Romance of Dragons and Snakes

Chapter 24: Hitting someone until they cry

Chapter 24: Hitting someone until they cry

“You! Don’t be too unruly!”

Seeing how Wang Chao had no intentions of changing into an uniform, all of the Taekwondo instructors gave Wang Chao a despicable look. Even the first person from Li Wanji’s office, Li Feng had a little snort through his nose as he readied himself.

“Taekwondo fourth degree black belt, Li Feng. Please treat me well.” Li Feng’s tone had not been polite at all as if he grinded the words through his teeth. Both of his legs planted firmly onto the ground as he got into a fighting stance.

“Li Feng, how could you have forgotten the very basics of etiquette? You are impatient and your heart is feeble! Just how will you master the art of offense and defense?!” Li Wanji stalked forwards on the black and white carpet as she pressed a hand down onto his shoulder and spoke gravely, “You should be careful, I’ve tested this person in my office already. His is nimble, strong, and a master of a moving battle. But if you issue power from afar and get close to him, you may be able to win using a throwing technique.”

Li Wanji’s fighting experience was quite rich, so after that exchange of fists between her and Wang Chao, she could discern enough information on how Wang Chao fought.

“I understand, president!” Li Feng replied, the irritable expression turned calm as he spoke to Wang Chao once more, “Please treat me well.”

At this moment, Li Wanji walked to another black belt instructor and spoke some words before walking over to the other upper class members standing around.

“President Li, just who is this youth? Just why have you called so many black belts here to test him?” A middle aged man with a rather prominent beer belly spoke to Li Wanji while also discreetly looking at the proud assets of her chest.

“Chairman Wu!” Li Wanji spoke out courteously. “This is the person that officer Cao recommended to be one of our expert instructors, so I’ve come to conduct a test!”

Although she loathed chairman Wu’s lecherous stare, Li Wanji pretended not to notice.

Chairman Wu was a well known real estate agent of the province. With the Zhongee Real Estate group, he had monopolized about a third of the area. Aside from the rich Lake Tianxing district, the Zhonghe Real Estate had their hands on the rest.

This high and mighty person was also a high ranking member of this dojo. Each year, he had spent several hundred thousand and had his group sponsor and host several of the province’s Taekwondo competitions.

This god of wealth was naturally someone Li Wanji did not want to offend.

“A person recommended by old man Cao?” Chairman Wu was stunned. Averting his eyes away from Li Wanji, he turned back to where Wang Chao was in the center of the ring.

“This is the youth that Cao Yi recommended? He’s so young, and yet he wants to be an instructor?” Another girl who overheard the conversation on the couch suddenly asked.

This woman was wearing an uniform that did nothing to hide her creamy white like skin and a graceful face that exuded as much charm as a young married woman could muster.

“Director Zhang.” Li Wanji gave a look at her before nodding in a respectful way. This married woman was called Zhang Tong and was the director of a French originated international corporation for cosmetics that made a branch in southern China.

A vast majority of the high classed woman would generally learn self defense or wrestling. So it was only natural that director Zhang would be a high ranking member of the Taekwondo union. Her own strength wasn’t that bad either, as she had already earned the right to be a black belt.

Zhang Tong frequently came by to teach and to exercise since she knew how beneficial this dojo was.

Originally, it was Cao Yi that had sometimes came in as the high leveled expert.

Cao Yi’s past was something that Zhang Tong knew. She knew that he had been a special ops soldier that was stationed in this place for some time. In the last year he had been promoted several ranks and became a well known member to the upper class. At first, he had been only a basic leveled person, but after several shocking reveals of strength, he had been inducted as a high ranking member.

People like Cao Yi were destined to go far in the government, so it was only natural that this woman would know of him in the business world.

But now that Cao Yi was promoted, he wouldn’t be playing guest instructor at the dojo anymore, so she had been wondering just who would be replacing him.

At the S province branch of the International Taekwondo Union, they had a dazzling amount of business, so had came to be expected that many people would come to spy on them. Challengers had came by with the excuse of having a competition, causing the dojo to lose many expert overseers and causing trouble overall.

Although challengers could easily be disputed with the police, but this way would be detrimental to their reputation. At the same time, many of the VIP members were eager to see a match between the challenger and dojo.

After all, every foreign and coastal areas had cruel black market fights for the sake of a rich man’s entertainment. But within China, this type of underground fighting was heavily cracked down by the Chinese government. Each case was soundly investigated with leniency, causing the rich who were always entertained by these violent fights to find other ways.

No matter how fierce or deadly one fought, with submachine guns, the militia could turn them into swiss cheese.

“That youth is quite calm.” Zhang Tong spoke as she looked at Wang Chao with a renewed interest.

Daintily raising from her seat, Zhang Tong walked over to the alcohol rack and poured herself half a cup of red wine. Sampling the alcoholic beverage, her eyes never moved away from the ring.

Li Wanji knew that whenever Zhang Tong took interest to something, she would always take a sip of red wine.

At this moment, the fourth degree black belt Li Feng was about to strike Wang Chao.

Moving into motion, Li Feng executed a beautiful kick towards Wang Chao’s abdomen. The wind rustled through his clothes and made a fluttering sound.

Taekwondo emphasized the beauty of the movement of the leg. There were 10 different ways to kick, and amongst those was the flying kick. The leg that Li Feng had made was definitely one of undeniable strength.

Wang Chao made no movements to dodge and instead moved into a horse stance. With a steady release of his breath, he brought both of his fists up right as Li Feng was about to make contact.

“The Smashing Fist is as swift as an arrow and takes after the element of earth, to issue power is to rely completely on the dan.” The dan was the dantian, which was located in the lower abdomen.

After Tang Zichen’s departure, Wang Chao had experienced true combat. Returning to his own memories, he thought to the principle of turning complexity to simplicity, and mastering it all. The Smashing Fist was something that he could say he was proficient at.

This way of fighting was suitable with the Xingyi Quan’s principle of “The fist comes from the face.” Wang Chao would not use Bagua Zhang where the hand would form a vicious knife that could kill or cripple. Furthermore, Bagua would not give him the satisfaction of beating the other.

Thus, Wang Chao would use Xingyi Quan to fight fiercely. His legs would strike the ground and he would charge at his opponent head on.

An arm and a leg made contact as Wang Chao’s fist clenched tightly with his pores sealing shut. Crinkling his eyebrows, Li Feng hastily took back his leg and shook it in pain.

Wang Chao took advantage of this and moved forward with heavy steps that left behind marks on even the carpet.

The art of fighting had a simple rule, “Chase the winds and overtake the moon without stopping. Cheng Tinghua himself had a simple saying as well, “Fight as if kissing”. When two people kissed, one must give way while the other gives chase. This type of relentless pursuit was extremely suitable with the way of fighting.

Author’s PS: For readers experienced with kissing a girl, you can understand the ideology behind mister Cheng.

Right as Li Feng had started to shake his foot in pain, he felt the carpet underneath begin to tremble as if there was an earthquake. By the time he realized, Wang Chao had already drawn close.

“This is my chance!” Although he hadn’t anticipated that Wang Chao would be that fast, Li Feng had been given directions from Li Wanji that if Wang Chao were to draw close, then he should use a throwing technique. Rapidly twisting his body and making contact with Wang Chao to wrap around him, Li Feng’s leg had already struck against Wang Chao’s calf from the inside out in order to trip him.

This was the Taekwondo’s way of throwing and tripping. It was capable of sending a person to the ground and was as terrifying as Wrestling was.

When Wang Chao had charged forward, he had intended on using the Pounding Fist to send Li Feng flying. But he hadn’t expected that Li Feng would somehow manage to dodge and then grapple to him after taking advantage of the dodge.

And straight after Li Feng had grappled onto him, he felt his center of gravity suddenly drop along with his leg.

“Good grappling technique.” Wang Chao sighed to himself in admiration. His entire body shifted as he deliberately made himself look unsteady before winding around Li Feng like a snake.

Li Feng’s tripping technique had not been enough to send Wang Chao the ground, so he tried once more.

But after the first time, Wang Chao was well prepared to control his own center of gravity. Straightening his back, he prepared to issue power.

“You tried to trip me, so I’ll do the same to you!” The two arms crossed against each other, and at the moment Li Feng had issued power, Wang Chao’s own hand had already listened to the movements of his Jin before forcing Li Feng’s body to be pulled forward and shake his center of gravity.

Expertly offputting Li Feng’s center of gravity, he suddenly turned around and crossed his arms to shove the ribs. His legs crouched and his waist turned, this was the stance for the “Returning Body Palm”.

Bang! Li Feng’s entire body fell to the floor after being thrown. As his entire body was in the air for a moment, he tumbled three meters away before staying still on the ground. As he tried to climb back up, Li Feng’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he finally fell back to the ground and began to sob.

“Did I hit him so hard tears came out?” Seeing how Li Feng was crying, he was shocked.

Wang Chao’s “Returning Body Palm” was so exceedingly beautiful that it had caused everyone on the outside of the ring to feel shocked as well. Even Zhang Tong was standing still with some of the red wine spilling onto her white uniform.

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