Chapter 870 Minister Hong Dao!

"So this is the Nichole Clan's manor, it's Quite big and majestic," Yohan said as he was standing in front of the majestic manor that is situated in the middle of the Nickson city ,alma and the old minister was standing right next to Yohan,alma was also surprised to see this lavish manor that was surrounded by the beautiful scenery and buildings, she can tell the people who live inside the city are all wealthy and someone who is connected to Nichole clan, afterall while coming to this manor she didn't encounter any normal human being as all of those people were wearing expensive attires that no normal people can afford or even think about owning.

"Yes, young master this is the Nichole Clan's residence...I mean it used to be"The old minister whispered, having a weird smile on his face,yohan frowned hearing him.

"Stop behaving like an idiot and take us to the treasury," Alma gave him a look, hearing Alma his face turned gloomy and he nodded his head before moving inside the premises of the manor, Yohan and alma followed him from behind but a moment they entered hundred of armed soldiers could be seen standing blocking their paths.

All of their faces were dark seeing Yohan and Alma inside the manor but they were most surprised to see the old minister who were accompanying them, All of them knew that the Nichole clan was under attack and their young master Marcus Nichole and elder han was fighting Yohan.

"Should I kill them?"Alma exclaimed as she took out a sword from her spatial ring and she was ready to annihilate them but the old minister interrupted her.

"Let me talk to them, They are just normal soldiers," He said in a polite manner as he looked at Alma and then shifted his gaze to Yohan, Yohan nodded his head after all he didn't want to shed any more blood.

The old minister heaved a sigh of relief and then he moved into the direction of those soldiers who were trembling in fear after seeing Yohan and the women who were holding a sword in her hand.

"Minister hong dao..."One of the middle-aged men who was standing at the front said with dark expressions on his face, Yohan and Alma raised their brows as this was the first time they heard this minister's name.

"Marcus Nichole and Elder Han are dead, Young master Yohan killed them and with their disappearance, this clan is under the Lin clan's rule." Minister Hong Dao exclaimed taking all those soldiers by surprise, Their hearts nearly skipped a beat knowing elder han and Marcus Nichole were no longer alive, all of them looked at Yohan in a horrified manner.

"Now it's up to you whether you wanted to die or live"Minister Hong Dao snorted, hearing the minister's words all of them exchanged glances with each other and one after another they started dropping their weapons on the ground and falling to their knees as no one wanted to die just like that, they knew if elder Han and Marcus Nichole couldn't do anything against Yohan then they don't stand no chance against him.

"Please have mercy on us, "all of them exclaimed in unison, hearing those words old Minister Hong dao smiled while Yohan furrowed his brows seeing their lame-ass dedication towards their master, they don't give a fuck about his death and they don't have any loyalty towards their master, all of them cared about their lives, well it's a good thing that they don't want to fight but Yohan hated such people who are not loyal to their master.

"Scram from this moment you guys are no longer needed, your services are terminated"Yohan exclaimed, hearing Yohan all of those soldiers ran away in the direction of the exit as no one wanted to get on his nerves knowing their Young master was no longer alive, once all of them scattered like ants and disappeared from his sight Yohan moved his gaze and looked hong dao. seeing yohan's gaze hong dao nodded his head and then he started leading Yohan and alma inside the manor.

The inside of the manor was majestic but Yohan ignored everything as he wanted to see the treasury afterall he didn't intend to live inside this place, he was addicted to soul subspace as the Qi inside that place was a hundred times suitable for him, he even barely spend his time inside the Lin clan, as far as he remembered he spends his most of the time inside the soul subspace.

After walking for a few minutes minister hong dao brings him to the treasury of the Nichole clan, "what kind of minister are you?"Yohan asked Hong Dao, having a curious look on his face, hearing Yohan a bittersweet smile appeared on hong dao's face.

"I used to be the finance minister of the Nichole clan"Hong Dao responded to yohan, hearing him Alma was taken aback by surprise while Yohan broke into laughter knowing his luck was indeed something else.

"Why are you laughing don't tell me you already knew?"Alma couldn't control herself as she asked Yohan with a curious look on her face, Minister Hong Dao also looked at Yohan as he wanted to know whether it was true or not, Seeing their gazes at him Yohan shook his head with a smile.

"Well seeing this much fat around his body I somewhat expected this"Yohan responded in a sarcastic manner but he was not aware that this man could be the finance minister of the Nichole when he met him, Alma chuckled hearing Yohan while Hong Dao felt embarrassed after getting that kind of remark from Yohan, with a heavy breath he placed his right palm over the treasury and soon various kinds of symbols started appearing on the door.

"This place is protected by arrays?"Alma whispered, seeing all those weird dazzling symbols on the door of the treasury, while Yohan smiled.

"Well it's a good thing that Minister Hong Dao is with us otherwise I had to blast this place in order to make our way inside, Isn't it convenience to have him around"

"You are right, earlier i thought this man was useless but now I think you did a good thing by keeping him alive"Alma added, hearing Yohan and Alma Minister Hong Dao bitterly smile and sometimes later he finally opened the treasury,the moment he did Yohan and alma's eyes nearly closed against the bright light that came from inside, minister hong dao chuckled seeing that kind of look on yohan and alma's faces.

"Please come inside young master yohan and Lady Alma "A moment later he cleared his throat and looked at Alma and Yohan, two of them followed Minister Hong Dao inside the treasury hall.

"This is the treasury hall of the Nichole clan..."Alma couldn't believe on her eyes as she saw giant boxes filled with gold and jewels lying around in the hall, this is the first time she have seen this kind of wealth, The same goes for Yohan as he had never seen anything like that before, the enormous hall filled with all kinds of jewels, gold and silver coins, and there were various separate rows filled with all kinds of treasure.

"Those bastards..." a moment later Alma Clenched her fist as she couldn't believe they Accumulated this much wealth by selling women all around the kingdom.

"I will tell Grandpa to use this wealth for the betterment of those women and the poor people who were affected by the Nichole Clan's cruelty," Yohan said as he took Alma's hand and tried to calm her, hearing Yohan Alma nodded her head with smile while minister hong dao's facial expressions changed and a pleasant look appeared on his face knowing yohan's intention, he took a deep breath and then he look Yohan.

"With this kind of wealth not only you can build a paradise for those women's but you can also feed the entire northern region for years, all those treasures worth trillions of gold coins, all of those treasures are high-grade treasures and worth fortune," Minister hong dao said Yohan, hearing him Yohan smiled.

"Well I leave everything in my grandpa's hands, he will manage everything inside this territory," Yohan replied to Minister Hong Dao and then he added.

"You are free to go but make sure you change your attitude"


"You are sparing my life"old minister hong dao looked at Yohan in shock, he had a look of disbelief on his face, Seeing that kind of look on his face Yohan frowned and then he shook his head.

"Yes I am sparring your life, consider this second chance that life gave you, I hope you use this chance to become a better person," Yohan replied to him having a calm look on his handsome face, for some reason he doesn't feel like killing this bulky minister.

Tears started forming in Hong Dao's eyes, knowing Yohan letting him leave this place without doing anything to him, soon he started crying like a kid and grabbed Yohan's legs.

"I promise I will not repeat that kind of behaviour ever again, I am going to become a good person, I promise..."He snorted while crying at the top of his lungs, Alma furrowed her brows seeing him in such a condition,on the other hand Yohan bitterly smiled seeing him like that.

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