Series: Isekai ni Tensei Shitandakedo Ore, Tensai tte Kanchigai Saretenai?

Translator: WeeJen, Ruri

Editor: Eclarion, llyboshi, Creis

I sighed as I done contacting Kouki to stop him from using a military suit to remove weeds. I sighed not because of his doing, I mean not entirely because of his doing. It's mainly because an important audience will be held after this. Well, to be short, it's about me ended up failing to protect Kouki.

It never occurred to me the thought that Kouki would actually use such weapon inside our house. The other time, there wasn’t lots of damage caused, thanks to Shuuichi-san and his subordinates' swift action. It was only steps away from causing the loss of many lives. In the end, as a secret agent, Shuuichi-san had to disclose Kouki's secret to the higher-ups.

Lately it's been quite a chaotic moment…That's to be expected, since all the new theorem, all the weapon system prototypes, all the medicinal drugs I patented, was all invented by such a young boy. Until this time, the facts were concealed to prevent further chaos, so it was never known to the public. But the truth is, all of the countries were arguing about who should take control of such talented individual, and it nearly leads to international-scale armed collision.

And today, I was summoned by the United Nation. Probably they have already decided what to do with Kouki, and only god knows what would happen. Still, there's also a possibility that they would judge him as a threat for the rest of the world, and decided to get him disposed of. If such decision were to be called, I would use everything within my power to object the decision. Shuuichi-san also promised me that he would stand by my side. Most of Shuuichi-san's subordinate also agreed to help him, though as a mom, I can't say I'm amused by the fact that most of the subordinate are female.

Shuuichi-san's division will probably start a rebellion if such bad decision were to happened. But even so, I still have to protect my son at any cost. I opened the door of the audience hall, with such resolution planted in my heart.

—- President of the United States, William Auld's POV —-

A woman entered the Audience Hall. She should have known beforehand what kind of decisions are going to be made in this room, yet she walked to the witness stand, showing off her might, with each steps full of pride and confidence. So she is Arakawa Miki… The only woman who holds the rein of the demon child Arakawa Kouki, completely had him under control. The woman whom listed in all of the famous research institution, and the one that held all of the top-secret military affairs of every nation. The "Demon King" [1] Arakawa Miki. I can't imagine how many scientist group would move just with a snap of her finger.

And her husband Arakawa Shuuichi, is not an ordinary person too. He, along with his subordinates, once succeeded bringing down a small country in a top secret operation, with merely one division. They are monsters, hiding in shadows, completely concealed from public knowledge. Even for the United states, were it turned to be opposing the Arakawa family, I can't even imagine how much damage we're going to suffer.

As I endure my anxiousness which filled my stomach, I tried to talk to Mrs. Arakawa with a bright voice.

"Welcome, Mrs. Arakawa. Thank you for coming all the way here, even in your busy times."

The lady only slightly raised her eyebrows, and gave me a small nod.

Hey, can't you show a bit of modesty here?

Is that all your responses? The future of your son will soon be determined here, right at this place!

Can't you be more humble? I mean, you're scary! Stop looking like you're looking down on an insect!

Ah, I feel like throwing up. The burden of our world and our people, is taking the weights and heavy pressures onto us.

Look at that Russia's Prime Minister! He's putting a serious face, but his legs are shaking like crazy under the table!

And that Chairman of China! You've been drinking too much water up until now!

For God's sake, please let someone take my place to lead this audience!

At this rate, all the pressures will end up breaking a hole in my stomach even before the audience ended….

Eh? Why is everyone averting their eyes from me…?

Oh God, I need to calm down…

"I came because I was summoned by the UN. For what purposes am I being summoned today?"

This is bad! The lady doesn't look pleased, so I hurried myself to speak the next line.

"The UN have already reached an unanimous agreement in decision regarding to your son. Hence, as a representation of the United Nations, I shall read the decision to you."

Ah, now I've done it…The lady's face has turned to that of a real demon.

Ah, my beloved daughter Mary,

it looks like your father wouldn't make it home.

I'll be resting for eternity in this far east country.

Even after I'm gone, you must listen well to your mother…

"Before I hear the decision, may I ask the rights to speak as a defendant?"

Am I going to be killed right now? If I reject her request, I might not even have the time to wrote–No, to even thought about my last will to my daughter. So I asked her to go on.

"Thank you very much. First, let me tell you about that child's potential. If Kouki were seriously trying to develop something, I believe he could easily create something like perpetual machine with things you can easily find in a general household, or creating a generator prototype that far surpasses the one I made, only from things you could buy at a general store.”

Yep, no surprise there. The outrageous things about this boy is he could make a totally new inventions using things that already exists before. Normally, you'll take these as a joke. But for that boy, he can do amazing things to the point you wouldn't believe your own eyes.

"Then, if he were to be forsaken by the entire world, what do you think would happen to this world?"

Hmm? Forsaking him? What is she talking about…?

Our world's technology has gone so far that without his existence, it would probably go stagnant.

Why would we waste such a precious talent?

"If the UN agreed to a foolish decision such as disposing him…"


Bad, this is bad…

It's a misunderstanding!

I know things would get messy if I let her continue the talk, so I interrupt her while putting a serious tone.

—- Arakawa Miki's POV —-

"If the UN agreed to a foolish decision such as disposing him…"


While I was giving my speech, full of determination, suddenly the President of US raises his hand, interrupting me.

"I have a daughter that's about to turn 7 this year. Her name is Mary. She's my adorable daughter whom I proud of."

All of a sudden, he tells me a story about his daughter. Does it have anything to do with the current situation?

I keep my silence as I wait for him to continue speaking.

"But last month, we found that she was suffering from cancer. We were in despair… I cursed at the God. She didn't do anything wrong, so why she had to suffer from this kind of disease at a really young age?"

This kind of things aren't rare. This kind of coincidence could occur to anyone. But was the same thing happened to Kouki, would our family be able to stay calm?

"But fortunately, our Mary was declared completely cured 4 days ago, thanks to a new type of medical pod that was recently installed in our local hospital."

Now that you mentioned it, I heard that the anticancer medical pod has been distributed for public use. His daughter was probably quite lucky to get the chance to use it, but we were supposed to be talking about Kouki's case, and Mary's got nothing to do with it. I was getting irritated and was about to interrupt, but I keep my calm.

"The medical pod codename is Type-ARAKAWA".


"Ma'am… That pod design was created by your son. I can't deny that some people are calling your son a demon, a cursed being. But for me and my family, he's undoubtedly an angel, a blessing upon the earth. And everywhere around the world, I can assure you that there are a lot of lives being saved by the things your son invented. But then again, for someone as gifted as him who is closer to being a God than a human, the thoughts of us mere mortals might be amount to nothing but a disturbance."

I can sense a tiny fragments of light, turning into hope.

Could it be that, the entire world already decided to accept Kouki?

The next words I heard turns my hope into reality.

"And so, as a representation of the United Nation, I shall present the decision to you right now."

The President's expression was like a father up until now, but as he was about to read the documents in his hand, his expression returns to a proper representation of the audience.

"The United Nations hereby declared, that any nations are prohibited to take any action that would intervene with Arakawa Kouki's individual life. And to respect the individual, he may be gained independence to join any nation at his own will. But we are aware to the facts that he's still a child at heart, so in order to educate him until he has enough self-conscience, he is to be enrolled to State Technology Academy, to educate his morality, both as a scholar and as a researcher."

Today, an important treaty that won't be recorded in normal history books, was signed. The treaty that was signed by the whole members of the United Nations, called the "Arakawa Treaty"

January 4th, 2102, The Arakawa Treaty was accepted, effective immediately.

It is a memorable day for me.

It is the day, the world finally accepted Kouki.

EDNote :

Claring Eclairion : Sorry for the late release, I'm too immersed in grinding my Juutenshu Chara at Grindblue Fantasy for a whole week *tehepero*

Ruri : same here, celestial almost took all my time. At least i finished nio _(:3

llyboshi : Chapter title, Resolution may refer to UN Resolution

Resolutions are formal expressions of the opinion or will of UN organs.

and yay LL Sunshine will air tomorrow.

TLNote :

[1] Refer to Chapter 2, where I translated it as Maou. Since it's USA President speaking, I think using term "Demon King" is more acceptable here.

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