Chapter 61 - The Minion

[ Lydia's minion: Hailey ]

Hailey stood to the side in the crowded hall while Lydia's plan unfolded before her. Lydia was doing exactly as she said, disturbing the peace in front of the pack, making Aila seem weak. She waited as Delta Darren whispered in her ear, her face paled to whatever he said; she looked like she had seen a ghost when all of a sudden, Alpha Damon grabbed the Delta wolf by the throat and slammed him to the ground. 

She could not see some of what happened; the pack members were now standing, looking to see what was going on. They loved a good fight; there was a type of blood lust within them that they needed to fill at least once a month. The pack meetings were required to update the pack of any dangers and information they needed, but they were also a good time for someone to beat the living hell out of another wolf. It was not its point, but it somehow became a bit of a tradition. 

Hailey barged through two warriors who growled at her rudeness, but she flipped them the bird on both her hands, not paying them any attention. She stopped and looked on at what happened next. Aila sprinted out of the door. Hailey scoffed; what a coward. Seriously, THAT was meant to be the amazing White Wolf, the Cross Princess? She couldn't understand everyone's fascination with her. 

At least Lydia could show the pack how she is. But they needed to keep breaking her in front of the pack for it to really hit home at how she is not capable of running the Silver Crescent pack, let alone other packs. Her lips formed into a malicious smile at the thought of Aila dead; it meant she could take her place. 

Hailey knew Lydia wouldn't be able to take the spot as Luna. Who the hell would want that nutcase to lead the pack. Everyone thought the same; even without Aila, a Luna was bound to be needed to serve by Alpha Damon's side to help rule over the packs. A lone Alpha was weaker than one with a mate or chosen Luna.

That Luna was going to be her. 

It was so easy to befriend Lydia when she returned to the pack; the girl needed someone, and she was stupid enough to think she was her minion. On the contrary, she was the puppet master, and Lydia was playing her part perfectly. When the time was right, she would take the crown for herself.

Once Aila was dead, the Alpha would be heartbroken for a while, but he was smart and needs someone by his side. She would be there to pick the pieces up, comfort him. It wasn't going to be easy, and it would take some time, but she was a very patient woman.

"Follow her. Keep to the shadows. She won't be alone for long," Lydia mind-linked her. 

Without another word, she slipped away from the now roaring crowd after Lydia's and Alpha Damon's words while Delta Darren was on his hands and knees. The doors swung behind her, and she watched from a distance at Aila's retreating form before running to the side. How the hell is she running so quick? She could barely keep the girl in her sight. 

As she approached the mansion, she hid behind a bush and watched as the handsome shapeshifter gave Aila some trainers. Hailey watched their exchange and shook her head before a smile crawled up her face. She bit her tongue to stop herself from laughing. It really was too easy. The guy, Jax? Whatever his stupid name was, he really didn't know the extent of how possessive Alpha's were. 

To touch his mate so openly and on his territory. She huffed. Such a waste, the fine man would be killed. Hailey snuck towards the mansion after the other werewolf, who always followed her around like a lost puppy, turned up, and they went around the corner of the building. Keeping her distance, she listened to their conversation—boring shit.

"Lydia, I think.. I think I found something that can help. I'm not sure. I don't want anyone to be killed," Hailey mind-linked her, making sure her voice sounded meek and helpless. 

"Haha! Who cares? What is it?" Lydia replied; she could hear the smile in her voice.

"That shapeshifter.. he put his arm around her and dragged her away. They are leaving the estate together with that other werewolf.. What should I do?" She asked timidly as she jogged and jumped under the closing garage door. Aila and her companions were already halfway down the path in one of the SUV's by then. 

Grabbing the keys, Hailey chose one of the vans they used on stakeout missions. She started the engine and waited while the garage door began opening again.

"Follow them, you imbecile! And report what you said to me to Alpha Damon. He won't believe it coming from me right now," Lydia's agitated voice came through her mind again. 

"Oh, okay!" She played the fool once again. 

Most of the time, Hailey wanted to strangle Lydia for her voice alone. Soon, that bitch won't be able to talk.

She followed behind the SUV the princess was driving, making sure there were a few cars in between them. 

"Alpha Damon?" She mind-linked in a hesitant voice.

A growl came through the mind-link. Hmm, he seems pissed.

"I uh, I thought I would let you know.. Aila, I mean the Luna princess. Princess Aila. Her and Jax? The shapeshifter. They, uh, erm-"

"Spit. It. Out." Damon's feral voice came through the mind-link. 

A sly smile crept up her features as she glanced at her reflection in the review mirror. Her hazel eyes stared back at her, an evil glint shining behind them. 

"S-s sorry. I caught them leaving the mansion together. They were.. I mean, he had his arm around her. I f-f-followed them. It was just a little suspicious.." She trailed off and kept herself from laughing in joy at the ferocious growl she received back. 

"WHERE ARE THEY!?" His thunderous voice made her grimace. 

Hailey parked on the side of the road across from the SUV that parked outside a cafĂ©. Instead of replying just yet, she thought about letting him sweat a little bit more. Let his mind run wild with what his loving mate could be up to with another guy. 

A guy who was very handsome and seemed to have a bit of a reputation for flirting with Aila and a few other she-wolves. 

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