"Good. That's my natural state," Elias joked as he ran his fingers through his dark hair, drawing a few strands back from his forehead only for them to fall back.

"Do you see yourself making a difference after college?" Alyssa asked him. It was kind of a weighted question, but she wondered what he saw when he thought ahead. When she graduated, she wanted to impact a lot of people in a positive way.

Elias gave her a surprised look before laughing in a nervous manner.

"Oh, man. That's heavy," he said. "Hm. I hope to. I really do."

Alyssa smiled and nodded. Even if he didn't think so, it was a good answer. Hope was good. Hope was strong. As long as they had that, they had a good shot at their goals.

"I hope your business pans out," Alyssa told him. She didn't know what he would be involved in, but she had a feeling it would be something great. He seemed to have the charm and drive to successfully run a business. What he learned here at college would definitely help too.

"Thank you," Elias said sincerely. "So, biomedical? Like becoming a doctor?"

"Pediatrician hopefully," Alyssa replied as they walked along the brick walkway toward the dorm gates. She knew their time together was coming to an end soon, but she tried not to look sad about that. At least they had a class together. She didn't have to worry about never seeing him again.

"Wow, kids. That's amazing," Elias told her. He looked impressed. "You're literally amazing."

"I haven't done anything amazing yet," Alyssa pointed out. She wanted to make it to that point where she could, but she was starting at the very bottom. The climb to the top was a long one, and she knew that she would feel like quitting at least once on the way there.

"But you will," Elias said as his arm brushed hers. "I know you will."

Whether he was just being nice or actually had that amount of faith in her, Alyssa deeply appreciated it. She never got this kind of support back at home, but she got it from basically strangers all the time. It was sad they were more supportive than her own parents.

"Well, you've already done something amazing," Alyssa replied as they stopped in front of the black gates to her dorm. Her building loomed in the background. She held up her tea that was nearly gone. "You got me to like tea."

"I know my stuff," Elias said with a confident smile. He tossed his empty cup away in a nearby trash can. "There's a whole world out there I can show you."

Alyssa couldn't help but laugh. He seemed so wise for his age, like he had so many experiences and memories to share. She hadn't met anyone else who was like that. Maybe he could show her everything that she had been missing out on in her life.

"I'd like that," she told him. She wasn't sure if he was serious about his offer, but she was down if he was. They could explore and experience so many things together, and she could actually feel like a college student aside from all of the work she had to do. This was supposed to be the most fun time of her life.

Elias nodded as he leaned his side against the gate.

"Me too. I guess I'll see you in class, yeah?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you," she replied. She didn't want to part ways with him, but she knew that it was getting late and they needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow was Friday, so she'd get to see him bright and early the next morning. "Thanks for… tonight."

"My pleasure," Elias assured her as he tilted his cup toward her.

Alyssa smiled at him before turning to swipe herself into the gated area. She watched him open the gate for her before walking inside. She wanted to say more to him, but she figured she could save that for tomorrow. Maybe she could catch him after class.

During the entire walk back to her dorm room, her heart pounded wildly. She actually had a really nice time with him. He was sweet and thoughtful. It made her wonder how he had such a tough edge with Kaleigh and Olivia. Where was he hiding that side of him?

She shook her head. It didn't matter. All she cared about was their time together and how he acted toward her. It made her feel weightless, like she could float. She kicked her shoes off once she reached her dorm and flopped down on her bed with a wide smile on her face.

Her hand moved to settle over her heart, feeling its heavy beat. He had such an effect on her. She knew that would only grow stronger the more they were around each other. She warned herself not to get ahead of herself. Just because she was feeling this way didn't mean he did too, and the last thing she wanted was to break her own heart to kick off this semester.

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