Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 96: Met Magni for the first time

Chapter 96 Meeting Magni for the First Time

Charlemagne didn't notice the eye contact between Alleria and Lor'themar. Now that his younger brother had already confirmed his itinerary, he no longer forced himself to ask about what he had gained from this trip.

"How? There is still a big difference between the human kingdom and our Quel'Thalas, what do you think?"

Lor'themar's hand that was holding the Ningshen scented tea froze immediately, and then sighed, "As you said, brother, when we Quel'dorei were still complacently living behind closed doors, the young human race There has been tremendous development."

"The previous trip to Silvermoon City made me a little worried about those compatriots living in the capital. After seeing the attitude of human beings to life... hey!"

Charlemagne patted Lor'themar's arm comfortingly, "This is the status quo that I have always wanted to change. We high elves must reconnect with the outside world. This closed-door policy will only lead to our people being as arrogant as the upper class. We must Let our compatriots open their eyes to see the world again, so that the lost vitality of Quel'Thalas can gradually be regained."

For thousands of years, because the high elves have no sense of crisis, most of the time they live a leisurely life, so the whole Quel'dorei society is full of laziness and extravagance, which is not good for a race matter.

Alleria shook her head helplessly and interjected, "But our king and the council are unwilling to communicate with the outside world. How much effect can the rhetoric of us rangers have on the entire kingdom?"

"It's man-made. Now we can't change the views of the upper class and all compatriots for the time being. Let's start with the subtleties, just like Liadrin. The impression has changed a lot.”

Hearing the eldest brother talk about Liadrin, Lor'themar's two pointed ears immediately stood up. Charlemagne, who observed this, secretly smiled inwardly.

In the past, Liadrin, like ordinary elves, looked down on humans very much. Of course, the natural arrogance of the high elves caused troubles, but more importantly, it was caused by the wrong information conveyed by the entire high-level.

"Humans are an inferior race compared to our noble Quel'dorei!"

This kind of thinking was undoubtedly spread from top to bottom. Charlemagne didn't know why Anasterian, who had fought side by side with humans and personally experienced the troll war, would acquiesce in spreading this wrong idea, but this The arrogance formed over thousands of years cannot be eliminated overnight.

"Well, I think it is necessary to strengthen the exchanges between humans and high elves among the people. Since the high-level officials do not act, let's start from our own perspective and change the public's views a little bit."

Lor'themar also agreed with his brother's point of view. He himself is an excellent example. Although he has not left Quel'Thalas before, although he has the knowledge and ideas instilled by his brother, due to the education and environmental influence he received since childhood , he really doesn't think highly of humans.

But after personally contacting this energetic race, he realized how unreliable the rumors he had heard since he was a child, and he further began to believe in the worries mentioned by his brother.

Strengthening non-governmental exchanges is easy to say, but what the three juniors can do now is very limited, but as the second leader (generation) of the army, they have one of the biggest advantages... that is, there is one who is the commander of the entire southern forest mother.

With the help of Li Reza, at least these elves outside the barrier can strengthen communication with the outside world to a certain extent. Of course, this will at least wait until they return to Quel'Thalas.

Early the next morning, Charlemagne asked Corey to stay in Boralus and wait for the ship to be built, while the three elves embarked on their new journeys to the north and south.

Lor'themar will return to Gilneas by boat, and then he will travel through the entire Silverpine Forest to the royal city of Lordaeron.

Charlemagne and Aurelia need to go south by boat, disembark at the port on the north shore of Dun Morogh, and ride a chocobo to Ironforge.

The two sides agreed to meet up in Boralus three months later, and then boarded the ship and set off separately.

Boralus is not far from Dun Morogh, and it took less than half a month for the two of Charlemagne to reach Ironforge.

It was the first time I saw this fortress built in the mountains with my own eyes, and Charlemagne also opened his mouth as Alleria did last time, looking at the majestic gate of Ironforge.

‘It’s more imposing than in the game! No wonder the three tribes fought so hard to **** this place during the War of the Three Hammers. '

This strong fortress has never fallen since it was built. The old tribes who had been in trouble all the way in history were also helpless in the face of this city, and were blocked in front of Ironforge for several years.

Along the way, Charlemagne has been curiously looking left and right in the city. Although it is much larger than in the game, he can still vaguely see some shadows of his own impression from the city.

Aurelia understood the lover's curiosity, but gently took Charlemagne's hand and led him around several areas along the way, and finally brought him to the throne hall.

Coincidentally, the dwarf royal guard who was in charge of reporting last time recognized the beautiful female elf in front of him, stood directly at the door and began to greet the inside with a loud voice.

"Magni! That elf girl came to you again last time!"

The wild style of the dwarf surprised Charlemagne, and Alleria was very calm because she had seen it once.

"This...the last time you came, they also reported it like this?"

"Well, it's hard for us to believe, right? But this is the style of dwarves. They don't have so many red tapes with each other. To them, the king is just an ordinary dwarf who is responsible for managing the people."

While the young couple were whispering to each other, a hearty laugh came from the hall.

"Hahaha! Is the girl from Windrunner's family here again? Come in, come in!"

With the anticipation of seeing a celebrity, Charlemagne followed his girlfriend into the throne room. At this time, a dwarf wearing a crown and a long red beard was waiting for the two of them with a bright smile on his face. .

"Little girl Aurelia, I didn't expect to see you again so soon. Is your mother okay? How did the old boy Lianghammer react when he saw the dagger I made? Did he freak out? Hahahaha! "

Alleria replied with a helpless smile on her face, "Hello, Your Majesty Magni, mother is still very healthy, Uncle Brighthammer seems to have realized something after receiving your message, and began to retreat before we left." gone."

Magni's bearded face moved slightly, "Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it, and I don't know if that guy can really combine forging and enchanting to make some tricks."

"Let's not talk about this, is the person next to you your little lover?"

Charlemagne, who finally found a chance to speak, stood up under the curious eyes of the dwarf king and saluted Magni politely.

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty Magni Bronzebeard, I am Charlemagne Theron, the leader of the Far Travelers of Quel'Thalas, and also Alleria's lover."

Thanks to the book friend "Xing Yuqiang" for his reward and support.

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