Chapter 63 - The Alpha And Shapeshifter

Aila pushed open the double doors and walked onto the street, laughing at something Finn said. The escape room was exactly what she needed to get her mind off what happened at the pack meeting. It did, however, remind them all of their time they spent with the hunters. This was only because of a metal door and that they needed to escape within a specific time limit. 

As they walked down the street, Aila felt a pulling sensation, as though an invisible rope was around her and pulling her forwards. Her pace increased, and she put her arms on her shoulder from how the wind had picked up and the temperature dropped. Ajax took his jacket off and was about to put it around her shoulders, but she stopped him. 

"Thank you, though, AJ," She smiled at him. 

They continued walking down the street; Aila focused on the pavement and abruptly stopped when she felt the ground rumbling. Her eyes snapped up, and she looked directly at a furious looking Alpha Damon. 

"Shit," She cursed under her breath.

"Angry.. but sexy," Malia whispered before running away and hiding into the depths of her mind.

"Pussy," Aila insulted her wolf. There was no response; it looks like she will have to face whatever wrath there was by the Alpha. Although she was unsure as to why he was so angry. 

Malia was right though, the bristling Alpha that was her mate looked devilishly handsome, leaning against a motorbike under a flickering streetlamp. Her eyes suddenly bulged. Was that a Big Bang!? She looked back at Damon, who was now marching towards them, his hands fisted by his sides. From the look on his face, she was surprised his eyes weren't glowing. Or was Damon's anger worse than Darius'?

"Damon," She whispered, then cleared her throat and spoke up, "What are you doing here?" 

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here, mate? With another guy.. on a date?" Damon spat. She could see his body trembling as he stood in front of them. 

Aila's eyes widened, "A date!? What are you talking about?" 

She was so confused. If she was on a date, why was there three of them?

Damon didn't respond to Aila and instead charged towards Ajax. Surprisingly, Ajax dodged Damon's strike, but before any more could be done, Aila stepped in between them, blocking Damon's next blow. Their eyes locked, fire meeting ice. Damon growled at the interruption, but a noise came from another street indicating some humans were rounding a corner, so he stopped.

Aila reached her hands out, placing them on his arms and slid them slowly up to his shoulders, chest, neck and rested them on his chiselled jaw. Her eyes never wavered as she kept his burning gaze in her hold. She could see his temper and the dim luminescent glow behind his eyes; Darius was watching her as well. 

His chest was still heaving, but as they stared at one another, his breaths calmed down. 

"Hey," Aila whispered, "This was not a date."

A snarl left his lips.

"It wasn't," She said sternly, "I am yours and only yours, Damon Steel."

And with those words, she crashed her lips into his, almost instantly making him melt in her hold. He deepened the kiss immediately with a growl vibrating through his chest and onto hers. He roughly grabbed her ass and pulled her into him at a force that she felt his bulge against her, instantly making her sigh and her legs becoming jelly. He dominated her mouth, biting her bottom lip, she moaned, and his tongue slipped in aggressively met hers.

They broke away from each other, breathless, their chests rising and falling rapidly after Finn 'coughed'. They continued to gaze at each other, and he whispered through her mind, "Say it again."

One side of Aila's lips twitched into a slanted smile before she whispered aloud, "I. Am. Yours. Always."

He hummed appreciatively at her words. Feeling satisfied by Damon's change in demeanour, she stepped back, ready to stand by his side. But his hand squeezed her right butt cheek harshly before grabbing her waist and turning her around to stand next to him. His hand staying securely on her as his gaze rested on Ajax. 

"There have been multiple times where you have crossed the line, shifter." He spat.

Aila sucked her breath in; although she had calmed him down, it seemed his temper was barely below the surface. She didn't know what to do other than just watch the exchange between her Alpha and Ajax.

Ajax stepped forwards, making both Aila and Finn tense. Both men scrutinised each other before the shifter scoffed, "There is no line. She is yours. I have not once made a move on her, but your possessiveness has gotten out of hand.. Alpha."

Damon narrowed his eyes and took a step forwards, but what happened next shocked them. Ajax disappeared. Or more so, he shrunk, and the clothes he wore crumpled to the ground. The remaining three looked at the clothes with widened eyes.

"Where did he go?" Finn asked, flabbergasted. 

His question was quickly answered as a black mouse ran out from the area, making Aila and Damon jump out of the way and watch the little furball sprint away, squeaking. 

Aila tilted her head to the side as they watched the mouse turn into a majestic black eagle. Ajax, the black eagle, took a few steps on his claws, click-clacking down the pavement before he stretched his wings and flew off into the night sky.

"Not gonna lie, guys. But that was a pretty sick exit."

Aila and Damon turned their heads to look at Finn, their expressions still one of shock. 

"I knew he said he could.. but It's another thing seeing him shift into two different animals," Aila said in wonder as a smile stretched on her lips, "That's so cool! Why couldn't I be a shapeshifter?" 

Damon snapped his head to look at her; his eyes burned into her head, making her feel as though they would burn two holes through her. 

"What!?" She shrugged, "It would be cool to turn into anything-"

Damon slapped her on the bum, making Finn walk towards the SUV, whistling as he looked away from the Alpha and Luna.

"You wouldn't be mates with me, though," Damon growled.

"I could have been?" 

"I also wouldn't be here," Malia added. Her wolf sounded hurt and sad at Aila's words.

"Hey, I didn't mean anything by it," Aila shrugged, talking aloud to Damon but meant her words to Malia also.

She then turned around and wrapped her arms around Damon's waist, looking up at him. His angry expression softened only slightly. 

"Damon," She whispered, "I'm sorry about what happened earlier." 

She looked down from his penetrating gaze; she did not want to see the disappointment on his face. Aila's lips parted when she felt Damon's finger under her chin to tilt her head back up as he gazed into her eyes, "There is nothing to forgive. Darren was out of line and will be dealt with."

Aila nodded her head, "I shouldn't have left you, though. Things were just.. too much."

"No, you shouldn't have left. It was reckless of you to leave the estate, order my guards to let you through and not tell anyone where you were going.. Anything could have happened to you.." Damon's voice cracked at the end, making Aila's heart clench.

"I know, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise," Aila stroked his jaw again and kissed him sweetly on the lips. When she pulled away, she blinked her eyes after seeing Damon closing the distance between them again. 

He leaned down and brushed his lips against her neck, making her heart thud erratically by the sensuous feeling, "I know you won't. But you will make it up to me."

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