Bloodless Assassin (1)

It had already been four months since she had started waiting for the Holy Punishers to deal with the night’s big change.

Hollien was conflicted.

‘Should I just go back to the palace?’

Once she returned to the royal family, it would be hard to leave again.

Since the queen of a country had many responsibilities, she needed to prepare a lot in advance to free up her time.

‘Genovia used to be so annoyed because it’s hard to make time for each other.’

She suddenly smiled as she recalled the days when she cleared the Four Prohibited Areas as with the Top Four in the past.

Unlike Baotolt, who wandered as like a wildling, Garhan, a nobleman of Kaldris, and Genovia, who served as the heir to the Mado Kingdom, Hollien was already the queen of the Fairy Kingdom at that time.

She had to reschedule for months before she could move as the Transcendental.

Genovia, who was impatient, complained, saying to leave her behind, but Garhan insisted that he did not intend to move without a reliable Spiritist.

And Baotolt…

‘He turned the royal family upside down to let his colleague out. Oh, that crazy person.’

At that time, thanks to the crazy Sword King, the nagging royal officials were forced to let Hollien go right away.

However, since there was no longer anyone that could do something that crazy, it would take her time to leave the palace again.

Hollien didn’t want to behave as Baotolt did.

Hence, she had been holding on for as long as she could, but she was getting bored.

‘I miss my love, too.’

At that moment-

A messenger visited her with the news.

“Your Grace! The Holy Punishers are back!”

“Oh, where?”

“In the territory of Count Mahal!”

The heir of the Sword King and his party had besieged yet another castle.

As a result, the Fairy Kingdom’s regular army, which had been stationed there, was defeated, and 11 high-level Aliens were exterminated.

Hollien was embarrassed.

“No, why did they go there?”

If the Holy Punishers reappeared, she was sure that they would aim for her first.

The reason for keeping regular troops on each territory was simply because she failed to give any validations to withdraw.

She couldn’t let the royal family know what was going on.

‘But they’re starting to attack my forces again? Why? Didn’t they achieve their goal to drag me out of the royal family?’

Hollien’s frowned.

‘What else are they trying to do?’

* * *

Not everything in the world was done only by conspiracy and ploy.

As soon as they returned to the ground, the reason why Han-bin and his party had attacked the territories under Hollien was surprisingly simple.

It was because of the report from a Templar member.

“Lord Leon Hart, the Transcendental is going back to the palace.”

The Holy Punishers’ activities had stopped because all the Templar Lords were away.

However, information collection was progressing steadily.

It was the role of each Church, not the Holy Punishers.

Leon Hart was frightened by the report.

“Oh, we can’t allow that.”

They attacked a corrupted aristocrat nearby and announced the resumption of their activities.

It was to send such a message.

-Don’t go home! We’re still moving!

Thanks to that, Hollien changed her mind.

It was a do-or-die situation.

“If we were a little late, we would’ve needed to start over.”

A small cottage in Grential, a vast forest in western Allendia.

Han-bin’s group and the six Templar Lords gathered together after they returned from subduing the Mahal estate.

Leon Hart spoke up.

“Well, we’ve made a detour, but thanks to that, we’re all set.”

Due to the battles with Uto Ksarik, Ryu Han-bin had grown stronger.

That was confirmed in the territory of Count Mahal.

Eleven Level 100 Aliens were all killed by Han-bin.

There was no need to use the Valtara’s Three Swords. His regular skills were enough.

“It’s time to start phase three.”

Leon Hart pointed at the table.

There were some papers on it.

It was confidential documents detailing how to deal with Hollien’s Allendia army.

He crumpled the papers.

“Let’s scrap the existing plan.”

It was no longer necessary.

A new strategy with a higher winning probability had arisen.

Looking back at Ryu Han-bin, Leon Hart grinned.

“He’s grown beyond our expectations.”

* * *

At the Sermen Islands in central Allendia, hundreds of troops were marching along the road.

It was Hollien’s Allendia army heading to the next destination, the Clovis estate.

The territory of Viscount Clovis, like any other estate, had been suffering from the night’s big changes for months.

The lord of the territory was so competent that he had been preventing the attack of monsters himself until that point, but he was inevitably forced to ask Hollien for reinforcements.

Hollien grumbled inwardly, enjoying the view outside the carriage.

“I don’t know how long I have to go around like this.”

It had already been ten days since the Holy Punishers reappeared and attacked the Mahal territory. There had been no movement since.

Leslie, sitting next to her, asked cautiously.

“Are you going back to the royal family?”

“If nothing happens on the Clovis estate… Yeah, I’ll have to go back for now.”

And she would have to find another way to capture the incarnation.

“I can’t stay like this forever.”

They had been on the move for quite a long time.

On the other side of the road, a group of people was seen approaching the Allendia army.

There were about fifty men and ten chariots full of luggage.

Each carriage had a flag with the symbol of Viscount Clovis.

Leslie grinned as she looked back at Hollien.

“The Viscount is here to meet you, my Queen.”

They hadn’t yet arrived at his territory.

However, the queen visited them herself.

It wasn’t enough to greet her barefoot, but he couldn’t dare just sit in a mansion and greet her.

Therefore, the lord usually came out to meet the queen himself to show his sincerity, loyalty, servitude, and gratitude.

That was the common courtesy among the nobility.

Soon, a group of the Viscount’s people joined the Allendia army.

A knight politely delivered the news.

“Your Highness, Viscount Clovis asks for permission to be in your presence.”

“Let him in… Oh, no, I’ll go out myself.”

How would he come into the little carriage?

‘Ah, habits.’

With a wry smile, Hollien stepped out of the carriage.

A young aristocrat with dazzling blond hair and pointed ears was politely kneeling before her.

The young Elf had just turned 100 that year.

“Your humble subject offers my respect to you, my Queen.”

“You’ve done a great job coming a long way, Viscount.”

“It is nothing compared to your hard work, my liege. I’ll guide you from here.”

“I look forward to your kind cooperation.”

Nodding her head, Hollien turned to the carriage procession of Clovis.

Each carriage was filled with all kinds of supplies and gifts to the queen.

The Viscount continued.

“Please accept our gifts. Though they’re humble, we have picked them with the sincerity of our family.”

The noble queen herself led knights and soldiers to help to clear the rebellion of the territory.

Of course, they should treat them accordingly.

Even without considering the manners of the aristocrats, it was only appropriate to pay her efforts.

“I’ll gratefully accept them. The soldiers will be happy.”

Soon, the porters of the Viscount began to move the wagons’ luggage.

Hollien casually asked a question as she watched the scene unfold.

“Most porters are big, aren’t they?”

Clovis’s group consisted of ten knights, twenty soldiers, and twenty porters.

And uniquely, the porters were bigger than the knights and soldiers.

They were all giants over 180 centimeters tall.

Although the Continental Three Powers’ average height was larger than the countryside, it still wasn’t common to be that tall.

Especially for porters…

“Aren’t their bones too good to be just servants?”

With a bitter smile, Clovis replied.

“They were supposed to be the warriors of the family. But when I trained them, combat wasn’t their expertise. Still, it’s not fair to ignore them, so I’m hiring them as porters.”

“Well, I suppose that’s just.”

It certainly seemed that the porters were no stranger to martial arts.

When she checked their level, she learned something.

[Race: Human. Warrior lv.5.]

[Race: Human. Swordsman lv. 8.]

[Race: Human. Swordsman lv. 6.]

They had ridiculously low levels to even consider using them as soldiers.

Well, it wasn’t such a strange concept.

It was surprisingly common for people to be unfamiliar with combat due to their weak minds or dull senses, even if their bodies were strong.

“Then I’ll be in your care, Clovis.”

Without much doubt, Hollien returned to her carriage, and the big porters carried their luggage.

Among them, there was a young man with black hair that was measured as a level 6 swordsman.

Ryu Han-bin smiled internally.

‘Alright, infiltration is successful.’

* * *

Six days ago.

To proceed with the new three-stage plan, Leon Hart they had a problem to solve first.

“We need to figure out how many Aliens the Fairy Queen has hidden around her.”

The total number of servants accompanying Hollien was thirty-two.

Though she was a queen of a country, it was a bit too much.

“I’m sure some of them are Aliens from Akhtarun.”

However, they couldn’t figure it out in the way Latnains did.

The Aliens had been locked up for more than 20 years, and they were the world’s most unpredictable

“But Han-bin, you’ll be able to tell at a glance, right?”

Hence, he disguised himself as a porter and secretly infiltrated the Allendia army.

Blending in was easy.

In the first place, Ryu Han-bin had experience in pretending to be someone else. He had lived as a Valtara warrior before, after all.

Just returning to his original figure from a wild savage man with dark muscles and yellowish hair hanging down changed his appearance dramatically.

“It’s going to be hard to recognize that I’m the same person without paying attention.”

And there were usually no people who cared about level 6 people.

There was just one problem.

Ryu Han-bin was too big.

Regardless of how good his disguise was as a porter, he would inevitably get others’ attention since he was taller than others by at least a head.

However, Leon Hart gave a simple solution to such a complicated issue.

“If you want to hide trees, you have to hide them in forests.”

They just had to get as many porters that were taller than everyone else as possible.

“If everyone is a giant like Han-bin, he won’t stand out.”

Angelica pointed out a hole in the plan.

“Hey, wouldn’t it be a problem if the forest gets too dense?”

It was possible if it were on Earth, but in the continent of Latna, it would raise interest, maybe even suspicion, if there were 20 giants with heights over 180cm walking around together.

Even Leon Hart couldn’t find a fix to that.

The Templar Lords agonized once again.

The solution came from someone unexpected.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Lord Leon Hart, because that’s why I volunteered to be the intercessor. The Fairy Queen wouldn’t doubt me.”

The speaker was a young Elf aristocrat who attended the meeting with the six Templar Lords.

Looking back at him, Leon Hart sighed with relief.

“I’ll leave you to it, Clovis.”

“I won’t fail you.”

Looking back at everyone, the young man, Viscount Clovis, protruded his chest and answered proudly.

“I would sacrifice my life if it meant serving the right Goddess.”

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