God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Chapter 464 CH 450: MY EX CAN'T BE THIS CRAZY (1)

When Makarov came out of his trance, his eyes were shining brightly and he didn't even bother to ask any questions before turning to Adam.

"You… Come with me, fast!"

He took him by the hand and rushed toward his workshop and only then did he remember that Viktor was there too before stopping.

"Wait a minute. Wake up my grandson after I take the new measurements for you. We have to work fast on this and there's no scope for any failures. By the way. Now that I have to change everything, do you have any proposal you want to make? It will be your weapon after all."

In the past, Adam wasn't particularly involved in the creation of his weapon. He didn't really know his own fighting skills at that time after all. Nor did he know the path he was about to take with his powers.

Now though. Things were very different from back then. HE was different from back then.

"I do have many ideas that I want to share. Are you sure you will be able to fulfil all of my wishes?"

Makarov snorted exaggeratedly when he heard his words and replied, "Don't provoke me, boy. Come on and tell me everything."

Creating this weapon was his dream but the one who would use it would be Adam.

"Then. Firstly… I want two weapons actually. Not just one."


"And I want one of them to be able to contain objects in it."

"... Huh?"

"This weapon will most likely be a composite of even smaller weapons in reality."


Makarov fell silent. His eyes started twitching harder the more he heard him speak,

"A space-time weapon?"

"Well… It will be a little more complicated than that."

Makarov was about to curse out loud and ask if Adam had eaten something weird lately but then he stopped and breathed in and out deeply. His eyes moved all around as his brain went into full power mode and thought about the requests that Adam desired.

"It… It isn't impossible."

Makarov himself had some small insight into space and time already. They were necessary to open the gate he was using to travel. Furthermore…

"The broken divine weapon you gave me just now will be perfect as a carrier."

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed that it would not be an impossible endeavour.

The creation of a divine weapon any magical weapon general was obviously far more complex than a normal weapon. But one of the advantages of the creation of these weapons was the fact that [Intent] could be inserted into the weapons.

The material obviously played an important role but the most important thing was, in the end, the Intent with which the weapon was made.

"Okay. Very well. Now about your blood…"

Adam nodded his head before saying, "My blood is special. Very much so. I will give you as much as necessary for you to complete the production of the weapon so don't worry."

Adam always had one question in his mind. When he died, his blood and organs spewed would vanish. But— what if they were already integrated into something else? What would happen then?

Would he be affected? Or would the object be affected? He needed to get answers.

This was the best moment to try and search for those answers as he didn't really plan to die any time soon.

"Very well. Do you have any other demands?"

"The form of the two weapons."

"Oh? What do you want them to be?"

Adam muttered under his breath, causing Makarov's eyes to open wide in surprise before finally nodding his head in acknowledgement.

"Well then. I will leave after donating my blood."

His expectations for the weapons were soaring higher than ever before.

.I think you should take a look at



After working on everything he had to do, Adam was now out of the workshop. He sighed as he looked down at his house and got the express feeling that his house was more like some inn or gathering point as seen in RPG-type games for him at this point.

In a way this was heartwarming.

But now he didn't really have the time to think about this. He had much to do and he had to make sure he stayed alive for some time.

[Your weapon choice is quite intriguing.]

'Hum… Hah. You weren't able to see what I was doing in the Dreamscape, right? Fighting there gave me many, many ideas you see?'

[I suppose the situation is good for you in the end.]

'Yep. By the way, I didn't forget your name, you know? In fact, I have a rather interesting one for you.'

[... And it is?]

'Heh. It wouldn't be fun if I gave it now, would it? Let's wait for a dramatic moment. Isn't how the name reveal supposed to be?'

[How irrational… Quite like you…]

'Hahah. You laughed a little, right?'

Adam laughed further as Genesis seemed to ignore him now and fall into silence once again.

Humming to a tune only he could hear, Adam flew past many areas before finally reaching the place of the meeting.

Angeles National Forest.

It was located about 50 miles northeast of L.A. and contained over 700,000 acres of protected woods that were tucked into the San Gabriel and Sierra Pelona Mountains.

There were plenty of options for camping here, with local favourites including Buckthorn Campground, Horse Flats Campground, and Crystal Lake Campground, and it was a great area for trailheads, picnics, and campfires.

Looking at the forest from above, Adam smiled as he fondly remembered some memories of his youth that he gathered with Tsubasa.

This was a place they would use as their loving ground so to speak. Since neither of them was particularly interested in exploring the city, they would come here when they had time; sometimes they would eat, sometimes they would simply play around, and sometimes they would simply make out and play out their youthful fantasies.

The only reason Adam never went farther than dry humphing with Tsubasa was because he did not want to take the risk of making her pregnant at the time. He had read too many horror stories about how single-parent households generally created this vicious cycle and he didn't want to become one more statistic added to that cycle.

There was also the fact that he knew Tsubasa was a Yakuza and he worked for her sister. But this definitely did not really add to the hesitation he felt in impregnating her.

When he finally landed, Adam looked at the large tree that towered over all the rest.

"Those were the good times, don't you think so?"

He sighed as one spider that was crawling around seemed to glitch before one gate opened before him.

From the gate, that appeared out of the blue… A young woman in her twenties with purple hair walked out with a beautiful smile on her face.

She was beautiful.

She was breathtaking.

Even now, Adam could feel his heart beat ever so slightly out of tune just by her appearance alone. Something even Inari could not do to him—

"I knew you would call me."

— And just like that his heart started to beat out of tune for very different reasons.

Deciding to not focus on the lunacy aspects of the girl in front of him, his attention shifted to something else that had been preoccupying him.

"So it was the spiders."

He sighed… This night was starting with at least one less mystery plaguing his mind.

This was a good thing, right?


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