Guardian Of The End

Chapter 112 Introductions

"I don't know why but I am bored…" Jason muttered the next morning.

He had woken up the earliest and had went out to find cooked food sitting on the dining table. The food had only been made for him as though someone had realized that he was the only one awake.

​ 'Is someone spying on us?' Jason asked the system while eating his breakfast.

[ I am not sure about that. I don't have that high level of abilities at the moment. ] The system reminded him.

'Ugh…' Jason silently ate the rest of his food.

After that, he walked out of the dormitory and decided to take a stroll around the academy.

Since it was their first day, they were only going to be spending time with Izzy in their homeroom.

The class was supposed to start two hours later yet Jason was already awoke.

'Maybe I should go to the arena.' He silently thought before making his way to the first year arena.

It was situated on the far left corner and was half the size of the fifth year arena. But since none of the first years were going to be visit the arena this early in the morning, Jason had the entire place to himself.

He was a bit reluctant to use any of his flashy moves since anyone could see there. The only thing he could do was warm up and use more of his common moves.

'System, I have been wondering about this for a while but I still haven't figured it out. How am I supposed to create a skill for the Child of Darkness job class? What exactly counts as a skill for that job class?'

[ That… ] The system was stumped as well. It didn't know the answer to this question and could only keep silent.

Jason sighed and decided to head back to the mess hall. Others would definitely be awake by then so he could start some idle chat.

'If I am not wrong, there is a princess living amongst us.'

[ Indeed. Her name is Mila Vancouver though I don't know what rank she holds. She might not be a princess at all. ]

'Oh well, its the closest we have got. What I am more interested is in the fact whether she is a brat or not.'

[ are you like raising flags yourself? ]

'I mean, everybody likes a bratty princess because they usually turn out to be the best girls. Well in most cases that is.'

[ I am not going to have an argument with you on this topic. ] The system sighed and went silent.

Jason on the other hand went back to the dormitory. As he ha expected, someone had woken up and was having breakfast in the mess hall.

"I thought I was the only one who crashed for such a long time." Jason smiled as he sat beside Amber.

"I don't know why but I felt too tired." Amber sighed.

"Perhaps it was due to the rapid teleportations that we experienced today." Jason suggested and laid back on the chair.

Their classmates soon woke up and entered the mess hall as well.

"You both woke up early." Zeke commented as he sat opposite to Jason. He still looked sleepy and one side of his hair looked as though they had been licked by a cow.

Zeke didn't seem to mind that and started eating food.

'Wait, when did that food appear?' Jason wondered in surprise. He hadn't seen anyone brining the food there yet it had magically appeared on the table.

Jason couldn't help but wonder what kind of magic was used in this.

[ Well, you are at a place where you will be taught about that. ] The system pointed out.

Jason glanced at his two remaining classmates. The guy named Wade looked like one of the side characters in a movie whose only job was to act kind and brainy, make the lead actor look like a hero and die in the end.

His brown hair were ruffled yet like Zeke, Wade didn't seem to care about his appearance.

"Let's get this thing started," Mila Vancouver suddenly said. "I am Mila Vancouver and I am the fifth princess of the kingdom. Nice to meet you all."

Mila curtsied a bit before settling herself on one of the chairs. Jason watched her with a curious look as she was the first royal in his age group that he would be interacting with.

"If we are doing introductions, I might as well go next," Zeke said before stifling a yawn. "I am Zeke Anvilone and I'm an ice mage. I also love to sleep."

Jason smiled at Zeke's introduction.

"Well, my name's Wade and I an orphan. They still haven't tracked my parents but its nice to meet y'all." Wade introduced himself in a much casual tone.

"I am Amber, a magma mage," Amber paused as a slithery creature appeared on her arm. "And this is Flamey. He is a guardian."

The other children looked at Flamey with excited eyes. None of them had seen a guardian up close before so it was a new experience for them.

"I am Jason and this here is my guardian." Jason pointed at his lap. Hestia had appeared there and was now peacefully lying on his lap.

Mila's eyes started shining when she saw the wolf-cub on Jason's lap.

"Can I pet her?" She asked in a slightly pleading voice.

"Sure. She likes it when someone pats her head." Jason replied with a smile.

The princess stood up from her seat and stood beside him. She moved her hand over the Hestia's body and felt a warm feeling spreading through her insides.

"So soft…" Mila commented while patting Hestia's head.

[ She certainly knows how to treat an animal. ] Hestia said with satisfaction.

'Next time, don't bother asking for pats.'

[ I was just commenting her skills! ] Hestia pouted but since she was doing it in her wolf form, she looked extremely cute and adorable.

"You guys look like you are enjoying your morning," Izzy's voice rang inside their ears.

Their teacher walked up to the dining table with a smile. She picked up an apple from the table and bit into it.

"Today's class is going to be a practical class so we will be going outside again. We might meet some students from other classes as well." Izzy informed them before gesturing towards a huge door which was the only exit present in the dormitory.

"I hope you guys are ready to go out."

Jason and the rest of the children nodded. All of them were indeed interested in going out and preferably show their magic.

'System, do you remember about the time when I talked to you about having no friends?'

[ Uh… Was it one of those days when you were training like crazy and would be dead tired at night? ]

'Yes, it is.'

[ I do remember that conversation. ]

'Currently, I feel as though I was wrong," Jason replied and stood up.

For some reason, he felt a strange excitement buzzing through his body.

'I don't know why but I have a feeling that I am going to experience a lot of things with these people.'

Jason walked with the rest of his classmates while being unknown about the future.

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