Five sparrows, one pseudo hawk and two death magpies later, Rino discovered a fatal flaw in this bird trap. He might have skills in crafting traps and a general better success at catching things in traps he crafted personally than the traps the other hunters made. However, he could not decide what gets caught.

Moreover, Rino spent half his time healing the broken legs of smaller birds that got caught in his trap. The trap did not reset automatically, and the poor terrified shrieks of the sparrows who were caught made Rino come out of hiding to free them after the paralysis poison wore off.

Seriously, Rino had no qualifications to become a hunter. He hated seeing the smaller and weaker animals become victims to his traps. It was also ridiculous for a hunter to nurse the trapped animals back to health. Such foolishness… Rino could not decide between the little birds and himself, who was sillier.

Eventually, Rino decided to leave patrolling and trap resetting to Fowler and the hobgoblins. Ignorance was bliss, although now that he thought about it, they really lacked healers in their ranks. The only people with medical knowledge in Noir Province were the shaman and his teacher, Kragami.

What a disaster! Then again, Rino doubted they needed more doctors and healers when high-speed regeneration was a thing. Besides, one healer in each town was plenty for a village of undead. The faes could take care of themselves.

After dropping off the one pseudo hawk he caught at the hunter's lodging, Rino decided to make his rounds. There was still a few hours before morning, and it should be time for him to make his move. It might feel sudden for everyone else, but Rino planned his departure for a long time now. His heart felt a lot lighter even if it didn't exist physically now that Noir had his collar. There really wasn't anything left to hold him back, and Rino wondered when the next daily quest prompting his departure would arrive.

Perhaps tonight. Rino had uncanny luck, and that seemed highly likely. If the gods gave him some quest involving livestock rearing or a little more complicated way of living through creating processed goods that did not already exist in Noir Province, Rino had to relocate.

He did not want to risk the good harmonious vibes that the villagers here found. Besides, there were very capable people, and his kingdom was mostly undeveloped even with their aid in this small corner of it.

The mana web array stretched from World Tree Rino to the edges of where Goblin Lord Gnut sent his patrol squads and was fully functional now. The four elemental faes halted all fae productions temporarily to a minimal output to focus on creating lights drawing on the mana array.

At the same time, the gnomes worked hard under Griffith's instructions to install the newly created sprinkler system that taped onto the mana array. The fields were looking a lot healthier, and manpower was reduced by more than half as crops grew at an exponential rate, receiving mana imbued water from Cypress County. The three farm managing sisters continued heaping Fronzo's unique fertiliser mix, and Rino estimated that harvest would be ready by the morning.

Another amazing discovery Rino made on his rounds was how the granary for spuds was close to exploding. Erika reported that the efficiency of this new farming system would fill the granary within a week with more potatoes than they needed for replanting, even if Kragami took whatever he needed for the potato beer brewery.

The surprise made Rino happy as he quickly emptied the granary stash for his subordinates, offering over a hundred thousand potatoes to the system. With this many GF credits, Rino had no problem buying whatever he wanted, even if it was at a rip-off price. He had plans to use the currency and did not care if the gods were overflooded with this new heap of spuds.

Making his way out of the farm, Rino passed by his clay mine to see that everything was running smoothly. The little wisp that transformed into a fire pixie was now in charge of keeping the flames in the kiln alive. She was doing a good job too, and Rino had a feeling it wouldn't be long until she became a full-fledged fairy.

The stone quarry that his World Tree spare body resided in was looking more magical than he remembered it the last time they held the feast here. With the mana web activated, World Tree Rino sparkled whenever someone used mana. The array on the ground was constantly lit as mana was converted from one form to another. Seeing this light show felt oddly satisfying, and Rino took a tour around the expanded stone mines that were now also the living quarters of some undead workers.

Everything underground was so brightly lit that it gave off a cheerful and warm homely vibe. Rino was going to miss this place badly when he travelled without the comfort of lights, magic, duvets and fireplaces with black cats.

If there was one issue that bothered Rino, it was his luck finding a suitable mana power source where he wanted to set up his next village. Heck, depending on the location and the creatures nearby, it could even turn into a town.

Thinking over it for a long time as Rino reinforced Spudville's defence array, he decided that he should bring something from the existing magic trees under his control to grow in a new environment just in case he could not find a suitable magic tree in the area for it. After all, not every magic tree was capable of becoming Rino's mana array stabiliser and power source.

The defence spell around Spudville was ready, and all that was left was to care for Cypress County. Rino used the strongest magic barrier spell he knew from his previous life. It was a shield that could withstand three roars from a dragon in its prime before collapsing. He had no idea if Kragami was good at fighting threats as strong as dragons, but if the shield did fall, Rino's backup trap trigger was to call on the necromancer to hold the fort before he could arrive to take down the menace to his kingdom. Kingdom borders were important, so Rino did not think his defence array was overkill. In fact, he would make the hobgoblin and fairies test the strength of his barrier tomorrow.

The lich headed over to Cypress County to set up the second defence barrier for the night and wondered if there was a way to crossbreed both magic trees. If he recalled correctly, there was a way to cross-pollinate flowers from two different plants. If Rino succeeded, he could have a new magic tree sapling in his shadow sack before leaving.

The only problem was how Rino knew he had no green thumb. There was only one solution, and Rino summoned the best farmer he knew.

Fronzo appeared startled when he was summoned by the lich out of the blue. The lesser ghoul looked like he was inspecting the construction of the new fae estate when Rino pulled him over.

"M-my lord!"

Rino smirked invisibly. "I have a special task for you."

All ears, Fronzo listened closely.

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