Systemless Villain

Chapter 46 Return to Cheers

Chapter 46 Return to Cheers

"I want the Heartblade of Guo Jian," Long Tian stated, his voice carrying a confident undertone.

"What's that?" Qin Chen inquired, his tone laced with genuine curiosity.

"Isn't the Wudang Sect your playground? Go ahead and ask them," Long Tian replied casually.

A ripple of realization crossed Qin Chen's features, his expression morphing into a mixture of wariness. If Long Tian was involving the Wudang Sect, it was undoubtedly no trivial matter.

"You're not asking me to steal the Sect's treasure, are you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm not certain. What I do know is, if you hand over the Heartblade of Guo Jian to me, Li Yue'er will be yours once again. That's the only condition I have, and I won't entertain further negotiations," Long Tian responded, then promptly left Qin Chen and headed to the classroom.

Qin Chen let Long Tian go, his mind now focused on the Heartblade of Guo Jian. From its name, he could tell that it might be a sword.

"Perhaps I should consult Old Han," he mused aloud.

Without wasting any more time, he headed towards the classroom. Thankfully, his classroom was distinct from Long Tian's.


As Long Tian entered the classroom, a collective hush fell upon the students. Surprise danced in their eyes upon seeing him, but that surprise quickly gave way to elation as smiles bloomed on their faces.

"Long Tian, you're back!" a girl exclaimed, her voice brimming with genuine joy as she approached him.

In no time, a group of five beautiful girls had gathered around him, their happiness radiating like a warm aura.

"Long Tian, where have you been?"

"We've missed you so much."

Long Tian's smile only widened as he found himself enveloped by the attention of these girls. He was no stranger to such situations, having grown accustomed to it even back in junior high school.

However, amidst the jubilant crowd of girls, the male students watched with a mixture of envy and admiration. Being the center of attention and care for a group of attractive girls was the dream of many, but they could only watch from a distance.


As class resumed, Long Tian engaged with the lesson at hand. When the break eventually arrived, many students headed to the cafeteria for a meal, Long Tian included.

He walked over to a group of five students: Li Guowu, Bai Li, and others.

"Yo, look who's here, our prodigious Long Tian. How's it going?" Li Guowu greeted, his eyes alight with genuine warmth.

Long Tian's response was equally casual. "I'm doing well," he replied, a friendly smile playing on his lips.

"You've been gone for two weeks, had us all worried. But I can see now that only good things have come your way," Li Guowu remarked.

Long Tian chuckled lightly. "You could say I'm more than five times better than before. I've reached the Flowing Qi realm, by the way," he revealed.

The revelation left Li Guowu and the others wide-eyed in amazement.

"No way, the Flowing Qi realm?"

"You're only 18, right?"

"Man, you're a real genius, Long Tian."

The accolades flowed freely, yet Long Tian's response remained nonchalant. "Come on, it's just the Flowing Qi realm, nothing too remarkable."

Li Guowu and the others shared a knowing glance. "Only you would downplay something like that, Long Tian," Bai Li chimed in, her eyes dancing with mirth.

"Well, I'm glad we are friends," Li Guowu added.

"Alright, enough with the praise. Let's grab some food," Long Tian interjected.

With that, they walked towards the cafeteria.

Their friendship was strong; the six of them had been friends since junior high school and often spent time together.


As they reached the bustling cafeteria, a surprising sight greeted them — a multitude of students were actually leaving, causing the usually busy place to appear nearly deserted.

Li Guowu's brows knitted in confusion, his eyes scanning the scene. "Why's everyone clearing out? Is there a special guest or something?"

"Maybe. Tomorrow is the Martial Spirit Awakening day, so there might be some government officials visiting," one of his companions speculated.

Long Tian's curiosity was piqued. He tapped the shoulder of a passing student, inquiring, "Hey, why's everyone leaving the cafeteria?"

The student paused and turned to Long Tian. "There's word that a high-achieving student, the winner of a fighting competition abroad, is arriving. People are gathering to welcome her," he explained.

"A high-achieving student? Got it. You can go now," Long Tian acknowledged, releasing his grip on the student's shoulder.

With a nod of gratitude, the student quickly headed towards the departing crowd.

Left standing there, Long Tian, Li Guowu, and their friends exchanged glances.

"A high-achieving student, huh? Could that be Liu Qian? I remember she was chosen by the school to represent us abroad not long ago. This might be her homecoming," Li Guowu mused aloud.

"And her, isn't she your ex-girlfriend, Long Tian? Aren't you going to give her a warm welcome?" Li Guowu added.

Long Tian shook his head. "No, we were never in a relationship. Though I did have a bit of a crush on her back in junior high school. But that's long history, and it's been a while since we even talked."

Li Guowu's curiosity wasn't quelled. "Wait, you mean you never dated Liu Qian? I distinctly remember you two went on a date, right?"

"That was ages ago, Li Guowu. Let's not bring up the past. Besides, I'm starting to feel a bit hungry. How about we grab a meal?"

With their conversation shifting, they settled down at a cafeteria table, each ordering their choice of food as they carried on their light-hearted banter.


Outside the classroom, the school's bustling courtyard was a sea of excitement. Students and teachers alike gathered, their attention drawn to a sleek black car that gracefully pulled up.

The car's door opened, unveiling a stunning blonde-haired girl stepping out. Applause and cheers erupted from the crowd, an enthusiastic welcome for the returning figure.

Liu Qian exuded confidence as she navigated the space, her radiant smile basking in the spotlight of her classmates' admiration. Every gaze held fervor, welcoming her back with warmth and pride.

A teacher took the stage with a microphone, capturing the crowd's attention. "Good morning, everyone! As you can see, today holds a special significance. It's with great pleasure that I announce Liu Qian's remarkable victory in an international fighting competition! Her dedication, hard work, and exceptional skill have led her to this achievement. Let's give her a round of applause."

Applause and cheers resounded in an overwhelming wave, a surge of pride and joy filling the air.

As the applause subsided, the teacher handed the microphone to Liu Qian, allowing her to address the eager crowd.

With a poised demeanor, Liu Qian held the microphone, her words resonating with confidence. "I want to thank all of you for your unwavering support and encouragement..."

Amidst the attentive audience, one male student stood out, his joy and pride palpable. A radiant smile never left his lips, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on Liu Qian.

Though he was an ordinary student, there was a special relationship between them, and his name was Ye Chen.

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