"A… a bio-titan…" Her lips trembled.

Elralya's eyes widened in terror as she beheld the source of the cataclysmic vibrations. Emerging from the debris and dust, the massive form of the Bio-Titan loomed over the battlefield like an ancient, vengeful god. Its chitinous exoskeleton glinted menacingly in the sunlight, and its multiple eyes fixated on the remaining survivors, both human and xenomorph alike. 

The bio-titan was an extremely massive, hideous creature, towering over the battlefield and bristling with spines, tendrils, and symbiote weapons. They were among the largest bio-creatures of the xenomorph race.

A collective gasp escaped the lips of the fighters who had managed to survive the initial onslaught. Salamander clenched his fists, his expression a mix of determination and fear. Cleome's crackling electricity dimmed for a moment, her confidence waning in the face of such an overwhelming adversary. Shinari, the shadowy figure, seemed to meld further into the darkness, her fear masked by her natural affinity with shadows. Cellaeth, usually unshakable, felt a chill crawl down her spine, her strength momentarily faltering under the sheer size and menace of the Hierophant. 

The surviving xenomorphs, too, seemed to pause in their relentless advance, their hisses and growls silenced in the presence of this colossal, nightmarish entity. The ground beneath them trembled with each step the Hierophant took, emphasizing the unstoppable force it represented. 

"Wh—what is that?" Aldred was shocked as well. He scanned the creature with his godly eyes, only to receive zero information about the creature.

"That's a bio-titan," Salamander replied with furrowed brows and rapid breathing. "It's not something we can defeat. That thing is made to siege the toughest stronghold humanity could build! Why is it here?"

They looked at the bio-titan and noticed that it was heading west. 

"What is that over there?"

Salamander scanned the area and he gasped. "That's a stronghold, designed to evacuate the people in case of a tsunami. The authorities must be guiding hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate there."

"How many people can it hold?"

Salamander gritted his teeth. "Millions."

Salamander knew that some planets had special type of stronghold to protect themselves from various natural disasters of their world. Each world was different, some world had the extreme kind of natural disaster that would allow periodic cleansing if the human didn't build a stronghold for themselves.

This planet seem to be hit frequently by massive tsunami, so their main stronghold were build to hold against wave.

But it surely wasn't designed to protect itself from a 100-meter tall bioform.

With a deafening roar, the Bio-Titan raised one of its massive, gnarled limbs, revealing a grotesque, pulsating organic cannon embedded within its chitinous armor. The cannon glowed with an eerie bioluminescent light, and an ominous hum filled the air as it charged up. The survivors watched in horror as the Bio-Titan aimed its bio-cannon toward the distant stronghold, its multiple eyes narrowing with deadly intent. 

Aldred's eyes widened in disbelief and horror as he witnessed the Bio-Titan aiming its bio-cannon directly at the stronghold. His godly senses picked up the fear emanating from the people inside, a collective terror that swept through the evacuees like a tidal wave. The atmosphere inside the stronghold became thick with panic as the residents realized the imminent threat bearing down on them.

"Can I stop that thing?"

Inside the stronghold, families huddled together, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. Children clung to their parents, their wide eyes reflecting the terror that gripped their young hearts. The authorities scrambled to maintain order, their voices projecting authority even as their eyes betrayed their own fears. The air buzzed with whispered prayers and frantic conversations as the people tried to comprehend the magnitude of the danger looming just beyond the walls.

Back on the battlefield, Salamander's jaw clenched in determination. He knew they couldn't allow the Bio-Titan to unleash its devastating power upon the stronghold. "We have to do something," he said, his voice resolute. "We can't let it fire that cannon." 

"I will try to stop that thing," Aldred said through his intercom. "All of you prioritize preventing the xenos from killing more people."

Aldred, determined to protect the innocent lives within the stronghold, led his undead-xenomorph army in a fierce charge toward the Bio-Titan. The ground shook beneath their feet as they closed the distance, Aldred at the forefront, his sword gleaming in the sunlight. 

With a battle cry, Aldred swung his sword at the Bio-Titan, aiming for a vulnerable spot between its chitinous plates. The sword connected with a loud clang, but to Aldred's dismay, it seemed to barely scratch the surface of the monstrous creature. The Bio-Titan retaliated swiftly, lashing out with its spined tail, sending a bunch of undead-xenomorphs flying in all directions. 

Aldred signaled his army to attack, and the undead-xenomorphs, fearless and intense, clashed with the Bio-Titan, their claws and acidic blood meeting the creature's armored hide.

"Fuck! The thing's weapons is too powerful!"

The Bio-Titan unleashed its devastating arsenal of bio-weapons. The Bio-Cannon roared to life, firing a searing bolt of bio-plasma toward the undead-xenomorphs. The impact sent several of them flying, their bodies dissolving in the corrosive substance. But the relentless onslaught continued as more undead-xenomorphs swarmed in, their numbers seemingly limitless. I think you should take a look at

Massive Scything Claws lashed out, slicing through the undead-xenomorphs with brutal efficiency. Limbs and carapaces were torn asunder, but the undead soldiers fought back ferociously, attempting to disable the Bio-Titan's limbs with every strike. Tentaclids whipped through the air, entangling the undead-xenomorphs, constricting around them and squeezing the unlife out of their forms. Yet, even in death, the xenomorphs proved formidable, their acid blood sizzling as it came into contact with the Tentaclids. 

All the while the bio-titan was massacring his undead army, it continued to approach the stronghold.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Aldred was enraged.

Thorax Biomorphs unleashed their deadly payloads, spewing forth bio-plasma and electrical discharges that wreaked havoc among the undead ranks. The battlefield crackled with energy as the undead-xenomorphs fell one by one, their bodies melting or convulsing under the onslaught. The Bio-Acid Spray rained down, corroding the ground and dissolving any unlucky undead-xenomorph caught in its path. 

Aldred manage to dodge all of the bio-titan's attack with his small and agile form.

Aldred, with blazing eyes, skillfully dodged the Bio-Titan's deadly bio-weapons. His calculated moves avoided corrosive sprays, slashing claws, and deadly tendrils, proving a challenging target for the colossal creature. 

With a swift motion, Aldred lunged at the Bio-Titan, his Phantom Doomblade gleaming with otherworldly energy. He aimed for a joint in the creature's massive limb, striking with precision and speed. The blade cut through the chitinous armor, drawing a spray of acidic blood, and eliciting a bellow of pain from the Bio-Titan. 

For a moment, the Bio-Titan stumbled, its movements slowed by the injury inflicted by Aldred's blade. The survivors on the battlefield seized the opportunity, redoubling their efforts to fight off the xenomorphs and protect the stronghold. 

Inside the stronghold, the people watched with bated breath as the tide of the battle seemed to shift, if only slightly, in their favor. Whispers of hope filled the air as they witnessed Aldred's valiant efforts. The authorities coordinated the evacuation efforts with renewed urgency, guiding more people towards safety. 

"He did it! He manage to injure the bio-titan!" Salamander shouted.

Outside, Salamander, Cleome, Shinari, and Cellaeth redoubled their attacks, their weapons striking with newfound vigor. Bolts of lightning crackled, fiery blasts erupted, and shadows danced as the fighters unleashed their powers upon the relentless xenomorph horde, attempting to thin their ranks. 

Alred's relentless attacks began to take a toll. The Bio-Titan roared in agony as Aldred's blade found its mark repeatedly, slicing through tough chitin and sinew. Each strike weakened the creature, slowing its movements further. With every injury, the Bio-Titan's once-terrifying advance faltered. 

Salamander, noticing the change in the Bio-Titan's demeanor, shouted over the comms, "Aldred, keep at it! You're slowing it down!" 

Aldred's unwavering resolve showed in his precise strikes, targeting the Bio-Titan's weakened joints. The once unstoppable creature now defended itself, swatting at Aldred with massive claws and tendrils, trying to fend off the relentless onslaught.

Cellaeth was shocked at Aldred's extreme speed and agility. Aldred was spinning, jumping, running, gliding, and sliding all over the and around the bio-titan. 

No matter how hard the bio-titan tried to attack him, it was unable to hit him.

Cleome, her eyes sparking with electricity, seized the opportunity. She unleashed a powerful surge of lightning, aiming directly for the Bio-Titan's wounded limbs. The electrical energy crackled and sizzled as it connected with the exposed flesh, eliciting a series of convulsions from the creature. The combination of Aldred's blade and Cleome's electricity created a deadly synergy, further hampering the Bio-Titan's movements.

Shinari, her form melding with the shadows, took advantage of the distraction. She slipped behind the Bio-Titan, her movements swift and silent. With her shadowy tendrils, she entwined around the creature's limbs, constricting them further and impeding its ability to retaliate.

Meanwhile, Cellaeth conjured a powerful gust of wind, creating a barrier between the Bio-Titan and the remaining xenomorphs, preventing them from interfering with Aldred and his allies. The battlefield crackled with energy as the survivors fought with renewed vigor, their combined efforts chipping away at the Bio-Titan's once-imposing facade.

Inside the stronghold, the evacuees watched the battle unfold on their screens, their expressions shifting from despair to hope. The once-inevitable doom now seemed less certain. Families clung to each other, their eyes glued to the display, their prayers filled with gratitude for the brave souls fighting to protect them.

The Bio-Titan, hindered by Aldred's relentless assault and survivor attacks, emitted furious roars. Its once-mighty form appeared vulnerable, movements less coordinated. Fueled by newfound hope, survivors pressed their advantage with renewed strikes.

But just as victory seemed within reach, the ground beneath them shook violently. A deep, ominous rumble echoed across the battlefield, causing everyone to pause and glance around in alarm. The very earth seemed to tremble in response to an unseen force, sending shockwaves through the air.

A massive tear in reality appeared on the battlefield, its edges pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Out of this tear emerged a figure, clad in dark, ethereal armor, radiating an aura of ancient power. The survivors watched in awe and trepidation as the mysterious figure stepped forward, eyes glowing with an unsettling light.

The figure held a cosmic scepter that seem to hold the power of the entire universe.


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