaning up the weapons.

There was no one else around, and it seemed like he was working alone.

It was such a spectacle to look at him from a distance.

‘Isn’t he the Demon Lord?’

What kind of sight was this that the Demon Lord himself was carrying and collecting the weapons?

It wasn’t like he shouldn’t do it, but there was no reason for him to do it now.

Jamie smiled and went to where he was.

[You came.]

Trika sensed Jamie’s presence right away and greeted him.

“Why are you doing it alone?”

[I was doing some tidying up. Since the land has been dug up from the clashes, it should be quite fertile here. The waterway below isn’t so bad either, so it should be okay to build a city here.]

“Now that you are a Lord, you are an expert, huh?”

[Because this is the era of peace.]

Trika couldn’t show his expressions, but after hearing his voice, he seemed to be smiling.

He had also been with Jamie in the past and was aware of how absurd the world turned out to be, so he could sympathize with how Jamie felt.

[Anyway, they seem to have been seriously injured since they still haven’t regained consciousness.]

The ones he was talking about were Behemoth and Jormungand, and Jamie nodded as if he knew.

“They are strong, so they will get up soon.”

Seeing him like that, Trika tilted his head.

[Is something up?]

“What are you suddenly talking about?”

[Your expression looks a little dark.]

At his words, Jamie just rubbed his face.

“Dark. On such a fine day. Well, I need to see the other side. Take it easy and rest. You had a fierce fight here.”

[I’m all fine.]

“A stiff brat until the end. Be well.”

Jamie waved his hand as he vanished, and Trika looked at the spot where he had disappeared.

Be well.

It sounded like a goodbye to him. If this were the master he knew, he would never say such a thing unless he was leaving forever.

He should have greeted him in some other way.

[Am I being too sensitive?]

That would have been the case, but just as Jamie said, what bad thing could happen on such a good day?

It seemed like it hadn’t been long since he had fought such an important battle.

Trika thought it was just a feeling and went back to cleaning.

Anna made an earnest request to her brother, who continued to move despite not being well.

“Brother, get some rest. You will hurt yourself even more.”

“Everyone else is unconscious, so I need to protect this place. Normally, Jamie, that brat should be doing it, but he went somewhere and left all of this to a patient like me!”

“Protect what? Who do you have to protect this from? You are being too much.”

“What too much?!”

At his sister’s nagging, Ricky scratched his ears. Well, Anna wasn’t wrong.

There was nothing else he had to do here. There were no enemies left, and those who followed the Sun God had either fled or committed suicide.

It wasn’t long before they escaped, and most of them had been captured too. All that was left was to sort out the corpses of their allies and enemies and move the wounded to the Black Tower, but that wasn’t something Ricky had to do.

He was a patient who had to lie down and rest.

“Gods are invincible. Now rest.”


If he continued, his sister’s nagging would never stop.

“I will just do my role here.”

“You are being stubborn!”

Anna turned around and disappeared, deciding to stop caring. Looking at her walk away, Ricky pursed his lips. As Anna jerked her head away, Ricky whispered,


“…stay still and rest!”

After confirming that Anna had left, Ricky sighed. Then he heard Jamie’s voice.

“You stubborn son of a bitch, why aren’t you listening to her?”

Ricky looked back, startled to see Jamie smiling.

“You! Where did you go? I am not being scolded by Anna for no reason!”

“Woah! Calm down. And why is it because of me? It isn’t like this won’t work without me.”

“Yah, brat, with or without the person in…!”

“I am in charge.”

It didn’t matter whether Anna or Ricky were in charge or if his two disciples were.

And he was right, so Ricky just frowned, unable to say anything.

“So, where have you been? You didn’t even show your face here.”

“If you wanted to see me, you should have come when I landed.”

“Huh. Why would I have gone there? I am tired to death already.”

“Heh. You have been through so much.”

Jamie lightly tapped Ricky on the chest with his fist. And Ricky screamed like a dying man.


“I-I didn’t even hit that hard!”


“No, what kind of injury did you get to get hurt this bad? And why are you here, then? Go back and get treated.”

Jamie helped his friend, who was holding on to the point of being stubborn, and looked at him. Then Ricky’s screams faded, making him look calmer.

With a slightly exhausted face, he told Jamie,

“You shouldn’t touch a wounded person like this…”

“How would I know you’d die like this?”

“What was that just now? My body doesn’t hurt anymore!”

His body, which had been a mess, was now all healed. His condition was so bad that it seemed he wouldn’t be able to recover soon, and it seemed like a miracle.

Then Jamie spoke as if it were nothing.

“I am not kidding. This much is too easy for me.”

“You bastard. If you had so much power, you should have come sooner! Do you know how many people were injured?! There aren’t just one or two of our executives who are in a critical state.”

“Everything will be alright.”

Jamie said to reassure Ricky.

Then Ricky looked at him with a strange look.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”


“Like someone going far?”

“What are you saying? I healed you, but it seems your mental fatigue still hasn’t recovered. As Anna said, rest.”

“Where are you going?”

“I will take a look around. Because there are people I haven’t seen yet.”

“Ugh, right, right.”

Ricky rubbed his chin, watching Jamie vanish. He had seen Jamie for a long time, but this was a first.

Was there still something he had to do?

…he thought that, despite feeling that everything was over.

The world had finally seen peace.

“He must be too tired.”

The person who should have been the most excited had to be Jamie. Even if he pretends to be bright, he must have been quite exhausted.

That must have been why his expression was a little bad.

Ricky sat back in the chair.

It felt odd, but it was probably just his mood.

“Thinking of returning now?”

“Yes. A new World Tree has just taken root, so we have to handle it.”

“The High Elves have been through tough times.”

“It isn’t hard. It’s something we have to do.”

Hiyan and Hasyath had a brief conversation before parting ways.

“If I go now, I might not see you for a while. No, maybe for the rest of my life.”

“If fate makes it possible, there will be a day when I will see you again.”

“Huhu. We got a lot of help from you people. Thanks.”

“We have been grateful since the World Tree until today.”

The King of the Rans and the Keeper of the World Tree greeted each other one last time, and then each of them prepared to leave for their respective homes.

“What? Leaving already?”

However, at that very moment, Jamie appeared in front of the two of them.

Hiyan and Hasyath opened their eyes in shock at his sudden appearance.

“Where were you?”

“I didn’t see you, so I wanted to greet you later.”

“Why do so much? I have come here to greet you.”

At his sudden remark, the two looked at Jamie with puzzled faces, and upon receiving those gazes, Jamie politely bowed his head to the two of them.

“You have worked hard all this time, both of you. I don’t know if the day will come when we will meet again, but we will be allies forever, and if something bad happens, we promise to come rush fast.”

At Jamie’s polite greeting, the two smiled and then greeted him back in accordance with their races.

“Thank you for taking care of us until now. The Rans will never forget the kindness you have shown for all eternity. The Rans and humans will remain strong allies.”

“So will the High Elves. Even though our paths were different, we will enjoy eternal glory under one alliance. May the World Tree bless you.”

Jamie smiled, went over to the two, and gave them a tight hug.

“Everyone is doing well.”

“Good luck to you too.”

“Be safe.”

They stayed that way for a while, but soon parted ways. Their alliance with the Black Tower would not end until the world ended.

Then Jamie moved to another place, leaving them behind. It was the recovery room of the Black Tower where the officers were being treated.

All of them were seriously injured, but luckily, they weren’t at a critical level because they were Gods.

Of course, there were also those who weren’t there.


The guy who chose to be with the enemy.

Jamie let out a short sigh and approached each of them as he placed his hand on their bodies. Just like what he did to Ricky, the power was absorbed into their bodies.

Most of their bodies would recover, so they would regain consciousness after a while.

“I wanted to have one last conversation with you people. I’m sorry for leaving like this.”

Jamie walked out of the recovery room with a bitter smile.

He wanted to stay a little longer, but he was running out of time. So he moved.

There were a few more people he had to meet.

Jamie went looking for his past ties one by one.

“Thank you for not forgetting and coming to visit me.”

Linmel, who first taught him the full-body breathing method, shed tears at the sight of Jamie.

Jamie fixed his broken mana circle.

And then he went to Mayatrey.

“What is this? I was looking for you too. Please give me some freedom because my people have done enough for me. From my side, the punishment is still less. What do you think?”

Jamie agreed.

They had certainly done a lot this time.

They had sacrificed a lot, and they no longer had the protection of the 12 Gods like before, so they wouldn’t be able to attack like before.

The next place he visited was the old Frontier.

“Long time no see.”

It was Jin from Ryo.

He was in charge of the village where his mother, Sears, and Sarah were staying. And Jamie felt grateful to him.

When he said thank you, Jamie just awkwardly laughed.

“I am just doing my work. Thank you for coming, though.”

The next person he visited was Han, a man from Ryo, like Jin.

He was now working for the Black Tower as a mercenary.

“W-what is it? Did you come just to say hi? No fun~ Let’s have a drink next time.”

And they cheerfully parted.

Next was Hawks, the King of the Bird Tribe and an excellent hunter. He used to have a huge conflict with Jamie in the past, but he is now living a fairly mild life and protecting the other members.

“I am sorry for not helping in the war. I couldn’t leave with my people in danger.”

It was only natural for him to prioritize his people. He did his best in his position, so there was no need to be sorry about it.

“Thank you for saying that. I will go next time.”

Jamie met a couple more people and soon left. And his last stop was at the tomb of Count Welton.

It hadn’t been that long since he visited the last time, but it rained a lot, so weeds had grown, so Jamie trimmed them and set flowers In front of the tombstone.

“Father, I am here.”

He sat down in front of the grave. Jamie took out some alcohol and poured it into the two glasses he had prepared.

“Come to think of it. I never had a drink with Father. Well, I was very young then.”

After pouring it into the two glasses and sharing one with him, Jamie drank first.

He swallowed hard since the drink was strong.


Jamie felt refreshed from the drink that he hadn’t had in a long time. Actually, after reincarnating, he had never tasted alcohol.

He stared at the glass with a puzzled look and mumbled as he set it down,

“I can’t drink alcohol now. I have no idea how I did it before.”

During the days of Diablo, he wasn’t this weak. But since he had taken a break for 60,000 years, he was becoming weak.

‘It’s fine to be weak if I haven’t drunk for that long.’

Jamie stared at the tombstone and thought stupid things.

He stayed silent and then subconsciously scratched his forehead.

He wasn’t sure what to say.

He thought some more, but then he soon opened his mouth.

“I will go far away. I don’t think I will come back. I know it’s filial piety, but it’s the only way. There is another way, but I think it would be too hard to do now.”

It was difficult for Jamie to look at the tombstone.

He looked at the ground and continued to make excuses.

“I wanted to live while protecting Mother and Sarah, but I think my father will have to do that now.”

And then he drank again.

After one more drink, he got up and brushed the dust off his butt.

“Sorry. I am leaving everything to Father. You understand, though, right?”

Jamie poured the alcohol over the grave and then used magic to make the bottle disappear. Then a chilly wind blew past him.

He couldn’t even feel cold, but he still put his hands in his pockets.

“If. Just if.”

He said this while gently stroking the tomb with red eyes.

“If I am lucky enough to be born again to Father and Mother as your son, please love me.”

Jamie turned around, while wiping the flowing tears with the back of his hand.

He walked down the path leading to their family’s mansion. The sound of the leaves being crunched below his feet felt sad today.

It was when he was walking out that he saw someone standing there.

A girl with both of her fists clenched and tears flowing down her face.

Sarah said,

“I knew you would be here.”

And she seemed pretty pissed.

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