Chapter 25: Date [2]

Chapter - 25

"I never thought it would be so damn exciting," Amanda excitedly told Rick as they walked towards the parking elevator.

"It's good that you enjoyed it. I was worried you would feel embarrassed by my bike. It's not that expensive, you know."

"Oh, C'mon... You are just in college, do you have to be so humble? I don't care about how expensive your bike is. It helped us save a few bucks and got us to the movie on time. That is what it is supposed to do." Amanda laughed it off, "It's about the moments, you know."

"By the way, which movie are we watching?" Amanda asked.

"Well, I didn't know your taste. So, I kinda booked whatever was available," Rick scratched his forehead.

"..." Amanda looked at Rick in surprise.

"If you are into a bit more classic stuff with a female lead, we can watch Barbie," Rick told Amanda her first option.

"You aren't stereotyping me, are you?" Amanda raised her eyebrow.

"Not at all. I have other options as well. If you are into drama and science we can watch Oppenheimer." Rick waved his hand, "It will be Bang-Bang!!"

"And if you want, we can catch another action movie about the war between two nations, Gadar 2." Rick grinned mischievously

"Anything you want, we can watch. I have got a couple of tickets for all three of them," Rick shrugged in the end, trying to show off.

Amanda looked at him in surprise, eyebrows raised.

"Wait, are you telling me you've booked tickets for all these movies?" Amanda asked.

Rick shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

"Well, you never know what mood you'll be in when you get there, right?" Rick said, as if stating facts.

Amanda was thoroughly impressed by Rick's planning skills. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"You're something else, Rick. Did you secretly win the lottery or something? Or are you a long-lost heir to some conglomerate?" Amanda joked as she tried to ask how a college going guy can spend so much money. Rick didn't really look that rich. Not that Amanda really cared about how rich he was.

Hearing her, Rick's laughter echoed in the corridor as they approached the elevators. He leaned casually against the wall.

"Oh, you got me. I've been living a double life as a billionaire's son," Rick softly flicked Amanda's cheeks and whispered. Whispers always did a charm on Amanda.

Amanda playfully rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips, "Of course, you have."

As the elevator doors slid open, Rick gestured for Amanda to step in. But before they entered, he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"You know, I can even book the whole theater if you want. Just say the word," Rick whispered.

Amanda's eyes widened in amused surprise.

"Are you serious?" Amanda asked, not able to keep her voice down.

Rick winked a glint of mischief in his eyes, "Absolutely. But let's keep that between us, okay?" Rick said winking at her.

Amanda's laughter filled the elevator as they stepped inside. She couldn't help but be charmed by Rick's spontaneity and his willingness to go the extra mile to make their outing memorable.

"You're really full of surprises, Rick," Amanda praised him.

Rick grinned, his hands casually shoved into his pockets, "What can I say? Life's too short to stick to the ordinary."

'Thanks to my system...'

At this moment, Amanda's phone rang. She looked at her phone and a frown appeared on her face.

"Who is it?" Rick asked.

"Wrong number," Amanda rejected the call and shook her head and said.

Just then the elevator door opened and Amanda again plastered her smile on her face, "Come, let's go."


As Amanda and Rick walked out of the movie theater, Amanda couldn't help but gush about how much she had enjoyed the film.

"Oh my gosh, Rick, that movie was amazing! Never knew so much was happening around the world. And the action scenes were so intense!" Amanda almost jumped with excitement.

Rick grinned at Amanda's excitement. He was glad that she had enjoyed herself. For him, the most important thing was seeing her having a good time. That was what a man is supposed to do.

"I am really glad you liked it. It's always a gamble picking a movie, but it seems I hit the jackpot this time," Rick felt relieved.

As they descended the escalator, Amanda's chatter continued. She was still animatedly discussing various scenes and characters from the movie. They had just got out after watching Oppenheimer. Rick never knew Amanda was actually a movie buff, glad he decided to bring her to the movies.

Just as they reached the ground floor, Rick's eyes caught sight of a store nearby. It was a jewelry store, its displays twinkling with various pieces of accessories. An idea sparked in his mind, and he turned to Amanda with a mischievous grin.

"Hey, Amanda, wanna check out something cool?" Rick asked, grinning.

Amanda looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.

"What do you mean? What is it?" Amanda asked.

Rick tugged gently at her hand, leading her toward the store, "You'll see. Trust me, it'll be fun."

As they entered the store, Amanda's eyes widened in realization. It was a jewelry store, and her heart raced with a mix of excitement and confusion.

"Rick, what are we doing here?" Amanda nervously asked. But Rick just smiled at her and moved forward.

Rick walked up to the counter, where a friendly saleswoman was stationed. He flashed a charming smile and gestured toward Amanda.

"Hi there. Could you show us something special for the beautiful lady?" Rick pleasantly spoke to the lady.

The saleswoman smiled warmly and nodded, stepping back to retrieve a tray of delicate necklaces and earrings. Meanwhile, Amanda tugged gently on Rick's shirt, trying to get his attention without causing a scene.

"Rick, seriously, we shouldn't be here. I mean, what are we even doing in a jewelry store?" Amanda whispered, trying not alert the saleswoman.

Rick turned his attention back to Amanda, his grin not faltering.

"Just trust me, Amanda. It's all good, I promise." Rick told Amanda, trying to relax her.

Amanda bit her lip, still unsure about the situation. After all, Rick was just a college student, and the idea of being in a jewelry store seemed way out of their league. Even she could only afford just some casual jewelry from the store.

"Rick, I appreciate the gesture, but you know we don't need to do this, right?" Amanda looked at him, worried.

Rick chuckled softly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Amanda. I know what I'm doing." Rick assured her.

Amanda's anxiety didn't completely dissipate, but she decided to give Rick the benefit of the doubt.

And her phone buzzed again.

"Someone has been calling you so many times. Why don't you pick it up? They must have something important to tell you." Rick said.

Amanda bit her lip when Rick looked at her, "It's just a wrong number," Amanda said.

"I don't want anyone to interrupt our time alone," Amanda thought for a while and resolutely said, rejecting the call.

"If you say so. I won't ask more," Rick smiled at Amanda and said, "But never forget that I will always be there for you, okay? You can tell me everything."

Then Rick turned his attention towards friendly saleswoman, "We should not make the pretty lady wait."

The saleswoman, was now holding out a delicate necklace adorned with a sparkling pendant.

The saleswoman smiled hearing Rick's compliment, "Here you go, a stunning piece for the lady."

Amanda looked at the necklace, her eyes widening slightly at its beauty. She turned to Rick, her voice a mixture of surprise and worry.

"Amanda, really, you don't have to worry," Rick said.

And before she could say anything, Rick had already taken the necklace from the saleswoman and was gently placing it around Amanda's neck. He fastened the clasp, his fingers brushing against her skin.

"There we go, perfect fit." Rick clapped his hands.

Amanda's heart raced as she looked at herself in the mirror. The necklace was indeed stunning, its pendant catching the light in a mesmerizing way.

"See? Doesn't she look amazing?" Rick asked the saleswoman.

"Indeed she is a beauty," The saleswoman nodded. She felt a bit jealous. Jealous enough that it was not sure if she was praising the pendant or Amanda.

Amanda felt a mix of emotions – surprise, gratitude, and a hint of unease. She was touched by Rick's gesture but also worried about the implications of such a lavish gift.

"Rick, this is really sweet, but..."

Rick placed a finger on her lips, silencing her with a smile.

"No ifs and buts," Rick shook his head.

"Amanda?" A surprised voice sounded from behind.

"Who is this guy?" The voice had a bubbling anger inside it.

* * * * *

[A/N: Do I really have to remind you to vote and comment at the end of every chapter?]

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