55 Disguise

"Achoo!" I sneezed loudly, feeling an unexpected chill coursing through me. Did someone cursed me behind my back?

Despite the summer sun outside, an inexplicable coldness seemed to have settled in my bones. I wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing my hands together for warmth as I entered the hallway. Most students had already made their way into their classrooms, and I was on my way to my first class, wondering why this day felt so oddly frigid.

As I approached the classroom, I saw the door marked "Class C," and suddenly, a memory of Ayumi flooded back. It was really funny how small the world could feel when you met someone again so soon, but I certainly didn't mind the prospect at all.

Sure, she might be bold and daring, but I couldn't say I hated her for it. Besides, getting the attention of a cute and petite girl was a must-have experience in high school, right?

Right before I walked into the classroom, I remembered the black-rimmed glasses I'd bought in Gangnam a few days ago. They gave me that "teacher look" I was going for. Funny how I'd forgotten about them with all the girls, the rude teacher, and the Gossip Queen drama.

'Maybe I should pay a visit to Alice and see how she's doing after my first class.' I muttered to myself.

Now, I had undergone some general makeover. I was taller, my hair had a different style, and I'd even gone for a dark brown hair color. If Alice noticed any similarities, I could always come up with a wild story like I'd had plastic surgery and ended up looking like someone she knew because we used the same doctor. It wasn't that far-fetched, right? I mean, Koreans often joke that they all look the same anyway.

"Alright , I'm ready to go,"

I stepped into the classroom wearing my teacher disguise, and to my surprise, it seemed like chaos had reigned before my arrival. The students were all talking and chatting as if I wasn't even there. I cleared my throat loudly, and the room fell silent as all eyes turned towards me.

As a new substitute teacher, I knew it was crucial to make a proper introduction. I cleared my throat once more, this time with a tad more confidence.

"Good morning, class," I began, adjusting my glasses once again. "My name is Mr. Zyn, and I'll be your substitute teacher for today. Let's get started with our lesson."

"Is he our new teacher? He's so young… and a cutie," one girl student whispered.

"Look at his skin, it's too smooth," another chimed in.

"I don't even think he's more than 20 with that face," came another comment.

A chorus of hushed conversations ensued among the girls, all focused on how handsome they found me.

'These girls are really hopeless, fantasizing about their teacher,' I muttered under my breath, shaking my head at the youthful daydreams and giggles that filled the classroom.

Meanwhile, I could feel the intensity of the boys' gazes, which were more like daggers being thrown my way. It was my first taste of being the envy-inducing center of attention, and it felt great. Envy me more!!!

As I glanced around the room, I couldn't help but notice the boys eyeing me with a hint of hostility. It seemed like they thought I might swoop in and steal all the girls in the room. I couldn't help but chuckle internally.

You don't need to worry, gentlemen. I'm not here to cause trouble. I'll just take the beautiful ones, and you can all share what's left.

Back to business, I picked up the attendance book and began to double-check the students' attendance. Even though I was just pretending, I decided to fully commit to the act and have some fun with it. It's not every day that I get to roleplay like this .



I continued reading out names, and the students raised their hands in response. But when I called out "Ayumi," things took an unexpected turn.

"Present, Sir!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm, her hand shooting up like a rocket. The entire class was taken aback by her fervor. She looked right at me and flashed a mischievous smile, as if she was silently declaring, "I've got dibs on the teacher!"

Maintaining my composure, I continued calling out the names one by one. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until I reached a name that nearly made me crumble the entire attendance book: Guk Kwan.

I managed to keep a straight face, but inside, a whirlwind of emotions stirred.

As I scanned the room for the person behind the name Guk Kwan, my gaze landed on a mean looking man who fit the stereotype of a typical delinquent.

My heart raced as I realized that it was indeed the same Guk Kwan who made my life miserable back then. This was one of the guys who, along with his friend, had bullied me relentlessly in the past.

As I continued to observe his arrogant behavior in the classroom, my thoughts drifted back to those painful memories. This was the same guy who had not only physically assaulted me but had also subjected me to cruel and degrading acts like making me drink toilet water. The injustice and humiliation from those days stirred a deep anger within me.

Just the sight of his smug face with that colored red hair made my fists clench. I had the overwhelming urge to confront him, to wipe that arrogant expression off his face. In my mind, I entertained fantasies of pulling out every strand of that ridiculous hair and feeding it to the dogs – although even the dogs might reject it due to its questionable quality.

"Hey what are you glaring at ?" He stood up , as if trying to intimidate me .


"Shut the fuck up if you don't want your ass to get beaten!" I snapped, my anger reaching its breaking point. If stares could kill, he would have died many times over by now.

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