Chapter 47 - The Alpha King

Damon shook his head, "Aila, we hardly ever go to sleep while our wolf is out. It is extremely dangerous for both of you."

Aila frowned at what he said, "Why is it dangerous? Didn't you do that?"

"No. I was awake most of the night, making sure you.. Malia didn't go completely feral. We CAN go to sleep and let our wolves roam, but it was your first night doing it.. it could have gone wrong.." He continued as his hand trailed up the side of her waist before moving a strand of hair out of her face.

"What are you saying?" Aila whispered back as she searched his dark eyes.

"Their feral side can start to merge with you, the human, and can make you animalistic. Sometimes rogues become rogues because they let their wolves take over for too long. It's not the wolf's fault. It just happens if you can't take the reins back, and they fall back onto their instincts. The rogues we came across were type 1 rogues. That is how you could end up if you are not careful. Have you read up on them?"

Aila shook her head guiltily, but there was only so much information she could take in from a book. However, she remembered something Chase also told her when she was kidnapped; she wondered if he was talking about these 'type 1 rogues'.

"Type 1 rogues are the wolves with red eyes. They are extremely feral and will attack anyone, even humans. Their humanistic side has all but merged with their wolf. They stay in their wolf form all the time. I haven't come across one in their human form yet, but I can take a guess that it isn't pretty," Damon explained. Recognition flashed across Aila's eyes; that was precisely what Chase said until his dad told him off for forgetting the two types. 

She gulped at how things could have turned out, but at the same time, she relaxed; Damon did say she could sleep. It was just her first time doing it. Meaning she would have to practice this with him if he let her.


"What is the other type of rogue?" She queried as her finger began drawing little designs onto his taut chest.

"Type 2. These rogues are not as dangerous. They are just werewolves who don't have a pack or a place. They can be quite weak, or their circumstances have caused them to be without a pack. We are more lenient with them crossing our territory as long as they do pass the territory without causing issues…" His voice trailed off at a rumble.

She looked up to see that his eyes were closed and his face relaxed. She stopped her fingers on his chest, but he grabbed her hand, his eyes opening and began moving her hand again. Aila smiled and returned to her doodling. The tiny movement sent a tingling sensation through her, and she presumed it done the same to him.

"I'm sorry you had to stay up all night," Aila whispered; his eyes opened again, and he smiled, making her almost stop breathing from how devastatingly handsome he looked with that breathtaking, boyish smile. 

"You do not need to thank me," He raised his hand and caressed her cheek while he looked into her eyes, "I can't let you get too wild on me." He winked, making her blush.

Clearing her throat, she asked, "Maybe we should go to bed?"

She watched as his eyes lit up in amusement before he smirked, "I thought last night might be enough for you." He rolled over, so he lay above her, his hands placed by the sides of her head. "Hmmm, should have known you'd want more."

Aila's mouth fell open in shock, "I am not that horny!" 

I don't think.. 

"I was suggesting to get you to bed. You haven't slept all night!" She exclaimed, keeping her eyes on his face and trying very hard not to look down at his incredible body or what was lying hard on her stomach. 

Damon burst into laughter, "I know, come on."

He began to get up, but Aila placed her hands on his shoulders, "Erm, don't you want to calm down before we go in.."

Damon frowned at her, baffled by her sentence. She looked up to the sky, then pointed with her finger to his lower region, "You're a bit excited."

His hearty laughter made her snap her eyes back to his face in shock.

"I'm not hard, darling. I mean, one touch from you and I will be, but I know you don't want to do anything.." His deep voice became husky. Aila's eyes were wide in shock at what he just said; blinking, she looked down and away quickly with a rosy hue warming her cheeks. 

He wasn't hard! He was just.. big.

He chuckled again at her reactions and jumped up, pulling her up by the hands with him, "To bed it is."

The pair walked hand in hand, naked through the woods in comfortable silence. Aila couldn't believe she was casually walking without any clothes on. Surprisingly she felt okay with it, even enjoyed the cool breeze against her skin. 

There was also nobody in the area to worry about seeing her nakedness. Damon would make sure that any wolves on patrol would not be near them. As they neared the mansion, the trees became scarce, and Damon left Aila standing alone only to return with some clothes he grabbed from behind a tree. 

He threw a shirt over to her, sighing as he watched her put it over her head, covering her luscious body, while he pulled on some shorts. They walked back, and Aila once again felt Damon's hand slide over to her waist and pulling her closer to his side, resting it there until they made it to their room. They passed a few werewolves who bowed and greeted them formally. 

Aila was still getting used to hearing the terms 'Princess', 'Luna' and occasionally, 'King', which was directed at Damon. She never actually thought about his title; she only knew him as the Alpha of the Silver Crescent pack. But if he took over the pack, it must mean her father's title was passed on to him. But how? 

A shiver of doubt passed through her as she glanced up at him. Yet his fingers on her waist comforted her. Shaking her head, she scolded herself for doubting her mate for a second; it made her feel physically sick. This bond was magical; it didn't even allow her to express anything negative towards him. 

Damon released her waist as they walked into their room. Closing the door behind him, he grabbed her immediately and pulled her down to the bed. Their legs became entangled already on the sheets.

"Hey," Aila giggled in delight by his embrace. 

He inhaled deeply at her neck before backing away and climbing under the covers. She did the same and found him turning over and wrapping his arms around her, like a cocoon, pulling her back into him, so they were spooning. She wiggled into him, embracing his warmth and making herself comfortable.

"Keep doing that, and I won't be able to control what happens next," Damon's deadly whisper tickled her ear. 

Aila halted her movements, then smiled at his 'threat', easing her head into the pillow they were sharing. The warmth of his body relaxed her further into the plush bed. Although she rested her body, she was fully awake; after all, she slept all night while Malia hunted. Once again, guilt formed in the pit of her stomach; Damon did not sleep after making sure Malia didn't do anything too animalistic or completely take over Aila's body. 

Sighing, she turned over to face him. His grip on her tightened, and his eyes opened sleepily; she traced her hand over his jaw full of stubble and asked what else was playing on her mind, "Damon.."

"Hmm.." His sleep-filled eyes blinked more as they roamed over her face. After assessing her features and seeing the seriousness on her face, his eyes became alert, and he asked, "What is it, my love?"

Aila's eyes lit up, and her lips twitched at his words, "You're the Alpha King.." For some reason, her heart sped up at her words.

"Yes, I am," He replied; his eyes searched her own as he waited for her to speak.

"How did you.." Her eyes flickered down to her hands that rested on his chest, away from his intense stare, "How did you become King?"

She felt his chest rise and fall, almost squishing her as she was pulled tightly against him. A sigh left his lips before he kissed her head and raised it with his hand under her chin, so their gazes were locked.

"Your dad and mine were best friends. Before he met your mum, he was Alpha of another pack- the 'Moon Valley Pack', which merged with Silver Crescent when they met. Normally, the future Luna would join the Alpha's pack, but your mum was a royal, whose parents, your grandparents, stepped down for them to rule." 

Aila looked at him intently as she absorbed more information about her parents and his background. She was fascinated and wanted to learn more about him; their sexual chemistry and the bond was great, but this, right here, cuddling each other and talking, was just as amazing as their physical needs.

"The packs- Moon Valley and the Blood Moon, which my dad is Alpha of, lived close together. They were allies against any rising packs against the royals or helped each other when they were in need. Silver Crescent and Blood Moon were always on good terms; they both are of royal blood and are allies," He sighed and raked his hand through his hair before continuing, "When your parents died, they had a will prepared. Normally the throne would be passed down to you, but with the hunters lurking about, they passed it down to me."

Aila frowned, "To you? Not your dad?"

Damon tilted his head and looked at her as though he was holding a secret, but the look was quickly replaced with a tender smile, "No. My dad ruled both packs until I turned eighteen, then I took over the Silver Crescent Pack."

"Eighteen!? You've been running this joint for .. wait. How old are you!?" Aila asked, her eyes wide. 

Damon chuckled at her question, "I am 27."

"You were so young when you took on such responsibilities," Aila exclaimed, looking at him in awe.

"If you were in the picture, it would have been you taking on the responsibility," He replied gently, "Most Alpha's take on their roles between 18 to 22 years old. Dependent on the pack. Sometimes they are challenged by an older pack member for the role and lose."

Aila's eyebrows raised at the shocking news, "So, they fight to the death?"

Damon nodded his head.

"Did anyone challenge you?" Aila asked as worry began to seep into her voice.

"Yes. As you can see, I am fine. No one can take me down," Damon's voice deepened at his words. 

Wow, he was confident. But he is the Alpha King; why wouldn't he be?

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