Rino wasted no time and returned to the location where he first found the magic tree he cut a branch from. There was no mistaking what the hundreds of eyes were. If Rino wanted a fairy army, he was going to poach and recruit these weaker faes in the area that the magic tree rejected.

Compared to fairies, sprites were more powerful. The young magic tree that Rino found was contracted with many sprites and fairies who were on the verge of evolution and had been lingering around in its territory for long enough. However, newly born fairies and wisps were found lingering outside of the area.

Rino was targeting the loitering wisps and fairies outside of the other magic tree's protected area. They might be in the same business, but Rino wasn't someone who would shamelessly approach and convince his rival's clients to jump ship. After all, fickle clients would jump ships just as easily when they discovered that the grass was greener on the other side.

What Rino wanted were loyal customers who would stay with him in bad times and celebrate with him in good times. Building a kingdom was always difficult, but those who founded the kingdom alongside its future ruler were often greatly rewarded for generations.

The smarter faes should come to understand this.

When Rino exited the shadow realm and startled several fairies minding their own business, he quickly apologised. As if he rehearsed this a thousand times, Rino introduced himself as the Monarch of an unfound kingdom called Solitude and explained his purpose of visit to the curious fairies.

"There is currently a newly born magic tree in my stone quarry, and I require more fae assistants to lend me their strength to build a kingdom without humans. If anyone here is interested in my offer, please help me spread the word to every fairy and wisp in this forest. Take this as a token of my sincerity."

With the mana he had, Rino chose the weakest looking wisp in the area to empower. The weak wisp absorbed the mana steroid and rapidly ballooned in size. Some fairies shrieked and ran away in alarm at the transformation, while others remained on-site to witness the special event.

Rino controlled the amount of mana to feed this weak wisp. He had to admit that this was also something he thought about and wrote in a special research journal but never had the chance to test it out.

Artificial evolution using mana was a theory he founded after realising mana could act as a power source for ghosts. It was an accidental discovery when he was sleeping in a graveyard overnight for inspiration. There was no undead around to disturb him, but the ghosts of the dead kept bothering him, seeking some company because they were lonely.

Rino did not feel like dealing with them, so he blasted them with light magic, thinking it would work the same way it did on the undead. However, the ghosts were not of dark nature. The light magic attack was ineffective against them. Instead of exorcising them, Rino charged them with energy, turning them into more annoying poltergeists for a few hours until the mana supplement ran out.

The lich wondered if it could transform this weak wisp and force it to evolve into a sprite with injected mana. Rino did not stop the mana transfer even as the wisp swelled threateningly. If it wanted to survive, it should start forcing an evolution now before it burst.

The weak wisp turned out to be a fighter instead of a quitter. It held on even as it swelled into an unthinkable size. Thanks to its strong will, the weak wisp, full of Rino's mana, shone and evolved into a clumsy but beautiful fire pixie.

Satisfied with the birth of this artificial fire pixie, Rino wrapped himself in shadows and left. His work here was done.

Fronzo gave him steady updates about the progress at the farm, and Rino must say, he was glad things were moving smoothly after the sun went down. He felt the drain in his mana, but it was nowhere near dangerous levels, so Rino let it be for now. He needed a bath after all the work.

Word spread quickly among the fairies and faes who could not get accepted by the magic tree. Rino's reputation as the Monarch of Solitude also became widely known as flocks of faes made their way over to the stone cave.

Tree Rino felt the presence of many faes around midnight and preened at the attention he was getting. Their numbers only grew, and the legendary tree wondered what he should call himself. Hexa-elemental magic tree was too lame and wordy. He needed something more marketable.

"Thank you for gathering here," Tree Rino thanked the excited fairies who discovered that the Monarch of Solitude did not lie. This was a new magic tree with no fae contracts yet and was way more powerful than the other magic tree in the forest.

"As you can see, I have a barrier. Only those who proved themselves worthy may form a contract with me."

Hearing that there was a way to be accepted by the tree as a fae helper, the fairies quickly quieted down and told the newcomers to hush. Rino examined the crowd to see if there were any promising individuals among these fairies that he wanted to forcefully evolve after they became his slaves. It was always nice to have a few dryad managers to keep the mischief-prone fairies in line. In addition, Rino wanted some nymphs to assist him with tailoring.

In the crowd, Tree Rino spotted the artificial sprite and approved. The wisp he chose might be weak, but they were tenacious enough to desire success. He already had in mind his first candidate.

"We will undergo a trial of character," Tree Rino announced. "Everyone gets a chance to prove their worth with their actions. My chosen master, the Monarch of Solitude, demonstrated how easily he could help you evolve. It does not matter if you are a wisp or a dryad. There is no limit to growth. Be cautioned. If you are not ready to put your existence on the line, you should leave now. My chosen master does not require unloyal servants."

The declaration made many of the previously eager faes freeze. A group of faes quickly excused themself when hearing this. It was no secret that those who failed to evolve under pressure would die. They would rather not take such risks and slowly wait it out over the next hundred years to evolve by siphoning on the other magic tree's mana.

The indecisive group decided to stay and observe a little more before making their decision. Tree Rino did not chase them away. Instead, he was waiting for the first brave volunteer.

"I am not afraid," the artificial sprite claimed. "If I can become stronger, I will use this power to serve the Monarch of Solitude. As long as you keep your promise to me that there will be no humans to threaten us and exploit us for their greed."

Tree Rino liked this pixie. It just went through a life and death ordeal not too long ago, but already, it was ready to challenge death once more.

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