Chapter 53 - No To Heels

After their spar, Aila felt her legs becoming stiff and stepped back from Damon so she could stretch out on the ground. 

"Good job today," Damon praised in a mind-link.

"At getting my ass kicked?" Aila retorted playfully. She knew she couldn't actually take Damon on, although she felt pretty good about herself for landing a few blows and blocking his for five hours.


She never dreamed of being able to train for so long. Although, her body was screaming at her now and demanding a minimum of five plates worth of food. 

Damon chuckled, "You lasted the whole session. And done better than anyone else I have sparred against." Aila looked up at him from her position on the ground as she stretched her hamstrings, "But don't let it go to your head," He winked at her before squatting by the side of her and placing a quick kiss on her cheek.

Even with a little kiss like that, she felt the sparks surging through her as her gaze lingered on him; her chest started to rise and fall quicker, simultaneously with his. 

"Fuck," He growled; his eyes darkened as his face drew closer to hers. Aila closed her eyes, ready for him to possess her mouth, but all she felt was his warm breath tickling her skin. Opening her eyes again, she saw him inhale deeply and bring his head back and sighed, "I have work to do."

"Maybe, I can help you some time.." She said in a low sultry voice. 

"I won't bore you with the paperwork," He replied dryly. 

Aila cracked a smile and held back a laugh as Damon did not catch on to her innuendo. 

"I think I can find other ways to help relieve you from your stress," She tried again. Damon's eyes locked with hers, with a slight frown forming on his face. So, to make herself clearer, she grazed her hand against his chest and trailed it down his defined abs, stopping only at his waistband while leaving a few kisses and a bite along his neck.

He stilled and looked back at her in excitement, "Oh. Yes, maybe you can help me."

He pulled away again, but this time his eyes glazed over, indicating he was in a mind-link. After a few minutes, Aila sat cross-legged in front of Damon when he returned to focusing on her. 

"Shit. Raincheck?" He growled.

"Hey, it's your loss. I can just go sleep on the couch now," Aila joked.

Damon growled back in frustration before grabbing her face and kissing her on the lips, and leaving abruptly. Her lips were still puckered as he stormed off, hands fisted by his side. 

Hmmm, I think he just bruised my lips…

"Don't be late for the pack meeting," He mind-linked her; she relaxed her lips and watched his retreating form, rolling her eyes at his command.

"Yes, boss", She saluted.

"Alpha," He snapped back. She cracked a smile at his response.

Aila went to shower, ate A LOT of food and relaxed in the living room for the rest of the day. Chiara and Nairi came into the room to see Aila lying down on one couch, sideways with a blanket over her, Ajax on another couch with his blanket, and Finn chilling in a bean bag, slurping on a smoothie while they watched 'Van Helsing'. 

"I see your training session went well with Alpha Damon today?" Chiara smirked as she sat down on the couch and lifted Aila's feet, placing them on her lap.

Aila yawned, "Hmm, I am black and blue now. I won't be able to move for a week!"

"You have training tomorrow," Chiara pointed out, and after seeing Aila's grimace, she quickly added, "with me. Like usual."

Aila relaxed after hearing her words; Chiara was still a challenging opponent, but after today's session with Damon, she would quite happily be beaten by her instead.

Nairi giggled and sat in one of the armchairs, "Why are you watching Van Helsing? It doesn't show werewolves in a great light you know.."

"At least it has werewolves! There are no shapeshifters in this.." Ajax complained.

"Yeah, but it's a classic. Plus, Hugh Jackman is rocking that haircut," Aila replied as she sunk her head back down into her pillow.

Finn chuckled, "You really do have a thing for long-haired men."

"I'm settled only on one long-haired man," Malia drooled.

Aila pouted and replied to Malia, "I like something to grab onto." 

"Oh, there are plenty of other things to grab onto.." Malia snickered. Aila bit her lip and didn't respond to her dirty-minded wolf.

"There's nothing wrong with a man with longer than average hair," Aila replied aloud.

"Maybe I should have kept my hair long," Ajax piped up.

"No, you done well to cut it all off. Your castaway look was just depressing," Finn smirked, causing Ajax to place his hand on his chest and gasp.

"I'll have you know I look good in almost anything!" Ajax exclaimed as he tilted his chin up.

"You weren't rocking that beard well either," Finn retorted.

While Ajax and Finn continued debating about Ajax' looks, Chiara nudged Aila for her attention.

"You should be getting ready," Chiara criticised. 

"Ready?" Aila snapped her head towards Chiara after watching the guys in their typical daily debates.

"The meeting.. it's quite an important one. You should get out of your pyjamas and get changed."

Aila looked down at the top and leggings she wore. Were her clothes that basic and comfortable that they looked like pyjamas? Or was it because she was lying down with a blanket on her?

"What should I wear?" She queried; Chiara looked at her with a blank expression and was saved by Nairi, who sat down on the armrest near Aila's head.

"How about I help you get ready? I'm bound to find the perfect outfit for you," She suggested.

Aila looked up and beamed at her, "You are the best, Nairi! Seriously, I have no idea about these meetings. But please… no heels?"

Nairi sighed and shook her head before raking her fingers through her curly hair, "Honey, someday I will have you in a pair of heels.. Not today though, it's only a pack meeting."

Aila scrambled up from the couch, following behind Nairi, who briskly walked away from the living room. 

"What should I wear? Is a suit too much?" Aila heard Ajax speak up from behind her and chuckled at his question. 

"Please do not tell me you used Aila's card to buy yourself a suit!?" Finn asked in astonishment.

"Ajax, you're not a werewolf and a guest to this pack. I'm sorry, but you can't come to the meeting." Chiara said coldly. 

"What!? That's ridiculous…" 

Ajax's voice trailed off as Aila walked down another hallway that led back to the bifurcated stairs at the front of the mansion. Once she was in her room, Nairi went through her clothes and placed white skinny jeans, tanned pointed heels, and a light blue halter neck top onto the bed, along with some golden dangling earrings that screamed expensive. Normally, Aila stuck to black only, but she accepted Nairi's help, and that was her choice.

"I thought you said no heels!?" Aila crossed her arms and pouted at the choice.

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