Hero of Darkness

Chapter 960 Domain of Chaos

Chapter 960  Domain of Chaos

In the world of Vantrea, the Chaos Element was not merely a physical or natural force like other elements. Instead, it was a manifestation of the darker aspects of sentient beings and their tendencies towards destruction, chaos, and carnage.

This unique element wasn't tied to any particular bloodline or species; rather, it stemmed from the inherent nature of certain individuals or groups.

Species or individuals that possessed a strong inclination towards violence, chaos, and mayhem could channel and manipulate the Chaos Element.

These were beings that found pleasure or empowerment through acts of brutality, and their connection to this element allowed them to harness its power.

Unlike other elemental abilities, the Chaos Element wasn't governed by the typical rules of elemental manipulation. It was a force that drew its strength from the darker emotions and actions of individuals.

The more chaotic and destructive the actions, the more potent the connection to the Chaos Element became.

Those who could wield this element could bring about utter devastation, manipulate emotions, and even bend reality itself in twisted and unpredictable ways.

However, this power came at a cost, as the Chaos Element was known to corrupt and consume those who relied on it too heavily, turning them into agents of chaos themselves.

In the third region of the God's Domain, where the Chaos Element held sway, the Hero's Party would face not only physical challenges but also the psychological and moral dilemmas that this element presented.

Kahn understood that the utilization of the Chaos Element was closely tied to two distinct methods, both of which focused on harnessing the destructive and chaotic aspects of this unique power.

Bloodline-Specific Abilities and Slaughter: For certain individuals with bloodlines predisposed to the Chaos Element, their abilities became more potent the more lives they took in battle.

These abilities were likely tied to their heritage, and as they killed more enemies, their strength and proficiency in these abilities increased. This method fed on their innate connection to chaos and destruction, driving them to become even more dangerous as they continued to fight.

2. Creating Chaos: The second approach to wielding the Chaos Element involved intentionally sowing chaos among individuals or specific targets. This manipulation of emotions and actions triggered a massive power boost for the practitioner.

The more disarray and chaos they managed to incite, the greater their strength and skills became. This method didn't require a specific bloodline but rather relied on the practitioner's cunning, strategy, and understanding of how to manipulate and exploit vulnerabilities in people's minds.

Kahn had witnessed the first approach through his experiences with Jugram, whose True Demon bloodline gave him access to abilities that grew stronger the more enemies he killed.

This made Jugram exceptionally formidable in the midst of battle, and his power escalation was a testament to the potency of the Chaos Element's first utilization method.

As for the 2nd way, he had no experience nor did he know someone who utilized the Chaos Element in such fashion.

"Sylvana did not mention about the Chaos Element other than the fact that the 3rd guardian is some sort of Chimera." spoke Maximus with a stern gaze as he looked around the region.

The Hero's Party found themselves in a bleak and ominous landscape, the third region of the God's Domain proving to be as foreboding as it was described.

The chaotic nature of this region was reflected in its environment—

an unsettling combination of dense marshlands, toxic fumes, and eerie lighting that defied the natural order. The absence of a sun and the persistent yellow hue in the sky added to the unsettling atmosphere.

The environment itself seemed to mirror the concept of chaos—the marshlands hindered movement, the toxic fumes created disorientation, and the lifeless trees and murky water added to the sense of despair.

As they navigated this desolate region, the Hero's Party had to be on constant alert for any signs of the guardian's presence and the chaos they might unleash. The guardian's Chimera-like nature only added to the mystery and potential danger that lay ahead.

"Xavolees and Atreus… We will depend on both of you for this one." spoke Maximus in a commanding tone.

"Borat and I will lead the front while Conan and Pokawor will lead left and right.

Rolakan and Speki will support and buff Xavolees and Atreus periodically after they use their skills." he ordered the group.

As the Hero's Party stood in the midst of the chaotic marshlands, Maximus took charge, devising a strategic plan that capitalized on the unique abilities of each member. Their experience and coordination allowed them to adjust their tactics according to the guardian's potential Chaos Element manipulation.

The roles were distributed in a way that aimed to counteract the unknown chaos-based abilities they were likely to face.

The Hero's Party advanced into the chaotic marshlands, their strategy in place and their roles well-defined. As they reached the edge of the marshland and prepared to enter the challenging environment, Rolakan and Speki cast a spell to enhance Atreus's capabilities, augmenting his mana capacity by a significant 30%.


With this boost, Atreus took the first step onto the murky waters of the marsh, demonstrating his mastery over his water and ice elemental abilities. Almost instantly, he activated a skill, and the ground within a radius of 500 meters transformed into solid ice, as if it had been frozen in time.

The ice was remarkably dense and unyielding, providing a stable and secure path for the party to traverse the treacherous marshland without succumbing to the movement-limiting terrain.

Kahn's mana surged and the road made of ice kept appearing as his skill kept reaching further and creating a solid path for them.

"You're up." he spoke and looked at Xavolees, the Battleaxe bearkin warrior.

Both magic class members then cast buff spells on the bearkin as well.

"Yes, sir…" said the 3 meter tall polar bear and his snowy-white aura spread in the surrounding.

With the support of the magic class members, unleashed his own abilities. His snowy-white aura expanded, generating a blizzard that covered a vast area of 300 meters around them.

This frigid storm not only made the surroundings extremely cold but also caused the toxic fumes in the air to condense and settle, clearing the way for them to traverse without being harmed by the hazardous environment.

But as a result, the toxic fumes in the air also condensed since they were basically made of water as a constituent.

This way, they now had a clear and harmless path to walk and the environment was no longer hazardous for them as long as they moved as a group.

The meticulous planning and distribution of tasks orchestrated by Maximus showcased his exceptional leadership skills. By leveraging the unique abilities of multiple team members instead of relying solely on one, he ensured both efficiency and preparedness.

This strategy not only eased the burden on individuals like Kahn and Xavolees but also conserved their mana for potential challenges ahead.

Maximus's approach was marked by practicality, realism, and a deep understanding of his team members' strengths. He recognized that each member brought their own set of skills to the table, and by carefully coordinating their efforts, he optimized the group's performance.

This strategic thinking and ability to capitalize on the diverse talents within the party set Maximus apart as a leader who prioritized collaboration and effectiveness.

Comparatively, Kahn's leadership style might have been less honed in terms of teamwork and group dynamics.

This made him a much better leader than Kahn who had less experience about working with others than his subordinates.

Around the same time…



Over a massive heap of fallen trees and stench filled with the purple smoke, arrived the guardian of this place.


The being's various features reflected a complex array of emotions – jubilation in its hissing tail, anticipation in its outspread wings, and a grim sense of purpose in its human face. As it watched the Hero's Party draw closer, it was clear that this entity was not to be taken lightly.

Its multifaceted and maniacal expressions suggested a depth of character and intent, hinting at a potential clash of wills and strategies as the party ventured further into this chaotic and dangerous territory.

The sinister being seemed intrigued and slightly amused by Maximus's tactical prowess and his ability to nullify the advantage of the chaotic environment.

"Oho, their leader is smart. He took out my terrain advantage while having a perfect team formation that works well against ambushes from any side." praised this being with a human face but the body of several monsters.

"As much as I want to kill them all in a physical confrontation and trample on their lives while scaring the hell out of them... It will be simply a waste of time."

This being, with its human face and monstrous body, seemed to have some understanding of battle strategy and recognized the efficiency of the Hero's Party formation.

"I guess I have no choice but to use…" it declared with a sinister smile…

The anticipation grew, setting the stage for a potentially challenging encounter ahead.

"The Battle of Minds."

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