One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 37 Wishful Thinking Part 2

Chapter 37 Wishful Thinking Part 2

Interrupted by Rowen’s “Lofty” ideals, the two people standing in front of him were speechless. After a while, Zephyr twitched his shoulders and let out a “Poof” laugh: “Hahahahaha! As expected, Rowen! That’s it, that’s it!!!”

When Kizaru proposed an easier way to grow stronger, Zephyr thought that he would lose his disciple and began to feel cold in his heart. Rowen joined the Marines for the sake of growing stronger.

He believes that Rowen, who expects to grow stronger, will definitely choose the path proposed by Kizaru, thus giving up his physical exercise practice.

But he forgot, or they all forgot, Rowen is not someone who desires power just because of some reason or for the desire for revenge and glory!

What he desires is strength itself!

Physical surgery?

Devil Fruit ability?

Sorry, there is no need to choose between them in his eyes!

Because in his mind, both are just a means to an end and a way for him to grow stronger! He is not praying and thirsting for them from the perspective of the inferior, but he is enjoying the process of conquering power, letting power become his slave, and obeying his orders!

He has to say, this is the Rowen that Zephyr knew!

A Monster that exists only to grow stronger!

Kizaru understood it now, and his wretched old face showed a bitter smile, and he shook his head before speaking: “What a… greedy kid!”

He didn’t want to deliberately hurt Rowen. As the world’s most talented scientist, Vegapunk has already said that the power gained by Rumble-Rumble Fruit Ability users by developing the Electromagnetic Force is not simply weakening of lightning, and the endpoint is limited but powerful.

The dominance of the four fundamental forces of the universe lies here, even if they are derived from them, they are equally powerful!

And if Rowen chooses to develop Electromagnetic Force, then Vegapunk would agree without any hesitation because he would then have the opportunity to pull Rowen into the development of Pacifista and Vegapunk would be able to do many experiments on the Rumble-Rumble Devil fruit.

But all this careful thinking was interrupted at the source.

Devil fruit? Physical surgery?

Why choose?

He wants them all!

Rowen, who has the talent, the opportunity, toughness, and wisdom, has a greedy heart!

Looking at Rowen, Kizaru sighed and said to Zephyr, “The times sure have changed, Teacher Zephyr! We used to be less ambitious than him!”

This is the truth… The Three Admirals are equally partial towards the development of their Devil Fruits then developing their physical strength.

After all, Logia Ability users want to grow stronger, and the best way for them to do so is to develop their Devil Fruit ability. It’s just that Kizaru was too biased, and Zephyr couldn’t correct his mentality, and Kizaru has repeatedly taken advantage of his Devil Fruit and saw its power and he abandoned his other training.

Recalling the decades when he was in charge of the Recruit Camp, Zephyr rarely spoke equally with Kizaru, and sighed: “Yeah, Time has changed!”

In response, Rowen gently outlined the corners of his mouth with a smile.

Plan Success!

“The first to tenth electrodes are in place!”

“The electrodes number ten to fifteen are in place!”


In a corner of the warehouse, Rowen laid inside the Device, allowing the Researchers to stick the electrodes on his body. While the Researchers were setting up the device, Zephyr asked, “How do you feel?”

“Can you give me a cushion? It’s uncomfortable to lie down in this!”

Rowen pointed to the flat area on the back of his head, it was a hard metal plate. In response, Zephyr’s old face turned black, and with a “boom” he left the room and went outside. Through the glass panel of the cabin door, Rowen heard him yelling outside.

“Use the maximum current! Make him feel comfortable!”

What a pro-teacher!!!

Rowen’s mouth twitched and thought speechlessly, and made an “Ok” gesture to the Scientific Researchers who were looking at the probe. In the next moment, the current in the cabin turned on, and a tingling sensation quickly emerged.

Zī Zī Zī Zī Zi!!!

Outside the hatch, the dazzling Thunderlight shocked everyone and they had to wear sunglasses and backed away by three meters. Ordinary Researchers swallowed their saliva harder and looked at the dashboard in shock and admiration.

10 Million Volt! !!

This device is really from the hands of Vegapunk!

Such a powerful current is actually constrained by a few simple iron plates in the narrow space of the Device, without any leakage! If even a trace of the current escaped to outside, it would be enough to burn people into charcoal instantly!

And more importantly!

Is the guy inside who buckles his nose with Thunderlight really human?!

“It seems to be effective, but it would not be next to impossible for anyone to use unless they have the strength that surpasses 2000 Doriki Value… Well, this is the same as the information given by Vegapunk.”

Perceiving the situation with his Observation Haki, Kizaru nodded silently.

Rowen’s growth rate is obvious to all. It took him half a year to walk the road that others can only walk in a lifetime!

His 700 Doriki Value two months ago had already reached 3000 at his terrifying growth rate! Aside from Zephyr in the Recruit Camp, he is second only to Shuzo!!

This is also the reason why Marines paid so much attention to these devices. Even Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) silently nodded their heads in places that Rowen did not know and recognized Marine’s actions to interfere with the development progress of Pacifista.

Because as long as the functions of this Device is valid, the spy organization Cp0 to Cp9 under the World Government will definitely be the first to use these devices.

In front of a strong physique, the current of 10 Million Volt will produce some effect even without the resistance bonus of Thunder-Lighting Human.

After half an hour, the current stopped, and Rowen crawled out of the Device, he flexed his muscles and sighed heartily.

“This is Awesome! I really admire Vegapunk more and more!”

Under the premise of only knowing the data, the finished product was created with only a little information. Not only did it perfectly imitate his Thunder-Lightning Stimulation Method, but it also used the frequency of electric current that he couldn’t understand, alleviating pain and giving users a chance to breathe.

Rowen has to say, Vegapunk is really a genius!

“That’s good! Sit down and take a drink, talk about your feelings, and let them collect more information.”

Hearing these words, Kizaru pointed to the Researchers who were waiting with their shining eyes and said to Rowen.

With the help of Rowen, the founder of the Thunder-Lighting Simulation Method, the Researchers expected to take a week or even a few weeks to get all the data. The test ended in only one afternoon, leaving only a few pieces of information.

Rowen also gave his own opinion, except for a small amount of Doriki value as opposed to the current intensity that needs to be adjusted, the rest is perfect! The most important thing according to Rowen is that the user’s comfort in the internal space needs to be strengthened urgently.

It is best to add a pillow… This one was rejected by Zephyr with his fist on Rowen’s head!

Finally, when the two walked out of the Scientific Force Base station, a group of Scientific Researchers called out to Rowen, patting their chests to ensure that as long as he needed it, he could come to train or practice here at any time.

Not only does Rowen get rewards for the completion of Device testing, but they also have corresponding credits that they will receive. And if the completion of the quality and quantity is done many days in advance, the credit they receive would be even greater!

“At this time, although the lower-level soldiers still need to slowly lay the foundation to develop their potential, most of the upper-level officers can achieve a dramatic improvement in their strength in a short time! The Marines’ future would be even better with this!”

Stepping out of the building and bidding farewell to Kizaru and others, Zephyr said sincerely.

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