Hiro saw himself looking at the mirror. His face looked very sad and disappointed. He instantly remembered when that memory happened. It was the night of his 17th birthday, and he was alone.

His friends had gone back home after celebrating a simple birthday party at the luxury apartment. They had even packed up everything, and cleaned up all the things they ate that night except for one, the birthday cake.

Hiro walked towards the living room and stared at the birthday cake with a puzzled look on his face. Even though he didn’t say anything, the current Hiro knew what was going on in his head and heart. He was disappointed.

A special birthday without a special person.

However, all of that did not last long. Because the next second, the doorbell rang and Hiro now knew who had rang it. Meanwhile, the 17-year-old Hiro walked to the door lazily, thinking that his friend had forgotten something. It was late at night. The clock on the wall showed 23:45. Fifteen minutes until the day changed.

“I’m coming!” said Hiro lazily, then opened the manual door knob. When he looked up, his expression suddenly changed. In front of him was Yuujin who was carrying a big box, a nendroid box? It seemed the man didn’t even have time to wrap it up.

“Happy Birthday, my sweet little brother!”


Hiro hugged his big brother who was smiling weakly at him. The man’s face showed that he was very tired, but he still came for his beloved little brother. A moment that Hiro never thought would happen. After three years of long distance relationship with his brother, who decided to have a career in America, now they were finally reunited again.

“Ohooo… look how big you are now, Hiro! You’re even bigger than me! What have you been eating all this time, huh? Sushi, ramen, okonomiyaki?”

Yuujin returned Hiro’s hug tightly. Meanwhile, the 17-year-old Hiro was sobbing in his brother’s arms. In just one second, his mood changed drastically. He was so happy that night that he couldn’t sleep.

“You’ll break my bones if you continue hugging me like that, Hiro. Come on, you’re all grown up. Aren’t you afraid that your girlfriend will see the two of us now?”

Hiro shook his head. Even though his body was much bigger and burlier than Yuujin’s at that time, he still acted like a child who refused to grow up. Yuujin didn’t mind that though.

“I’m sorry for being late. You know… I really had to finish my work before coming here. My schedule is so tight. I don’t even have time to eat on time. Look at your brother, he’s so skinny, Hiro.”

The current Hiro was standing still while watching the two brothers who missed each other. He remembered that day very well. It was still vividly engraved in his memory. A very special night for him. Even though Yuujin only stayed for one day in Japan that day, still… Hiro would never forget about it.

Because that was the last time he could hug Yuujin’s body. Alive and breathing.

Hiro never knew that night would be the last night for him to see his brother. If only he knew it, he definitely wouldn’t have let her brother go and force the man to stay at home with him. Even if he had to go back to living a hard life and become a poor person, Hiro didn’t mind at all.

[One happy memory has been obtained]

[3 out of 3 happy memory]


A blue crystal that glowed like the ocean when exposed to sunlight suddenly appeared in front of Hiro. It was floating and spinning in place. When Hiro touched the object, he was transported to a different place again.

[All good memories are the reason why a person can still act like a human]

[The power of all good memories is a pure power that is always possessed by everyone in the world.]

[However, what will happen if that pure power is removed?]

Hiro opened his eyes and realized that his body was floating in a crouched position. Spyro was waiting for him there.

He had been vomited by the giant Rafflesia flower without remembering anything that had just happened in it.

“Hiro, are you okay?” Alice looked worried, but she also looked relieved that Hiro had finally returned without losing a limb.

“What happened?” Hiro asked, looking dazed. He was completely unaware that his memory had been partially stolen. Memories of the most memorable happiness in his life, they were gone.

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

The booming laughter made Hiro and Spyro gasp in surprise. Beneath their feet, the plant stem suddenly moved and vibrated, causing Hiro to slip and fall down. However, he quickly took out the Demon’s claws from his hands and stuck them into the tree trunk as a handle.

“What sound is that?”


[Dreamcatcher has been fed up]

[Dungeon has been activated]

[Player must clear the root of Dreamcatcher]



The tree trunk that Hiro held suddenly shattered, and he fell to the ground. However, when he inspected the ground below, which had been covered by the plant’s body parts, he only saw darkness. It was not an ordinary ground, as if there was a very dark abyss underneath it.


Hiro fell into the pit of darkness. Alice, who was in Spyro’s body, was no different. She couldn’t survive even after flying for a certain radius. Then, she was pulled into the abyss, falling with Hiro and losing her balance.

Even though his eyes were wide open and Hiro could feel all of his senses, all he could see right now was darkness. He kept falling down at full speed, while his hand suddenly felt very hot like it was burning. Meta. It seemed Meta realized something that could kill him was getting closer.

“Alice!” Hiro exclaimed, trying to summon Alice from the darkness. Even his Demon’s eyes were useless.

“I am here!” Spyro replied. The voices were very close, yet the two were separated by a distance they didn’t know.

Then, they ended up in a deep lake, falling into it before being pushed back to the surface of the lake as if the water pressure possessed by the lake was far greater than the energy of gravity.

When Hiro’s body plunged into the water, his health points suddenly drained quickly and it really tortured him.

“It’s hot.”

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