Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 496 - 496. United Provinces Of Africa

Chapter 496 – 496. United Provinces Of Africa

This fic is over, you can read it in advance on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.


[The greatest enemy of humanity is humanity's deep perverted desire for destruction. Since the days of the stone age, humans have been killing each other. Since the dawn of civilisation, humans have been going to war with each other, destroying kingdoms, empires, slaving, raping and pillaging.

If there has ever been peace, it has been because a greater power existed that overwhelms the other so much that peace is the only option. Hence, the greatest antidote to this humanity's destructive mindset is a sword at the throat, that scared them from ever committing a crime that challenges peace.

His Majesty was that sword. And due to him. There are no wars, there is peace. Hunger is eradicated due to his giant verticle farms under the Arthurland in Sahara and his private property in Easter Russia. Africa is not the poor land it used to be, sure, it is not much like the west, but it is not poor anymore. There are enough jobs and money for people to make a living.

There are schools, there are hospitals, there is hope. King Magnus was that hope. Most people did not know the cost at which this peace had come, one man suffered in constant pain so a billion smiles could flourish. One man gave up his humanity so billions could be humane.

This is the story of the boy, scared and forced to fight for his life at the age of eleven. The story of a king, who joined the world into one. Two such books exist, one for wizards, that's more factually true, and one for muggles, that needed some manipulation to keep wizards a secret. But both books tell you the story of the same person, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon.

I am Rita Skeeter, this is the last book I wrote, as per request of his majesty.]

*Sniff* "Oh god, I will cry before I finish writing this book. Why, why can't you live forever? I want to grow old and die while still looking at you being as young." Rita cried her eyes out.

Magnus was sitting in her office, reading a small excerpt she wrote. He had told Rita about his condition and that he would die before her, this was his request that she write a book about his life from the start to the end. He will tell most of the things in it, from his sad days to his triumphs, to his medical condition to what pushed him to ignore it.

Perhaps, it might inspire someone to do good. But he also had a selfish desire in it, he didn't want to be forgotten in history. Because when that happens, he will be truly dead.

"Come on, I still have time, I will be coming here weekly to tell you my story. Be prepared to write it as it is, I don't want too much manipulation." He warned her.

Rita had retired from writing as she made too much money. But this was a job she didn't want to reject. She comically saluted like muggles, "Y-Yes *Sniff* Your Majesty, I will be present here."

"Good, I need to go back now. Possibly, Africa might soon join together and become one giant country. If that happens, I will be one step closer to my end goal." Magnus left after briefing her.

Rita still cried as she watched his back, "*sniff* I will write the best book ever, your majesty. The world must know the cost at which this peace has come."

~Strange, was he always this tall?~ she muttered at the end, confused.

It was the year 2005. 4 more missions to Mars had taken place, in 3 of them Ragnar also went, Bobby as well. Ragnar wanted more samples from deeper parts of the planet, Bobby just wanted to see Mars with his own eyes.

Moon City in the crater was being supported by Magnus and was about 30 per cent done. Around the world, 800 Fusion Reactors and 200 Fission Reactors were at work currently. They powered the entire United States, Canada, the UK, France, Germany and Japan completely. This meant that these countries were one hundred per cent running on green energy, except when it came to cars.

These reactors were also partially helping other countries. About 300 more such reactors were under construction around the world. FutureTek Energy was making billions every single day.

At the same time, Magnus gained full control over Japan after he helped them in their economic crisis by fusing billions into their economy in the coming weeks. This managed to save their stock exchanges and companies from going bankrupt. But in the end, all that investment left Magnus with a major chunk of Japan's economy in his palms.

The Great African Railway was fully complete, including all its feeder lines. Every year, it brings 700 Billion Dollars to the African country's economies. The train was also one of the reasons why the African Union was slowly coming to the decision that it's better to make Africa one big nation.

Their idea was simple, currently, no matter how much money they make from the trade, it won't help each nation equally as there were villages, towns, cities too spread out. If they wanted to do infrastructure development, it would take too much time and there was not enough money.

However, if they could make Africa one giant land, then they can make a dozen megacities where most of the African population will reside, then there will be farmlands in the most fertile lands. This will help Africa manage its funds and bring prosperity to the whole population. Plus, it will make Africa more empty, more friendly to the wildlife.

Magnus was at a meeting of the African Union, here to finalise the Union of Africa. Initially, they wanted to call it the United States of Africa, but that would create too much confusion. So, they decided to name it the United Provinces of Africa, UPA.

But the matter has currently come to deciding how the elections will be conducted, how will they decide correct representation. Although all African nations were under Magnus' control, he allowed them enough autonomy to ensure that they don't lose too much because of his policies.

He sat beside the current President of the African Union, Zendaya Azibo, silently observing the 54 presidents and prime ministers.

"Will the new government be a presidential or a parliamentarian government?" the President of Nigeria asked.

Union President, Zendaya replied, "It will be Parliamentarian, with the leader called Prime Minister. Presidential form of government puts too much power in a single man, this can be disastrous for a nation as big as ours."

"What about the management of each province? How will that be done?" The Prime Minister of Zimbabwe asked.

At that, Magnus got up, not interested in their squabbling and wasting his time. He knew all their questions, so he answered them together. As soon as get got out of his seat, each of them silenced down and respectfully listened. Magnus' beardy 45-year-old face that aged like fine wine helped a lot in gaining respect.

"I understand your concerns. Let me clear this out. First of all, remember the reason we are making Africa a nation, to bring together the population in Mega Cities. Hence, most of the provinces will not be that populated.

"Second, the government will have two houses. The Upper House, which will contain all the MPs, their numbers will be decided by the number of people in each province. Next, there will be Provincial assemblies, the elected members will be called MPA, members of the provincial assembly, they act like the Parliament but only decide on things related to the province, like deciding the budget, matters related to law, criticising each other.

"The Prime Minister candidate will be decided by the political party before the elections and will be revealed to the public. The legislative organ of the state will make laws, the executive enforces them and the judiciary will apply them. There will be rules that no politician that is not a high school graduate can hold public office. No politician with any crime bigger than a minor traffic violation will hold the office.

"And, the crime of corruption will be life imprisonment, but let me warn you, the prison will always be under my control. I will not tolerate any bastard jeopardising the future of this great land. If any of you have an objection to this then I must investigate you."

Most of them shrank their necks in fear. Over the past decades, many politicians have gone missing after they committed corruption or misused their power. Not just them, all their wealth was subjugated. It was already clear that you will get a court trial if you murder someone, but if you commit corruption, you get the King's trial.

After that, Magnus allowed them to discuss on their own. In the end, it was decided that the President of the African Union, Zendaya Azibo, will be the acting Prime Minister for the year until the first General Elections are held. With this, Africa's first Prime Minister turned out to be a woman.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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