If There’s Any Issues, Look for the Professor

At the National University of Defense Technology, School of Aerospace and Materials Science.

As Professor Yu, who served as a mentor for doctoral students, returned to his office from the laboratory, his phone vibrated in his pocket.


Just as he sat down, Professor Yu felt two vibrations from his phone. He took out his phone to check and found a text message from 10086, reminding citizens to be vigilant against fraud.

After a quick glance, Professor Yu deleted the message. Scams were not his concern; what he needed to be cautious about were spies.

After deleting the message, he noticed an unread email notification on his mailbox app. Opening it, he saw an email from a student named Tang Rui.

Tang Rui?

Professor Yu tried to recall and vaguely remembered the name but couldn’t quite place it.

Curious, he opened the email to see what Tang Rui wanted to consult him about.


This algorithm?

In less than two minutes, Professor Yu became engrossed and immersed himself in the email. Despite being a top expert in optical imaging, he was not very familiar with image algorithms.

Upon reading the email, he quickly grasped the brilliance of the algorithm explained within.

“What? It’s cut off? Where’s the rest?”

But just as he was captivated, the email abruptly ended, leaving him frustrated and uneasy.

The email stated that the student had some sudden matter to attend to, and the rest of the algorithm would be sent later.

That single line left Professor Yu feeling distressed.

However, at the bottom of the email, there was a contact number.

Without hesitation, Professor Yu immediately made the call.

On the other end, sitting in a military vehicle heading to the military area, Tang Rui received the notification that his email had been opened and knew that things were going smoothly.

For scientists, the most unbearable thing was discovering a new knowledge point but only getting half of the information, missing the other half. It was akin to readers of novels facing the frustration of the author abandoning the story midway.

To get the attention of this respected expert, Tang Rui had specifically asked Celia to help send a fraud prevention text message. The content of the message was not important; what mattered was that it made Professor Yu check his phone and discover the unread email.

As long as Professor Yu read the email, he would undoubtedly call Tang Rui.

With that, Tang Rui’s affairs for today would be sorted out.

The situation today was quite significant but not overly so.

However, it could become a bit troublesome if no one spoke up about it.

Following the standard procedures, there wouldn’t be any major issues, and Tang Rui was not in trouble. At most, he might face some criticism and education, and the drone might be disassembled for inspection.

But the problem was, Tang Rui didn’t want the drone to be taken apart.

So, while he sat in the car, he began contemplating how to solve the current problem.

Finally, he thought of this respected expert.

Tang Rui didn’t acquire Professor Yu’s email through technical means; it was given to him by Professor Yu himself.

When he had been a junior in college, Professor Yu visited the college for academic purposes, and Tang Rui managed to get a volunteer position to help out.

Coincidentally, he was assigned to work alongside Professor Yu and was responsible for assisting him.

During their time together, Professor Yu asked him some questions, and being quite bold at the time, Tang Rui took the opportunity to seek advice from the esteemed expert.

Professor Yu patiently answered all of his questions and even asked him some in return.

He gave excellent responses at the time, and when Professor Yu inquired about his plans for graduate studies, Tang Rui expressed his intention to pursue postgraduate studies at the National University of Defense Technology, resolutely and confidently.

The respected expert’s email was obtained during that time.

Over the following six months, he sent a few emails to the expert, discussing some of his thoughts and questions. Professor Yu replied to all of them.

However, during the second half of his senior year, he got carried away with his social life, including preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam, but let’s not dwell on that.

In the end, he graduated directly.

Upon seeing the email address just now, an idea popped into his mind. Professor Yu, as a professor at the School of Aerospace and Materials Science at the National University of Defense Technology, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and holding the rank of a military-technical level three officer akin to a general, could easily protect him.

But here was the problem.

Although he knew the esteemed expert, that expert might have already forgotten about him.

That’s why he sent only half of the image algorithm, to awaken the expert’s memory while subtly reminding him.

Soon, the off-road vehicle entered the military area through the main gate.

Behind, after Li Shuyao finished registering at the gate, she drove Tang Rui’s car and followed inside.

Right at this moment, Tang Rui’s phone rang.

“Sir, may I take this call?” Tang Rui asked, turning to the colonel sitting in the passenger seat.

“Who is it?” the colonel inquired.

“I don’t know, it’s an unknown caller,” Tang Rui replied, showing the phone screen to the colonel.

“Go ahead and take it,” the colonel said after thinking for a moment.

Tang Rui promptly answered the call.

“Is this Tang Rui? I’m Yu Qifeng. You sent that image algorithm email, didn’t you?”

“Hello, Professor Yu. Yes, I sent that email. I originally intended to send the complete version, but something suddenly came up, and I couldn’t finish it in time. I apologize.”

Tang Rui quickly responded.

“No problem, Tang Rui. Do you have some time now?”

“Um… I’m sorry, Professor Yu, I have a bit of trouble here, so I might not have the time.”

“Trouble?” Upon hearing these three words and connecting them with the incomplete algorithm, Professor Yu suddenly understood something.

At this moment, Professor Yu recalled the past, and remembered Tang Rui.

So, this was the young fellow from Nanjing University of Science and Technology.

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