Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 94: The foreseeable Shura field

Chapter 94 The foreseeable Shura field

On the ship from Gilneas City to Boralus, Alleria looked at the sea outside the deck, thinking of how she was treated in Gilneas and still felt resentful.

"This country is too xenophobic! Not only us foreigners, but also their compatriots in other countries have clearly shown a repulsive mentality. How is this different from us in Quel'Thalas?"

Alleria's anger is not only aimed at Gilneas, the country's xenophobic style reminds her of her homeland, Quel'Thalas.

Her complex emotions mixed with anger and hatred made Charlemagne a little distressed. He stepped forward and hugged the female elf gently in his arms.



The female ranger breathed out a deep breath after feeling the warm embrace of her lover, as if she wanted to vent all her negative emotions, and then she and her boyfriend behind her rubbed each other cheek to cheek.

"Charlemagne... Is it really good if our motherland continues to maintain this state? Human countries outside are exchanging and progressing, but we still hold the glory of the past and refuse to communicate with other countries and are arrogant. This..."

"Of course not!"

Charlemagne resolutely denied, "Continuing to keep this self-enclosed Quel'Thalas will definitely lose touch with the outside world, so I have always wanted to let the high elves reintegrate into the world, but unfortunately..."

Aurelia also thought of the conservative attitude of the royal family and the parliament, and didn't know what to say for a while. The usually strong Elder Sister Windrunner showed a rare weak expression at this time.

Charlemagne felt his lover's depressed mood and intensified his embrace, hoping to convey his concern to Aurelia.

Although the eldest sister of the Windrunner family is relatively rebellious, she is a rare enlightened faction among the high elves.

In history, it was she who saw clearly the drawbacks of Quel'Thalas's closed foreign policy, and violated Anasterian's will and quietly led a team of Farstrider rangers to join the alliance dominated by humans.

At this moment, the two high elves, a handsome man and a pretty woman, are very eye-catching on the deck, and most of the passengers around them look at them with admiration.

Of course, there are inevitably some lewd looks, but thinking of the hooligan who was mercilessly beaten by the female elf before boarding the boat, these people swallowed their evil intentions back. After all, no man would like that kind of pain. Try it yourself.

However, this short-lived warm atmosphere only lasted until the two returned to the cabin. Alleria curiously asked her own question when Charlemagne began to practice some small spells as usual.

"Speaking of... Now that you have started learning arcane spells, have you ever absorbed energy from the Sunwell?"

After hearing Aurelia's question, Charlemagne couldn't help but shake his head firmly.

"Of course not! The absorption of solar well energy will create a kind of dependence, once this absorption is disconnected on a certain day..."

"Is that the magic addiction you mentioned before?"

"Well, now that the Arcanists of Quel'Dorei have the huge energy source of the Sunwell as their backing, they are much higher than human mages in terms of total mana and spell output. Power can also have huge side effects."

"Once they leave the Sunwell for a period of time, the elves will feel intense discomfort. If this hunger for mana continues, it will gradually erode their minds until they finally... degenerate into the heartless."

Alleria sighed heavily when she thought of the princes and mages who often drank the water from the Sunwell when they were envoys to the Stormwind Kingdom.

"Internal and external troubles... It seems that our country has more than one problem."

The heavy atmosphere made the expressions of the two seem to be covered with depression. In order to get rid of this bad mood, Alleria shook her head and asked the question that she didn't finish last time.

"That's right! You haven't answered the question I asked you when we set up camp last time. What's going on with you and Cirvanas, could it be... you secretly ran behind my back to tease her?"

'Hello! Your problem is heavier than before! '

Since the two of them were talking face to face just now, Charlemagne's face froze suddenly at this moment, causing Aurelia, who was originally joking, to have a cold light in her eyes.

"Am I right?"

"No, no, no! I never teased her, you have to trust me! Don't you know what kind of person I am?"

Charlemagne was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead at this time, seeing his girlfriend's unfriendly expression, he hurriedly waved his hands in denial.

Aurelia finally calmed down after hearing her lover's statement. Indeed, with her boyfriend's herbivorous personality, how could she take the initiative to flirt with a girl? If she hadn't taken the initiative before... cough cough!

However, Charlemagne's flustered words obviously revealed some information.

"That is to say... Is it true that Cirvanas has taken a fancy to you?"


Although Alleria's expression was a little playful at this time, the sharp look in her eyes accidentally revealed Charlemagne, and he could only turn his face away in embarrassment under the serious questioning expression of the female elf. Lightly nodded.

"Hmm...Maybe, Cirvanas' attitude after the war is indeed a bit strange. At first I thought it was my own illusion."

Aurelia's eyes fluttered, and she looked at her boyfriend who turned his head and didn't dare to look directly at her with a very complicated expression, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Ha... well, I get it. I will talk to my second sister about this matter next time I return to Quel'Thalas. You are really a sinful male elf."

"Ahaha... I'm really sorry, to be honest, I didn't understand what was going on, but I really didn't do anything to apologize to you!"

Charlemagne's awkward smile scratching his head finally made Alleria smile, and the female elf stepped forward and hugged her boyfriend tightly.

"...Charlemagne, you promise me that you will not cheat at will, even if it is my sister!"

Hearing the dull voice of Alleria buried in his chest, Charlemagne nodded hurriedly and agreed, "Absolutely not! I'm not that kind of scumbag, you should have more confidence in me!"


Although this emotional crisis was finally passed safely, Charlemagne, who was sweating at this moment, knew that this matter was not over yet. After they returned to Quel'Thalas, there might be a bigger storm waiting for him...

Aurelia, who was buried in her boyfriend's chest, was changing the expression on her face from an angle that Charlemagne couldn't see, obviously also thinking about how to deal with this matter after going back.

‘Second sister... Even if the opponent is you, I will not be soft! '

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