Chapter 13 - Run Run Run

The door looked like it was going to give out any second now.

They definitely did not have enough time to call the cops or any other helpline.

"We need to get out of here right now." Su Yan yelled, taking charge of the situation since both Alex and Lu Chen were shell-shocked and staring at the door like statues.

"Fuck this. I am going to lock myself in my house!" Alex nervously stuttered.

She didn't want to try any crazy stunts like escaping through the air vents or something.

She would rather think of all of this as a bad dream and would prefer to go back to her bedroom and sleep it all away.

"Stupid. If the monstrosity on the other side can break open this heavy metallic door, and make an impression like this, do you really think your thin plywood door is going to stop it from attacking you?" Lu Chen yelled at Alex.

He was right and Alex knew it.

She needed to stick with these brats for now, especially considering that Lu Chen had some sort of abnormal superhuman ability.

Who knows! He might even end up protecting them all in this nightmarish reality.

"Okay! I will follow you guys. What's the plan now?" Alex crossed her arms and seriously asked Su Yan.

She considered him to be the saner of the two. The other guy was simply hateful!

"Umm…" Su Yan hesitated. He was also at a loss for words. Both the elevator and the stairwell routes are unavailable.

And hiding in the apartment is not a feasible solution. They were essentially trapped.

So what can they possibly do now, considering they were on the 9th floor of the apartment complex?

Were they supposed to play running and catch with whatever was there on the other side of the door??

When the trio were racking their brain, a soft voice sounded from around the corner. "Fire escape."

Xu Meilin peeked her pretty little head out and nervously suggested.

The petite girl was slightly shivering and looked very anxious. She was holding a yellow tabby cat in her hands.

And as soon as the cat entered her field of vision, a familiar notification popped up in front of Little white.

[Player vs Player Quest: Defeat the Level 1 tabby cat]

[Reward: 100 Experience points]

[Damn it System! Not right now!] Qin Hua snarled and ignored the quest. She was more concerned about their current safety.

Contrary to Alex's cold and snarky attitude, Xu Meilin looked genuinely scared and in distress.

"Little girl, were you just eavesdropping on our conversation??" Alex angrily scoffed.

Tempers were running high and everyone was tightly wound.

Alex did not like the fact that the girl seemed to be secretly listening in on the conversation, without joining them outright.

"Sorry, big sister. I just came out because of all the loud noises. I didn't mean to intrude." Xu Meilin innocently explained.

"Great aunt! Can you not yell at our friend?" Lu Chen immediately snapped back.

"Of course, you would take her side."

"Well, who is the one completely useless here and who suggested using the fire escape! Hmph."

"Stop bickering you two. Let's go. Thanks, Mei Mei. We were not thinking properly. You really saved us this time!"

"I didn't even know that this place had a fire escape." Su Yan butted in and smoothened things over.

"You should also come with us. It is not safe to stay here. Something is trying to break open the door."

"Thanks, Su Yan. I am really afraid to be by myself. I don't know what is happening." Xu Meilin softly bowed with a pitiful expression.

"Awesome. A damsel in distress! Just what we need for this situation!" Alex was still not convinced.

She hated girls like Xu Meilin, always acting very pure and pitiful.

[Yup. You read my mind sister! Kick the cat and the girl out of this party right now.]

Qin Hua bobbed her cute head up and down, but unfortunately, no one was paying attention to her.

"Ok. Ok. Let's head to the fire escape. Now. Hopefully, at least that doesn't have any monsters or god knows what."

"Mei Mei, Can you lead the way?" Su Yan hurried anyone, focusing on the urgency of the situation.

"And while we are on the way we can also call the police and tell them about a mysterious monster or a violent human in our apartment complex. They can send some help our way." Lu Chen added.

Agreeing to this strategy the four humans, one cat and one dog, headed to the fire escape.

"The fire escape is right behind the old service door. Let's hurry."

When the group arrived there, they almost puked out blood.

"Stingy bastard!" Alex cursed the building owner.

The fire exit was right in front of them, but the damned thing was just a flimsy-looking ladder that ran down from the apartment roof all the way to the ground, with completely no railings or whatever for support.

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