49 Rescued Again

“Not at all. The time is perfect,” I said before smiling at him.

“Great. Let’s go. I’ll show you around. This hospital isn’t unique or anything and the work that I do might be boring for you...” Adrian said.

I appreciated the effort he was putting in to manage my expectations. However, I was eager to learn more about him and I was sure that there would be many interesting new things for me to learn.

“Don’t worry. I like learning new things and I’m sure that your day isn’t as boring as you make it sound,” I replied cheerfully.

Adrian led me around the hospital, and I could tell by the way that the staff stopped to greet him that he was well respected and well-liked by everyone. Adrian attracted a lot of attention and because he seems so humble, he probably doesn’t even realize it. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman but I was more than conscious of the eyes of the other women on us as we walked side by side through the hospital.

I wouldn’t say that the cold stares from the nurses and other female hospital staff made me feel nervous, but I had to say that it made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I glanced over at Adrian who was busy introducing me to the various parts of the hospital. The way that he was talking enthusiastically about the place clearly showed that he was passionate about his work and his business. I had to say that I liked that in a man.

Adrian was oblivious to the stares and attention that we were attracting to us. The way the women’s eyes lingered on him made me realize that Adrian is extremely popular here. Things probably won’t go very well when we make our fake relationship official.

“That’s roughly it. Now, I’ll show you where I work,” Adrian said.

“You mean like...your personal office?” I asked, sounding interested.


“Yes. My office,” Adrian replied with a small laugh.

We walked past a part of the hospital that was quite busy. I guess this means that business is going well if there are so many patients here and all the staff were fully occupied with their work. I watched with genuine interest at the people racing around to help take care of the patients. I didn’t know that so many people got sick or needed medical attention in a day.

“Watch out! Elena!” Adrian called out to me suddenly.

I whirled around and almost came face to face with a trolley that was being wheeled by a nurse. I was certain that the trolley was going to run into me. Since the equipment stacked on the trolley was high, she probably didn’t see me on the other end of the trolley.

It’s going to hurt...

Suddenly, my body was pulled to the side as I felt my body press up against something firm and warm. I let out a panic cry as the trolley ran past. Somehow, I had avoided getting hit. That would have been a disaster and it’s my first day of work too.

“Elena, are you alright?” Adrian spoke from very close to me.

Glancing up, I realized that Adrian was looking at me with intense worry from above. I knew that he was very tall, but I didn’t think that he was this tall. Maybe I’m slightly on the small side but even in these heels, he’s still towers over me. For a moment, I didn’t know what to say as his beautiful green eyes gazed intensely into my own.

“I...I’m fine. Thank you...for saving me...” I managed to say in a shaky and breathless voice.

Then I realized that the warmth that I felt was his arms around me and the length of his body pressed against mine. He pulled me into a hug?

“I’m ok now...so...” I said softly.

“Oh...sorry about that,” Adrian said in sudden realization that he was still holding me tightly in his arms.

His arms loosened from around me as he let me go and I settled back down on my own two feet again as I stood next to him. My heart was beating very fast, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the trolley almost hitting me or the fact that I was just in Adrian’s arms.

“It’s fine. Thank you for helping me. I guess I’m such a klutz,” I said shyly, ending with a slightly nervous laugh.

“You should be more aware of your surroundings and be careful. I might not be around to save you next time,” Adrian said sternly.

“I’m sorry...” I whispered, actually feeling very guilty.

“I’m not mad. Let’s go,” Adrian said with a reassuring smile.

I could feel the eyes of countless people on us as they watched our exchange. It was obvious that they witnessed that scene and had seen Adrian holding me in his arms just now. If I was concerned with any of that, I forgot all about it when Adrian extended a hand towards me. I looked up into his face as I slowly placed my hand into his much larger one.

His fingers really are pretty, I thought as his fingers grasped my hand firmly in his. His hand is so warm, and it made me feel so safe and secure. It was a strange feeling. I’ve only met Adrian a few times but since the first time that we met, I felt so assured being with him. It was like I could trust him to take care of me. Maybe it’s because that he’s a doctor and he’s many years older than me that made me feel that he was dependable.

“Thank you...” I whispered. I’m already losing track of the times that I’ve thanked him today.

“It’s safer this way, right?” Adrian said as he began leading me by the hand.

Soon enough, we arrived at his private office. I didn’t know that there was such a large office building joint to the hospital like this. The office building where the office work was done to manage the hospital wasn’t as large as the hospital, but it was still impressive in size. Adrian’s office was on the top floor of the building. Unlike the hospital’s main building that was filled with doctors, nurses, medical staff and patients, the office building was filled with office workers dressed in smart suits.

–To be continued...

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