Chapter 21: Daria's Place (1)

Hours after Lord Stygian was gone and Evian had had his breakfast, he was basically placed under house arrest. The Guards at the door were ordered to monitor his movement and checked in every few minutes to make sure he was still in.

And then, he got knocks on his door.

Thinking it was the usual check-in, he answered curtly.


The voice of the Guard sounded quickly after.

"Daria the Witch has returned."

Evian's eyes widened a bit.

"She's back?"

*Knock* *Knock*

"Young Master? Shall I let her in?"

"Of course!" Evian said and a few seconds later, the double doors opened and Daria strut into the room as sexy as ever and dressed in her favorite color: black.

As usual, her gown hugged her body, showed off her curves, and the neckline teased the hefty milky globes on her chest.

"You don't seem happy to see me," Daria said while eyeing him.

'Did he get bigger since the last time I saw him?' she asked in her mind as her eyes raked over Evian's physique.

Evian shook his head.

"That's not it. I just wasn't expecting you to return so soon" he said with a smile.

Daria smirked and slinked even closer.

"Soon? It's been more than three days since I was last here. I thought I waited long enough"

She was now only a foot away from Evian and she placed a hand on his chest.

"In fact, I was so impatient I didn't check in with either the Lord or the Lady. I came straight here"

The Witch leaned close and took a whiff of the skin on Evian's neck. She shook with excitement as his scent permeated her nose and as she shook, she wrapped her arms around Evian and pulled herself closer to him.

"Did you have any trouble making it here?" Evian asked as he raised an arm and wrapped it around the Witch's waist.

Daria raised her head.

"Since you mention it, yes I did. The Estate security was strict. They damn near hunted me down before they confirmed my identity and even then, they still asked me questions and probed if I had an earlier appointment.

Did something happen?"

Evian pulled away from Daria and led the way toward the double doors of his room.

"I was attacked last night."

"You were?!"

"I was."

"Well, are you alright?" Daria asked.

Evian smiled.

"I'm fine. Perfectly healthy. Come on, I'll tell you more on the way"

"On the way to where? Where are we going?"

"I've been itching to get out of the Estate so let's go to your place," Evian said.

He had actually been planning to use the Phasing spell to leave despite knowing the possible ruckus his disappearance would cause.

At least with Daria, his leaving would be a bit more legitimate. Maybe. It depended on how well he sold it to the busy-body Guards at his door.

Daria paused and then a smile stretched across her lips.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah." Evian answered.

Daria shrugged.


The moment Evian walked out of his room, the guards all stood at attention. Their eyes lingered more on Daria. Evian didn't blame them. The smile on her black-painted lips was beckoning.

"Young Master, are you taking a stroll with Lady Daria?" one Guard asked.

"We're leaving. Daria and I have Business to attend to outside the Estate." Evian said.

The guard looked uncertain.

"What kind of business?" he asked looking between Evian and Daria.

'How is that any of your business?' Evian asked in his mind and he was going to say it out loud but Daria intervened.

"It has to do with the Exorcism. Would you like me to explain the details to you?" she asked with a telltale mischievous look in her eyes.

The guard shook his head quickly. He looked almost horrified.

"No- No, thanks"

"Who wants to listen to all that hogwash?" a guard mumbled a few steps away and by the look on the face of his colleagues, they were of a similar mind.

There was a few seconds of silence before the lead guard cleared his throat.

"Anyway. Allow me to select the best guards to protect you and the Witch outside the Estate."

Evian raised a hand.

"Oh there's no need for that"

"Really? But Lord Stygian-"

"- Has ordered you to guard the Estate. I won't be inside the Estate so there's no need." Evian said.

The guard still looked uncertain.

"We were stationed here to protect you-"

Daria frowned and her aura became a tad bit intense as she stepped in.

"Are you suggesting I won't keep him safe?"

"That's not what I'm saying"

"Then what ARE you saying"

Evian chuckled in his mind.

'Well done, Daria. Way to sell it!'

He especially appreciated the fact that she was mostly in the dark about it all and knew just how to play her part right.

Evian raised a hand and placed it on the guard's shoulder.

"Don't worry it's fine. Haven't you heard? My brother Adrian was the real target all along so I have nothing to fear."

With that final statement, Evian and Daria turned around and walked away. None of the Guards followed.

The next guard points were easy to go through. They all seemed to be of the mind that Evian didn't need guards since none had been stationed to follow him.

Evian felt it was incompetent but it was hard to actually care when he was allowed to leave the Estate without guard Escorts which was exactly what he wanted.

Once outside the Estate grounds, Evian looked at Daria and smiled.

"Should we run now?"

Daria rolled her eyes.

"'Running'. Such an unsophisticated way to travel."

The Witch formed seals with her fingers, and in seconds a four-ring circle appeared beneath her and Evian's feet.

Looking down at the circle, Evian couldn't help but smile. It was quite similar to what Koln had used last night.

"Hang on"

"To what?" Evian asked confused.

He didn't get an answer.

The Circle just zoomed along and he had to hurriedly lock his knees to keep from falling off.

The circle only moves fast while they were still close to the Stygian Estate. Once they entered the City proper, the speed slowed to the point where Evian was able to observe his surroundings.

Verdelen City, at least the part of it Evian was at -the territory controlled by the Stygian Estate-, was beautiful.

It had the ancient look Evian expected of it but remained eye-catching with the incredible architecture and care that went into the construction of even one of the multiple buildings around.

Carriages and pedestrians flooded the street and Evian quite enjoyed how the circle he and Daria were on zoomed between gaps.

They eventually arrived at a fancy-looking building complete with a moderate-sized compound and situated far enough from the hustle and bustle of the City.

The circle faded and their feet touched the ground as Daria pointed at the building.

"Welcome to my Abode," she said before leading the way in.

The house was just the right size to house a single occupant and every single piece of furniture just screamed 'Expensive' but not extravagant.

Daria smiled.

"It's not much"

Evian observed the beautiful and well-furnished insides and gave his honest opinion.

"It's beautiful"

Daria chuckled.

"If you say so.

I didn't want a mansion with guards and maids and the sort so the Church offered me this."

Evian looked at her with a raised brow.

"The Church?"

Daria nodded.

"Yeah, I'm a devout. I would think that was clear by now" she said with a chuckle.

Evian shrugged.

"I just didn't give it that much thought"

"Well, I am.

I took a year-long retreat to overcome a bottleneck and got stationed here.

I help out the Local lords with any mystical issue I can and spend the rest of my time mastering my craft and trying to break through to the next Circle."

Evian nodded.

"Huh, sounds nice"

Daria rolled her eyes and pulled his arms, leading him even deeper into her home.

He knew where they were headed even before they arrived.

Daria's room smelled as good as she did. Evian was surprised when the theme was purple rather than black.

"Did you choose the color?"

"Yeah. I like purple," Daria said.

The dim lighting in the room as well as the purple colors affected Evian's mood and he would have gotten carried away had it not been for Daria tapping him on the chest.

"So what happened last night"

For an answer, Evian wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close for a kiss.

Daria wrapped her arms around his back and pressed her body even harder against his as their kiss intensified.

Evian started walking towards the wall and as he did, he reached one of his hands down to cup a feel of her ass. He squeezed until they finally reached the wall only for him to press her back against it...

.... Without once breaking the contact of their lips.

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