87 The aftermath

In front of a big building, a crowd was gathered looking at the beautiful painting drawn on the big wall.

" This painting, it wasn't here last night, who could've made it so fast? " one man said.

" Look, there are other places with similar paintings. " another man said, pointing at his mobile.

The painting drawn on the wall depicted the face of a peerless beauty, and the art looked quite good, but that wasn't the main reason that attracted everyone's attention. The beautiful face on the wall looked like a unicorn, except there wasn't a horn on her head, instead, Jayden had drawn a long dick, and he even added special details to it.

*Click* *click*

People were clicking photos nonstop, and within just a matter of minutes, the images were viral all over the internet.


In Devdraean,

Amelia sat on her bed, watching everything unfold in the human world. She was annoyed and at the same time amused. She looked at her painting and thought:

' So, his ability also allows him to see things very far away? ' she still didn't know everything about Jayden's abilities, so she chose this way to make him reveal his abilities.

Still, she didn't expect Jayden to retaliate in such a manner, ' Even with such low strength, he had the confidence to pull such a stunt, he's quite daring. ' Amelia jeered to herself, as her eyes glowed red in excitement.

" Come here. " Amelia orders and in the next moment, a man clad in a golden Armor enters her room.

" Yes, princess. " he kneels in front of Amelia, waiting for her to order. " This photo, I want it completely gone, wipe out everyone's memory if you have to, and remove it from the internet too. " Amelia said, her voice cold.

" Yes. Princess, should I also look for the person who did this? " he asks.

" No need, I already know who it is. " Amelia said and waves her hand, ordering for him to leave.

" As you wish, princess," he said and walked out of the room.

" You're turning out to be much more interesting Jayden Dr- oops. " Amelia felt exceedingly excited the more she thought about Jayden, such that she almost called his full name, which her father had advised not to, for some unknown reasons. ******

Xander sat on his throne, his face pale, and he stared into nothingness. Just a few moments ago, he received a message from his assistant that all the materials they had sent to Night Corporation, were stolen by someone, before reaching their destination.

He was enraged and wanted to beat his subordinates for letting something like this happen. But when he called, he received no answer and after a few minutes, he felt most of his connection with the members of his pack breaking, one after another.

" How-How could this happen? How could it be- " Xander spoke in a distressed tone.


Just as he was speaking, he received another notification, Without thinking much he opened it, and the next moment his eyes widened in horror.


" We've received conclusive evidence that the entrepreneur Xander Langston, one of the richest men in the US, has been found colluding into illegal activities.

He has committed various crimes, and legal teams are currently on their way to arrest him. We are going to do a live- " Xander stops the news with his shaky hands.

He rubs his temples and calls: " Xor "

" Yes, my king. " Xor said bowing in front of Xander.

" Where is everyone? Why can't I feel my connection with them? " he asked, as Xor have always helped him with managing his pack. " I'm not sure, king, everyone has disappeared since this morning," he answered.

" First we need to hide, if my enemies got the news of this, I would be a dead man in no time. " Xander said, as his strength had decreased to less than half of what it originally was.

" Yes, king, I'll make the necessary preparations immediately. " Xor said and began to walk out of the room. *BOOOOOOM*

He had taken just a few steps when he heard an explosion from the front of the house. Xor stopped in his tracks and looked at Xander for further directions.

" Who is it now? " Xander said and walked out of his royal room.


" Come out you dirty dog, I'm going to skin you alive. " Xander heard someone scream from outside.

The voice was familiar, he fumbled outside and was stunned: " W-Why are you here? I don't think I have done anything to provoke you. " Xander said, a bad feeling rising in the pit of his stomach.

" Haha, you've got quite the nerve, for sending your son to my house. " Mark said, his body showing signs of transformation.

" What are you talking about? " Xander asked in puzzlement.

' Isn't Topo lying in his bed, depressed, after that bitch of a fiance left him? Why is he... ' Xander wondered to himself.


But the next moment his eyes widened in shock and anger, as Mark threw a limbless body in front of him. " Nooooooo, Topo, what did you do to my 'son'? " Xander ran over to Topo, who was barely breathing, even his basic healing ability wasn't working.

" Just a little beating, someone needs to teach this arrogant piece of gutter a lesson, in place of his uncaring parents. " Mark said, trying to make Xander more angry.

" I'm going to kill you, aaaaaaah. " Xander shouted and began to transform into his beastly form.

" I'm going to annihilate everyone in your family. " Mark shouted and also began to transform.


Xander and Mark threw a punch at each other, without holding back in the slightest, Unfortunately for Xander he was nowhere near his peak condition and so was thrown back by the blunt force of Mark's punch.

" *Cough* Ughh I-I'm going to " With great difficulty, Xander stood up onto his feet and again lunged towards Mark.

But he was no match for Mark with almost all of his pack members gone, within a couple of minutes, he was beaten by Mark. Xor tried to help, but he was killed in an instant by Mark and his pack members.

After capturing the father son duo, Mark orders: " I heard he has a gorgeous wife, what was her name again, whatever, bring her out I'll let you all have a piece of her. "

All members of his pack had expressions full of lust, as they made their way into his house, but even " Mmmmmph~ I love you, darling. " Sasha said, taking in each drop of his semen.


" I love you too, babe. How about another round? " Jayden suggested, winking at Sasha.

after searching for several minutes, they were unable to find anyone.

" Sir, I think she escaped. Should I send someone to look for her? " A man asked.

" Hmmm, send people to look for her, I want Xander to see his wife being toyed with by everyone. " Mark ordered, and then left the place, taking both father and son with him. ******

While everything took place, Jayden was sleeping peacefully in the hotel room, hugging Sasha's voluptuous body.

Before drifting off to sleep, he had sent three messages, one to his dear assistant, Kate, reminding him about their bet. Second to the media, releasing all of Xander's dirty secrets that he had obtained with the help of one of his slaves.

And third to, Lisa, Xander's wife, asking her to meet him at the Night Corporation as soon as possible.

" Mmmm, Good morning. " Sasha rubbed her eyes and twisted her naked body in Jayden's arms.

Jayden gave her a peck on the lips before asking:

" How was it? Are you in pain? " " It was fantastic, the pain disappeared just minutes after we started. " Sasha said her tone dreamy.

Jayden pulls her body on top of his and stares into her eyes: " How about a quickie? " " mmmmmph~ mmmm~ "

He said before moving up and capturing her soft lips, their tongues intertwined, and Jayden could feel her soft mounds pressing against his chest.

" Mmmmph~ Don't we need to return to the house? " Sasha asks with a red face.

"It's fine. " Jayden answered and then raises Sasha's ass, before pushing his hard penis into her wet vagina.

*Schlik* *Schlik* " Ahnnnnn~ Yeeeess~ Harder mmmmmmph~ " Sasha moaned wildly, as Jayden pushed his dick, ball deep inside her.

She could feel his dick striking just the right places, each time it entered her cave. She hugged Jayden tightly, and pressed her mouth against his, giving him a passionate kiss.

After over ten minutes, Sasha moans in pleasure: " Ahhhhh~ I-I can't hold it in, I'm coming. " " Me too. " Jayden said, increasing the intensity of his movements.

*Spurt* *Spurt*

" Ahnnnn~ It's so warm~ yeees give it to me, mark me as your woman~ " Sasha felt her womb getting filled with Jayden's thick hot semen.

" Mmmmmph~ I love you, darling. " Sasha said, taking in each drop of his semen.

" I love you too, babe. How about another round? " Jayden suggested, winking at Sasha.

But this time, she didn't protest, instead she began to move her hips, bouncing on Jayden's dick. With each thrust, she felt his dragon reaching new depths inside her.

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