Guardian Of The End

Chapter 54 Magic Is Both Fascinating And Complicated

Jason and Nora soon found out that the entire carriage wasn't kid-friendly at all. There was nothing there for the two of them to do but fortunately, the carriage did have a few windows to look out.

However, upon peeking out, they realized that they couldn't exactly see anything as the carriage was moving at too fast of a speed.

It was similar to that of a car from Earth and Jason realized that being in the carriage was soon going to be a nightmare for him if he didn't find something to distract himself with.

The reason for this was the fact that Jason was extremely prone to car sickness. The carriage on the other hand was slightly worse as he could feel every single cut, every single bounce, and the acceleration or deacceleration in speed.

Perhaps it was restricted only to him but Jason knew he would soon throw up if this continued.

"Grandma, can I ask you something?" Jason asked in an attempt to distract hmself?

Risa, who was seated on a wooden chair near the dining table, replied, "Do you even need to ask that question? Just go ahead and ask me whatever you want."

Jason sat down opposite of her before raising his right hand and summoning a small amount of dark mana on the tip of his index finger.

"How can I control the corrosiveness of the dark element?" He asked before looking around for an object on the dining table.

His eyes fixed themselves on a stack of ordinary-looking plates placed in the middle of the table. He picked one of them up before touching it with his index finger and releasing the corrosiveness.

Risa watched it with a close look as a big crack suddenly appeared in the middle of the plate followed by rust appearing on the broken edges of the plate.

Jason then lifted the two pieces of the plate apart while sighing. He had been trying to only make a small crack appear yet like always, he had lost control and broken the plate in half.

"What you asked is a pretty useful yet difficult question to answer," Risa admitted as she took the plate from Jason's hands and joined the broken edges. "To control the corrosiveness, you need some kind of thing you can relate to. For example…"

Risa quietened down as she looked down at the cracks of the plate. A white light appeared at the tips of her right hand's fingers which soon moved to the broken parts.

In front of Jason's eyes, the crack suddenly started to heal. He had no words to speak when the entire plate was completely restored to its original shape.

"You thought that light and life magic could only heal living things?" Risa asked with a smile as Jason slowly nodded. "

Well, it's true for most light and life mages but similar to dark magic, those with an A grade or higher affinity can heal non-living things."

"But how?" Jason finally overcame his shock and asked while taking the plate in his hands. It was completely solid and looked recently purchased.

"Why can dark element break non-living things?" Risa asked back which forced Jason to think about it in detail.

"Because it can cause destruction?" He replied stupidly but surprisingly, Risa nodded.

"Both life and light magic follow the opposite principle and if you master them enough, you can heal broken objects. But when it comes to living beings, all three of them can reverse their roles."

"That means that a stronger life or light mage can also deal internal damage to someone?" Jason asked in a surprised tone as Risa nodded.

Jason felt that he had once again received enlightenment on dark magic and to prove his point, the percentage of his 'Dark Mage' job class and 'Child of Darkness' job class increased.

"Magic is so complicated…" Jason muttered as he placed the plate down and looked at his own hands.

"Magic is both fascinating and complicated. Even the most experienced magic users don't understand some things. After all, it's not something that is restricted to a certain limit." Risa gently explained as Jason stood up and nodded.

But instead of returning back to the bedroom, he decided to go outside.

Going out was also much simpler than Jason had expected as there was another door in the carriage that connected it directly to where the driver was sitting.

Jason had been wondering where Issac was but after opening the door, he realized that the one driving the carriage was none other than Issac.

"Where did uncle Ray go?" Jason asked curiously as he stepped out into the driver's area and closed the door behind him.

The searing wind hit him directly in the face, making his silver hair stand back on the edge. He came and stand beside his grandpa while throwing his legs down the edge of the seat.

"Ray is currently doing something… important with Zara," Issac replied as Jason suddenly felt awkward though it only lasted for a few minutes.

He was soon lost in the sensation of the wind hitting him while the scenery changed all around him. Jason could now understand why his grandpa had let Ray go back without any problem.

If possible, Jason also wanted to experience such a thing but instead of driving a carriage, he wanted to ride the stallion itself.

'Perhaps I can do that once I get a bit older. Ten-year-olds riding horses is kinda impossible and dangerous at the same time.'

[ Host, did you forget what the descriptions of the Stallions said? ] The system suddenly interrupted as Jason shook his head.

'No, I remember it quite clearly.'

[ Then if you can make them think that you are worthy of riding them, you can easily ride them. ] The system replied before going silent as Jason's eyes shifted to the Stallions.

The system had been right about that as Jason saw the two majestic horses running with the help of the lightning element.

Their swift and graceful moments made Jason look like an amateur when he used his 'Lightning Steps' skill. He kept studying the horses for a few moments before deciding to tear his eyes away.

Without him realizing it, the sun had already started setting down. Jason looked at Issac's face to see that he was still wide awake.

'I don't think he is going to fall asleep tonight. Poor stallions…' Jason felt sorry for the stallions before making his way back inside the carriage.

"Jason, you will be sleeping with me in the second bedroom since we are currently at a loss for beds." Ray suddenly said the moment Jason appeared in the living room.

He nodded slightly before sitting down on one of the chairs and starting to eat his dinner. Everyone seemed a bit tired on the first day of travel due to which dinner was over quickly.

After that, everyone moved into their rooms before settling down on the beds.

Jason noticed that Ray was asleep moments after hitting the bed as he commended his uncle mentally for having such an ability.

'Maybe I can have a good sleep tonight.' Jason thought while realizing how great the world of magic actually was.

Due to reading novels, he thought that he would have an advantage but that theory didn't work very well for him.

Despite that, Jason was very much happy with his new world and everything that was left for him to explore,

With that thought in mind, he closed his eyes and finally went to sleep.

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