Chapter 69

Maseguru 69: Seeing the Night of Ist for the Last Time from the Train Window

In the capital, a princess and a lady from a large merchant company were enjoying shopping together in the castle town.

The time was already past dinner time, and they were about to go home soon.

「Thank you very much, Olivia-sama. You’ve shown me so many great stores today...」

Wearing a knee-length white dress and a slightly longer gray cardigan. Around her neck, she wore a necklace with a large black pearl and a lace stole. The black and white combination was simple, but since the dress the person was wearing had so many flowers on it, this was probably the right combination.

「No problem, I’m glad Claune-san liked it too」

Today they were visiting several stores as a favor from Olivia. They mainly visited clothing and accessory stores, and picked up a few things they liked.

「I’ve always been fascinated by Olivia-sama’s fashion, so I was truly overjoyed to be able to accompany you today」

Today Olivia is wearing a tight dark blue dress that exposes her shoulders. Over it, she has a large pale pink cloth over her shoulders, keeping her shoulders and chest from being too exposed.

「Oh my... You’re really good at flattering people, aren’t you, Claune-san?」

「That’s not true. I was just saying the truth」

At the place where the two of them walked, they gave the feeling as if several spotlights were shining on them.

Their presence and the way they walked while spreading their beauty attracted not only men but women as well.

Even their steps looked so refined that it felt like they took anyone who saw it to a completely different world.

The two were enjoying their conversation as they walked back to the castle.

Of course, they’re not on their own today as there’s no way they could go unescorted. They were escorted by a group of female knights of the royal guards.

「Speaking of which, Ainz is supposed to board the train today, right?」

Claune suddenly mentioned Ainz’s name in their conversation.

She hasn’t seen him for almost two weeks now. Is he eating properly? He didn’t get injured, right? He didn’t catch a cold either, right?... She was worried about Ainz’s well being as if she were his parent.

「Hmm... You’re right; he must be on the way here by now」

「I also heard that Ainz had made many discoveries on this trip」

In the meantime, he reported a clue about the red foxes and a rare healing magic-user... Fhalla

Claune had also heard that a reward for Ainz was being discussed at the castle for his great accomplishment.

「I haven’t heard any details yet, but I heard that he was also involved in some kind of trouble there...」

Olivia had not yet been informed of the details of Viscount Sage’s matter. The only thing she has been told is that it was just a little bit troublesome matter.

「Good grief... Well, Ainz is the kind of kid who can’t keep quiet after all」

「Fufu... Yes, it is as you say」

Has Ainz ever gone anywhere and come back with no problems? If anyone asks them that, they would immediately answer with 『No』. Not once has he ever come back without a problem.

Even Olivia as his mother agrees with her.

The two wore the same star crystals that Ainz had given them. Olivia wore it on her chest, and Claune wore it on her arm.

「By the way, you must really like that necklace, aren’t you, Claune-san?」

「...Y-yes. I really like it」

Claune wore the necklace on many occasions. Although her friends and her grandfather Graff say that it was too plain, she still likes to wear it.

「――I like how it feels like I’m wearing a collar, I can’t say that to anyone though...」

「Claune-san? Did you just say something?」

Olivia, who was walking beside her, noticed Claune’s voice. This time, however, Claune was able to respond calmly.

「It’s nothing. I was just praying for Ainz’s safe return」

「Fufu... I’m sure you’ll see him back in good health tomorrow morning」

Though it was unusual for the royal family of Ishtalica, Claune thought that the crown prince looks better in black than white.

By wearing his color around her neck, she wanted to show that she belonged to him. Such a thought lived deep within Claune’s heart.


「I’m glad to be able to see you before you depart, I will surely miss you, Your Highness」

「Me too. Thank you very much for all your help. Thanks to Professor Oz, I’m sure we’ll be able to make progress in the investigations」

After their two-week stay, Ainz and Chris were finally going to go back to the royal capital. Ainz actually wanted to try the wyvern flight once before coming back, but he’d only scare the monsters with his presence alone, so he had no choice but to give up. Although he didn’t get to ride the wyvern flight, he still managed to enjoy the rest of the day; he also bought some magic tools as souvenirs for Oliva.

Dill couldn’t come back to Ist in the end. This was because Fhalla and May had grown attached to Dill, making it difficult for him to leave them. Dill had planned to return to Ist to do his main duty (Ainz’s escort), but due to the words of Warren and the others, he couldn’t come back to the magic city of Ist.

「If you need anything, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me anytime. If there is anything I can do for you, I would be happy to help」

They were at the train station in the center of Ist. It was already around seven o’clock in the evening, and the temperature was already low enough to make their breath turn white.

Professor Oz comes to see Ainz off as he was around to take care of some business. Ainz was so grateful to Oz for taking the time to see him off after all he had done for him.

「I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all your help」

Ainz bowed his head with a sincere expression on his face. Seeing Ainz, Oz also looked at him with a soft expression.

「...Actually, I also have a "gift" for His Highness the Crown Prince」

As he said that, he pulled out a box from the bag he had brought with him. The box was covered with golden engravings on all its sides. Seeing it, Ainz couldn’t help but wonder what’s the content of the box is.

「Christina-sama, please handle this with care」

「...With all due respect, Professor Oz, but what’s this?」

It was natural for Chris to wonder about it when it was handed to her, but she checked the contents to ensure it was not dangerous.

「It’s a magic stone that I just got. It belongs to "the monster that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was looking into". I’ve checked the contents myself. It just arrived this morning, but I managed to finish examining it so I thought I’d give it to you」

Oz emphasized the word "this morning" and said that he had finished examining it today. But the more clues they have, the better, and with the help of Kadyma and Majolice, they may be able to discover some new things about the Red Fox’s magic stone.

「I’m sure it’s quite a valuable item... I’m surprised you were able to get it」

「Consider it as luck. It seems that even luck is on the crown prince’s side, isn’t it?... I am glad that we managed to get our hand on it. Please take it with you」

「I can tell that it must be quite expensive...」

When it comes to rare monsters, the value of their magic stones can go through the roof. This is because even if it is not used for a specific purpose, it can be considered a treasure for collectors and nobles. This is the reason why the red fox’s magic stone is probably worth a lot of money.

「Don’t worry, I got it through my old contacts, so it’s actually quite inexpensive... So please accept it」

Oz smiled wryly. Then Ainz decided to accept the magic stone.

「I appreciate your kindness. The royal family will definitely return the favor」

「You don’t have to go that far for me... If I should eventually go to the capital, it would be enough if I could see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince again」

How humble can Oz be? Ainz wondered. If he ever comes to the capital, he will definitely meet him.

「Yes, of course. I’d love to have dinner with you too...」

「I’m looking forward to it」

After that, he spent some time with Oz, listening to small talk and stories about Majolice until their departure.

――Finally, it was time for the direct train from Ist to the royal capital to depart.

「Well then, Professor Oz. Thank you very much for taking care of us while we’re here」

「I hope you have a safe return, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. I look forward to the day when we can meet again」

Chris received the magic stone. She bowed her head beside Ainz as well. After that, Chris led the way to the nobles’ car that Ainz had rented.

All the way until the water train departed, Oz was staring at the car that Ein had boarded without looking away. He continued to stare at the car until the train had departed and was out of sight.

When he couldn’t see him anymore, he exhaled lightly and left the platform.

「...It was fortunate that I didn’t let His Highness the Crown Prince touch that vixen’s magical stone」

It wasn’t for security reasons that he let Chris take the magic stone. It was purely because he didn’t want Ainz to hold it.

「It’s a good day today... Hmm, why don’t we open a bottle of our favorite drink? I’m going to drink it with my dear father... It’s going to be a great night!」

It was a pity that Ainz had to leave him. However, they have made a promise to meet again, and Ainz will probably continue to rely on Oz. Thinking about it, it was only natural that he felt so excited.

The fact that he was able to let go of the magic stone he had been wondering what to do with and get rid of the nuisance made his mood even better.

――And tonight. A small but joyful party was held in his laboratory.


「I’ll have to keep it a little more carefully」

A little while after leaving Ist. The city of Ist could still be seen in the distance.

Chris kept the red fox magic stone that Oz had given her even more carefully, just in case if something happens.

「Thanks. I’ll have to be careful not to let anything happen to it too」

Even though Elder Rich could hold him back, there was no guarantee that her husband, Dullahan, would never go out of control. The situation is completely different from when he saw the vixen’s wooden doll. What he got this time is a part of the enemy’s body after all...

「We’d better have Kadyma-san take care of it when we get to the castle」

「I agree. But just to be safe, I thought it would be best to contact Majolice Magic Stone Store as well」

Ainz nodded his head at her suggestion. It was a magic stone after all. There’s no guarantee that bringing it close to Dullahan, Elder Lich, and the Demon King won’t cause any incident.

「Then, should we stop by Majolice’s place first after arriving at the royal capital in the morning?」

「Hmm... No, I’ll send one of the royal guards to contact him tomorrow」


As they were talking, they thought that their trip would finally reach its end passed their mind... It’s a little regrettable, but the days they’ve spent in the magic city of Ist were also fun.

「(Wait... It was certainly fun, but I feel like I was just with Chris-san most of the time)」

Since Kadyma had taken Dill with her, Ainz was forced to work with Chris alone. While the latter part of the trip was mostly sightseeing, he was mostly alone with Chris, who was acting more like a civilian.

From a third party’s point of view, it would have looked like just a date.

It’s a little embarrassing to realize that, but that’s not a thing to worry about now.

「Well then, I’m done, Ainz-sama... H-huh? Did something happen?」

「It’s nothing. I just thought that it was nice being young...」

「I-is that so...? Well, you’re the crown prince after all...」

(TLN: Ainz said "若さ wakasa" which mean youth, but Chris mistaken it for "若様 wakasama" which mean young master/son of a high-ranking person)

It seems that she misunderstood something, but it’s not that important, so he decided to continue their talk without mentioning it.

「Come to think of it; I’m surprised at Majolice’s circumstances」

「Actually, I had never heard about that before, so I was pretty surprised as well」

They were talking about Majolice, a story that Oz told them; it was about how Majolice becomes a professor emeritus at Ist University of Magic... It was a wonder how can such a strange and suspicious person could be a professor emeritus at such a prestigious university in Ist.

「The magic stone pedestal and the sealing case. I can’t believe the foundation of that technology was the result of Majolice’s research alone」

Both technologies have existed for a long time, but Majolice has made them far more cost-effective, simpler, and more efficient

The fact that he was able to accomplish this research all by himself was nothing short of amazing.

「I knew he was a capable person, but I had no idea that he was that good」

In fact, thanks to its development, he had made quite a bit of money. But it seems that all the money was donated to Ist University of Magic for their new research.

The magnitude of what he had done was so great that it made him rethink that people are not what they seem.

「So in recognition of his achievements, he became a professor emeritus」

「Don’t judge a book by its cover, huh...?」

Majolice’s case was so unexpected that even Chris couldn’t help but to say something like that.

「Anyway. Back on topic, thanks to Professor Oz, we’ve got a few leads」

「Yes, you’re right. The next places we should go to investigate are... the adventurer’s town of Balto, and the port city of Magna」

We had picked up a few areas from the clues we had obtained, but these two cities would be the first.

Both of these cities were among the largest cities in Ishtalica, and it seemed more efficient to visit them than to start from a small place.

「What kind of town is Balto?」

「Adventurers, merchants, people who want to win a fortune, people who are looking for thrills. It’s a town where those kinds of people gather. There are also many monsters in the vicinity, so there is an abundance of materials for them, which makes it a sacred place for blacksmiths」

「Hmm... A sacred place for blacksmiths. Now that you mention it, I’m a little curious」

Ainz doesn’t have a proper weapon at the moment. His black dagger had been destroyed by the sea dragon.

That’s why he is even more interested in the sacred land of blacksmiths.

「However, you should be aware that there are many dangerous places in the vicinity of Balto... For example, there are many roads that lead to dangerous areas such as the former Demon King’s territory」

The former Demon King’s territory. In other words, it’s the area that was ruled by the Demon King Arche when she existed. It is now a restricted area, and anyone who enters without permission from the government will be punished.

「Chris-san, have you ever been to the former Demon King’s territory?」

「Yes, I have... If you’d like, we can talk about it. It’s a good opportunity for me to explain what the place is like, including the one from my experience of course」

「I think it’s best for me to accept your offer... But let’s do that after we change our clothes first. Let’s talk about it slowly later after we’re dressed more comfortably」

「Ah, you’re right... I’ll go change my clothes then」

Chris said that she’d also get him something to drink when she got back. Ainz then answered briefly with a yes.

The car’s windows are quite wide and clear, offering a great view of the star-filled night sky.

There are no bright lights inside the car, just a few soft lights. However, thanks to these lights, the atmosphere inside the train becomes even more fascinating.

Ainz, just like his mother Olivia, has an attractive and kind face.

Chris, on the other hand, has good looks that even her peers admire, and she is proud of her style and beautiful blond hair.

Anyone would surely agree that this space suited the two of them.

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