He subsequently left Ren Jia's in Jing Xue's care.

Upon seeing him putting on his windbreaker, Jing Xue crossed her arms solemnly with a frown.

"Where are you going?"

Ren Ye didn't stop what he was doing and raised his head to give her a smile.

He patted her on the shoulder with a gentle smile, "I am meeting a friend."

He wasn't lying though as he planned to head somewhere to meet somebody. He didn't intend to tell her who it was as he didn't know the person who he was meeting as well.

"I will be back at 2. You can go to sleep before me," Ren Ye calmly said as he put on his shoes and prepared to head out.

Jing Xue didn't question him as they had made an agreement not to interfere with each other's personal life. Instead she pursed her lips and nodded her head.

"I will lend you my car."

"No need," Ren Ye refused indifferently, "I will take a taxi there."

Jing Xue: "…"

Why would he need to spend money on a taxi ride when he could have borrowed her car? Didn't he used to be frugal? Sometimes, she wonders what goes inside his head.

Ren Ye felt slightly embarrassed as he had guessed her thoughts, "Don't wait for me this late."

"I will sleep at my apartment if the clock passes 2."

After saying this, Jing Xue suddenly came forward and raised her hands to touch his neck. Ren Ye was slightly startled as he swallowed his saliva.

Unlike what he thought, Jing Xue didn't intend to strangle him as she adjusted his shirt's neckline.

In a somewhat intimate manner.

Ren Ye didn't hate physical touch when it came to Jing Xue and Ren Jia but considering they had slept together intimately, it wasn't shocking for him to be approached by her in this manner.

Perhaps, he quite enjoys the feeling of being taken care of.

Ren Ye left the villa and walked outside the gates with his hands in his pocket, a haze emitted from his mouth as he breathes.

"It is not even winter yet but the weather has been getting colder," Ren Ye commented calmly.

Thankfully, he didn't suffer the side effects of the coldness.

Old Yi agreed with him in a joking tone, "It is definitely colder than usual and I haven't been on this world that long."

"But it is the perfect time to get what you have planned done rightfully!"

Ren Ye chuckled as he walked further and further away from the villa, using his senses to track anybody who attempts to follow me.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she is right behind you," Old Yi joked in a light-hearted tone.

Ren Ye shushed him immediately as his back trembled unnoticeably, "Don't give me a fright."

Old Yi chortled.


Under the full moon, a lean figure appeared out of nowhere. Hazy fog surrounded the man's figure as the moonlight shone upon his figure.

Ren Ye intentionally teleported himself into a cemetery, which he had used the manual inside his head to locate the exact location.

From what he observed, this cemetery is miles away from Beikang; which was good as he didn't want anybody whom he knows to stumble upon him in a cemetery in the middle of the night.

Ren Ye strolled around in the cemetery before stopping to sit down next to a tombstone.

He had chosen Death back then as it offered him a somewhat favorable effect. It had given him the ability to communicate with dead souls and ask them for favors in exchange for whatever they wanted him to do.

To be able to talk to the dead sounds extremely intriguing.

In addition, he also needed something from them.

Ren Ye raised his hand and snapped.

All of a sudden, everything in front of him turned into pure white fog. He was unable to discern where exactly he was as the ground below him was white and foggy.

Ren Ye's squinted his eyes and raised his head to look forward to find a group of people emerging from the fog.

Not a group of people but a hundred of them!

Seeing this, Ren Ye became speechless and watched calmly as they made their way to him. Every person appeared in different type of clothes and different form.

Some of them even had their heads missing.

Ren Ye: "…"

"As expected, some of them didn't have a good ending ," Ren Ye felt pity as he observed.

All of them gathered together surrounding him.

Ren Ye went straight to the point, "Who here has a talent for drawing?"

"Come forth."

None of them said anything as they looked at each other with confusion.

Ren Ye: "…"

"Those who can draw well, come forth."

Ren Ye repeated as he raised his hand above his head, "I offer you the chance to make your wish come true. Those who did not live well to see their dreams bear fruit."

After saying this, a dozen of people came forth and stood in front of Ren Ye. All of them were dressed in a somewhat disheveled manner and some fingers on their hands were slightly bent.

Ren Ye readily conjured a piece of paper and a pencil in front of them, he also conjured painting colors for them to make their pictures more realistic.

"I ask you to draw me a picture."

They looked at the pencils in their hand and raised their eyes to look at him attentively, wanting to hear what he has to offer.

"Your image of a capable man."

Ren Ye said calmly and added, "A man who can kill you with a look with gentle eyes."

The description he gave was ambiguous in nature thus allowing them to explore their ideals. Ren Ye wasn't keen on receiving an image of this exact ideal.

To look scary while having gentle eyes was hard enough to picture.

After he said this, they nodded their head and raised their pencils. They started sketching the outlines of their image of a scary-looking man with gentle eyes.

Ren Ye conjured himself a wooden chair and sat himself down while observing their expression.

Due to them being dead spirits, none of them had any emotions in their eyes; maintaining a sense of being lifeless. But their hands moved skillfully and in a fast pace.

They were true artists whom had been met with a tragic ending.

The reason why he had chosen to call upon a dead soul to help him conjure an image of Ma Zheng to-be 'bodyguard' is due to the saying,

'Dead men tell no tales.'

Giving him a sense of security that no one knew or have any evidence of himself asking an artist to draw him a fake identity. Relying on the dead souls works wonder when it came to hiding a secret.

They were all lifeless.

After more than ten minutes, their hands finally came to a stop as they turned the picture they had drawn to Ren Ye.

Ren Ye raised his eyebrow slightly.

All of them had shown him a completely different image. Ren Ye stood up from his chair and took their drawing.

The first man whom he checked was an elderly man who was blind in one eye.

The picture he had drawn was somewhat simple. It was of a young man with scary-looking scars on his face and somewhat calm eyes.

Ren Ye was somewhat flabbergasted as the man seemed to resembled the artist himself.



Ren Ye checked the drawing from young boy who appeared normal and intact, he must have died early from starvation as he appeared extremely skinny.

The man had drawn a masculine-looking man in a military suit. He had stern and solemn piercing eyes. There was a sense of gentleness as Ren Ye looked at it.

"Hmm, this boy must have been saved by this man in the past," Ren Ye came to a conclusion.

He favored this drawing and placed it in his list of contemplation later on. He could give his identity as a former soldier who had returned home from war.

Next onto a middle-aged man with wrinkles and a professional suit, he wore spectacles as he drew.

He had drawn a man of dignified bearing with hair combed back and a clean shaven face. The man's facial features were refined and had a sense of pride in them.

He appears to be a civil servant.

His eyes didn't contain the gentleness he was looking for but instead it had a professional and stern demeanor, belonging to someone of a high status.

Ren Ye also liked this one.

He placed this into his list for observation later on.

Next onto an elderly man with one of his hands cut off and a long white beard, he appeared to be someone from the ancient age. He was dressed in a suit belonging to previous era.

Ren Ye glanced at the picture as he figured out it had been an oil painting. It was of a mostly bald man with his hair at the back of his head, he had a long black beard.

And he was dressed in a yellow robe.


"I don't think it'd be a good idea to be dressing like this in modern era…"

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